Let the data speak:

Although the total market value of the market is declining compared to Tuesday, the decline is small, only 4 billion, among which Ethereum fell the most, followed by Bitcoin, while today's cottage brought an increase in market value. After being frightened by the decline of Bitcoin, cottage showed obvious signs of rebound.

In terms of trading volume, the trading volume decreased significantly during the market rebound, proving that the seller's power decreased during the price rebound. Among them, the trading volume of Bitcoin and Ethereum decreased less, and the trading volume of cottage decreased more significantly.

In terms of funds, today's data performed well. Compared with the data on Tuesday, the on-site funds increased by 800 million, and the off-site funds flowed in by 1.39 billion, which means that 590 million of the funds directly entered the market for trading, and the other 800 million remained in the market waiting for the opportunity to buy. The inflow of funds still represents the traders' optimism about the market outlook.

In terms of data, it can be summarized that although the market has fallen, traders are still optimistic about the market outlook, and the sentiment has slightly warmed up, and more efforts are needed.
