Binance Square
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On April 14, Bitcoin fell, and some altcoins have begun to fall slowly. The main funds behind them have obviously resisted. On April 15, Hong Kong will launch a Bitcoin ETF, and it is expected that the injection of new funds will stabilize the downward trend of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin moves sideways or upward, those market leaders that have already stopped falling will rebound first. Due to insufficient market liquidity, many currencies will continue to fall rather than rise, and the bottom will be sideways for a long time. Only when the US dollar cuts interest rates or Bitcoin reaches a new high will the funds flowing out of Bitcoin flow to those currencies that have not risen. Remember that it is always difficult to accurately copy the lowest point when buying, and it is already very remarkable to be able to buy at a relatively low point. Why is ENA considered an important investment object? I carefully read many analysis reports and found that it is an upgraded product of LUNA supported by US capital. A huge reserve is exactly what Binance urgently needs. This project will definitely rank among the top ten in the bull market. BOME can be listed on Binance within three days, which shows its strong background and strength. At present, the currency circle has been deeply influenced by capital such as Wall Street. The future trend of BOME can refer to the performance of PEPE, which has risen tenfold in a few days. WLD and ORDI have joined CB's futures contracts and will definitely be listed in the future. AI narratives will run through the entire bull market, and it is expected that the next wave of WLD's value will reach 15u. With the halving of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin ecosystem will become the focus of speculation. At present, ORDI has been widely recognized both at home and abroad, and its target price is above 100u. Some SAGA was also bought, mainly because it has the potential to rebound after oversold, and the funds in the new currency market may also drive a wave of increases when Bitcoin rebounds. CFX is a long-term investment target. Since DWF cleared its CFX positions at a price of 0.5-0.54, there has been a lack of market protection funds in the market, and any good news is difficult to resist the pressure of being sold. The performance of the market in the later period is that CFX rises slightly when the market rises, and falls sharply when the market falls. The currency circle has now become a new battlefield on Wall Street in the United States, supporting SOL and base, driving the market through a large amount of capital investment, launching the explosive MEME coin, and the currency price and ecology prosper together, attracting the attention of funds from the entire market. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #APT

On April 14, Bitcoin fell, and some altcoins have begun to fall slowly. The main funds behind them have obviously resisted. On April 15, Hong Kong will launch a Bitcoin ETF, and it is expected that the injection of new funds will stabilize the downward trend of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin moves sideways or upward, those market leaders that have already stopped falling will rebound first. Due to insufficient market liquidity, many currencies will continue to fall rather than rise, and the bottom will be sideways for a long time. Only when the US dollar cuts interest rates or Bitcoin reaches a new high will the funds flowing out of Bitcoin flow to those currencies that have not risen. Remember that it is always difficult to accurately copy the lowest point when buying, and it is already very remarkable to be able to buy at a relatively low point.

Why is ENA considered an important investment object? I carefully read many analysis reports and found that it is an upgraded product of LUNA supported by US capital. A huge reserve is exactly what Binance urgently needs. This project will definitely rank among the top ten in the bull market.

BOME can be listed on Binance within three days, which shows its strong background and strength. At present, the currency circle has been deeply influenced by capital such as Wall Street. The future trend of BOME can refer to the performance of PEPE, which has risen tenfold in a few days.

WLD and ORDI have joined CB's futures contracts and will definitely be listed in the future. AI narratives will run through the entire bull market, and it is expected that the next wave of WLD's value will reach 15u. With the halving of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin ecosystem will become the focus of speculation. At present, ORDI has been widely recognized both at home and abroad, and its target price is above 100u.

Some SAGA was also bought, mainly because it has the potential to rebound after oversold, and the funds in the new currency market may also drive a wave of increases when Bitcoin rebounds.

CFX is a long-term investment target. Since DWF cleared its CFX positions at a price of 0.5-0.54, there has been a lack of market protection funds in the market, and any good news is difficult to resist the pressure of being sold. The performance of the market in the later period is that CFX rises slightly when the market rises, and falls sharply when the market falls.

The currency circle has now become a new battlefield on Wall Street in the United States, supporting SOL and base, driving the market through a large amount of capital investment, launching the explosive MEME coin, and the currency price and ecology prosper together, attracting the attention of funds from the entire market. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #APT

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在币圈赚大钱,一定要买未来某个时间共识会扩大的资产。 比如之前的铭文,从几U一张干到几千U一张,这个就是 共识的扩大。然后很多人都认为铭文好了,再次冲进来,大家认知都差不多的,不存在差别了,然后基本就不可能赚暴利的钱了。而且大概率是亏钱。 现在的符文,一上线5亿美金,那是因为现有的场内玩家都觉得不错,你基于当前的判断很难赚钱的。 因为你跟现在买的人是没有认知差的,你跟未来会买的人才有认知差,这就是短期博弈赚不了钱的根本原因。 除非你能判断未来符文的共识会扩大到50亿美金100亿美金,那你现在肯定可以买。 但是这个事情到底能不能成,只有天知道。 这个判断当然是很难的。认知决定了财富 就是如此的意思。所以赚钱当然也是很难的。 你如果不搞比特币,一门心思想发财,那么必须先找到几乎没有人玩,没有人认可的赛道。 然后你干进去。这个赛道起来了,那你就起来了。 又或者是市场一片绝望的时候,大家都认为不好的时候他们都割肉了,你干进去或者你坚定不卖拿住,你跟他们的认知行为不一样,这个就是认知差了,你判断对了,你在未来就会发财。 这个才是正确的低买高卖的方法论。你要做的就是跟大部分人都不一样且做对。 假设有一天比特币已经成为家喻户晓的资产,你去存钱,银行的人跟你说要不要买点比特币理财产品。 这个时候共识继续扩大的基础可能就没有了,收益也会变的很一般。 那时候或许是你卖掉btc的时候。 希望我们的相遇是友好的。 #MemeWatch2024 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件
现在大部分人还是担心大跌,担心美联储加息,担心以太坊ETF不通过,各种担心导致对行情不看好,各种吐槽。 其实,行情总是在不经意间就会启动,绝对不是大部分人都认为涨的时候涨。大家可以去回顾一下铭文板块,ORDI,SATS,以及SOL这些呀,之间市场看好的时候,这些币都是涨得很好的时候,大幅的上涨,跑赢了其他币,都在说他们牛逼。 但是实际上,大家都看他涨起来了,都认为他牛逼,结果赚钱了吗?想要赚钱,不是当某个板块,某个币已经启动了,都看好他的时候已经晚了。想要赚钱,是在无人问津时,大家都在骂他,都不看好他,都在说他是垃圾,但是!这个板块却是区块链这个行业不可缺失的,这家公司在默默的付出,研究,为区块链事业奋斗,有价值潜力,只是市值还没有爆发而已。 阿里巴巴、京东、小米、华为,都是现在互联网行业里当之无愧的龙头,但是在他们起来之前,有多少人看好他们?有多少人愿意投资他们?当他们起来都想投资他们,但是还有大机会吗? 他们的股票现在都已经很高了,你现在去买,如果买的位置不对,一样会亏钱,再有价值的公司,当他的价值和价格相匹配后,你也很难赚钱。 以太坊周线这个“稍向下倾斜的平行通道”,背景趋势很明显的,上涨铿锵有力,一点都没有拖泥带水,从3月11日开始回调,到现在已经两个月的时间了,下跌却显得很乏力,回撤水平也并没有超过100%,说明多军占主导力量。 这就是稍向下倾斜平行通道的迷惑性,你感觉行情在下跌,一直在破前低,感觉行情会一直跌,实际上空头力量却非常的弱。 周线已经越来越明显了,空头量能一直在缩量,从逐步破新低再到现在不再破新低,说明空军力量衰弱了,等到星期一收盘如果出现反转信号,那么很快就会出方向。 周线大方向明确了,日线就是用来判断短期走势的,在关键的时刻,小周期的走势会演变出大周期走势。 不管是周线还是日线都至关重要,环环相扣。日线之后就一直处于震荡行情,震荡行情非常的重要,是帮助我们提前判断后续走势的重要趋势。 这一个月的蛛丝马迹足以判断多空强弱: 1、图中出现了三波下跌趋势,但是量能却在逐步缩量,说明下跌力量在减弱。 2、三波下跌并没有有效跌破前低,反而在重要支撑位出现了四次多头强势的信号,说明下方支撑强。 3、图中出现了三波上涨趋势,白色圈里面明显看到,多头量能在一次放量,说明多军力量开始逐步增强。 结合以上的蛛丝马迹日线就非常清晰了:空头力量一直在减弱,多头力量一直在增强,多军强于空军,并且前天还出现了放量的“看涨吞没”。 星期四行情在经历了CPI上涨后,又回调了一下,当很多人在怀疑到底行情是要继续涨,还是诱多的时候,我们在星期四就进行了行情分析,在星期四外面市场都担心又要跌的时候,我们分析提醒,上涨的概率大于下跌。 如果你也想在币圈深耕,想要投资收益最大化,却又识别不了盘面,那么再好的机会都与你无关 。 主页关注我每日都会免费分享现货密码, 牛市布局策略,百倍潜力币 #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #美国4月CPI数据回落
兄弟们,很快就到周六了。周六周日不会有大动静,因为没有美联储官员说话,也没有经济数据发布。 行情分析 不得不防的是以色列对哈马斯发起的进攻, 因为战争是没有休息日的。如果有导弹不小心打到埃及去,或伊朗在以色列背后发起袭击。 那么一场大战势不可免,BTC将暴跌。不过这种可能只有10%。如果没有黑天鹅,BTC会保持强势,有望回到$70000。 看上去降息派对即将重启,咱们能否接着奏乐接着舞呢? 除了CPI之外,越来越多的数据表明美联储加息的效果在显现,比如4月零售销售停滞,两个月增幅下修,表明美国人消费买不动了,一季度美国家庭债务达到纪录水平,说明很多美国人欠债难还。 但9月份降息概率还不算太大,因为鲍威尔周二说过,还将需要至少一个季度的数据才能判断是不是降息。 所以,接下来每次经济数据发布,都会带来新的变量,希望不会扭转降息预期,导致BTC大跌。 链上数据方面还是看多 (1)流入交易所的稳定币继续增加,昨晚8:00之后还在有明显的流入 (2)流入交易所的BTC不多,只有2000多个,这几天大趋势是流出    芝商所(CME)计划推出现货比特币交易, 标志着华尔街主要机构在加密货币的进一步进军,利好BTC。 总之,当前利好大于利空,在今年门头沟9月份释放消息之前,估计还能涨一波, 在车上的兄弟建议耐心持有,以免踏空。 暴涨密码复盘这周推荐了$PEOPLE,$Trump,涨幅至少20%,恭喜在车上的兄弟,给自己加个鸡腿。 如果你也想在币圈深耕,想要投资收益最大化,却又识别不了盘面,那么再好的机会都与你无关 。 主页关注我,每日都会免费分享现货密码, 牛市布局策略,百倍潜力币#MemeWatch2024 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点

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