Binance Square
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#omni This round is called a bull market that does not accept each other's orders: Institutions are running the show, chain-level narratives, 1 billion valuations, and the listing unlocks the sale of coins, but retail investors do not accept it. BRC20 is issued fairly, and retail investors have high-intensity execution to speculate on high targets. There is no time and space for the bottom to accommodate big money, so institutions do not accept it. The coins that Binance takes the lead in supporting are not listed on OK, and the coins that OK takes the lead in supporting are not listed on Binance. Each of them has its own mountaintops and finds thugs. Everyone has a lot of projects in their hands, and the exchanges do not accept each other's orders. The East plays with inscriptions, and the West rushes to depin. Now the West has begun to rush to inscriptions and runes, and the East has formed L2 again. The East and the West do not accept each other's orders. Advocate playing new instead of old, the old market is difficult to support alone, the new market is not yet mature, and imitation markets are pouring in, and the new and old do not accept each other's orders. Stock game, experienced in the battlefield, both are very smart, and everyone who can stay now is an elite. 💥If you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it will have nothing to do with you. Move your lucky little fingers, like and follow, share the information on the reasons for rise and fall every day, and the code of wealth will be delivered to your home!

#omni This round is called a bull market that does not accept each other's orders:

Institutions are running the show, chain-level narratives, 1 billion valuations, and the listing unlocks the sale of coins, but retail investors do not accept it.

BRC20 is issued fairly, and retail investors have high-intensity execution to speculate on high targets. There is no time and space for the bottom to accommodate big money, so institutions do not accept it.

The coins that Binance takes the lead in supporting are not listed on OK, and the coins that OK takes the lead in supporting are not listed on Binance. Each of them has its own mountaintops and finds thugs. Everyone has a lot of projects in their hands, and the exchanges do not accept each other's orders.

The East plays with inscriptions, and the West rushes to depin. Now the West has begun to rush to inscriptions and runes, and the East has formed L2 again. The East and the West do not accept each other's orders.

Advocate playing new instead of old, the old market is difficult to support alone, the new market is not yet mature, and imitation markets are pouring in, and the new and old do not accept each other's orders.

Stock game, experienced in the battlefield, both are very smart, and everyone who can stay now is an elite.

💥If you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it will have nothing to do with you. Move your lucky little fingers, like and follow, share the information on the reasons for rise and fall every day, and the code of wealth will be delivered to your home!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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🔥2024.4.2.28.兔斯基.加密晨报: 1. 受ETH现货ETF预期影响,#ETH(以太坊) 底部持续在抬升,ETH汇率开始走上升趋势, 2.110号符文RUNES•X•BITCOIN空投已完成,地址数超越DOG位居第二 3.Web3 首部短剧《回到未来:我是比特币之王》计划于 30 日开启短剧 meme 币 $IBOSS 空投,全网视频点击量已突破 100 万; 4.Amaranth 基金会创始人再次通过 Aave 加仓做多 ETH/BTC 汇率; 5.10x Research:BTC 新的下跌趋势似乎正在形成 ;光明正大看空的来了; 6.dYdX Trading Season 4 积分查询页面已开启; 7.KIP Protocol 推出灵魂绑定代币,包含 KIP 代币空投等奖励; 8.俄罗斯杜马立法者考虑禁止加密交易所; 9.富兰克林邓普顿以太坊现货 ETF 代码 EZET 已在 DTCC 网站列出; 10. 中国台湾检方建议对 ACE 交易所诈骗案 4 名主要嫌疑人判处 20 年有期徒刑; 11.Jupiter 上线 Jito Bundles 打赏功能,以帮助用户避免 MEV 攻击; 12.港交所:将博时 HashKey、华夏、嘉实比特币及以太坊 ETF 收纳为中央结算系统多柜台合资格证; 13.#runes 社区目前已经处于“冷启动”阶段,不再需要拉GAS了,主打一个价值发现; 14.Omni Network:OMNI 创世质押奖励将于 5 月 1 日结束; 15.多家比特币矿企股价逆市上涨,减半或引发行业整合; 16.Memeland:面向 Stakeland 社区的 Runecoin 空投已全部完成; 17. MomoAI 宣布与 TON 达成战略合作,将基于 TON 打造 Web3 游戏增长平台; 18.Galxe 社区发起的更换代币符号及代币合约迁移提案已通过; 💥如果你识别不了盘面,那么再好的机会都将与你无关。动动您的发财小手指,点赞关注,每日分享涨跌起因资讯,财富密码到你家!
🔥2024.4.2.27.兔斯基.加密晨报: 1.GBTC昨日净流出8240万美元,富达FBTC净流出280万美元,比特币短时跌破63,000美元,24小时跌幅1.7% 2.花旗:预计美联储将于 7 月降息,年内共降息 100 个基点;受到这句话的利好继续拉盘,然后下跌; 3.山寨币出现普跌行情,AR 24小时跌超12% 4.@Eminem于推特发布 视频广告; 5.@MaviaGame因价格自 2 月以来下跌 65%,推迟了以太坊代币解锁; 6.Kamino Finance 基金会将于 4 月 30 日推出 KMNO 并公布代币经济学;估摸着又会给 @Backpack空投? 7.MOCA 创 CoinList 2024 年迄今最快超额认购销售纪录;Aethir 宣布将向 Mocaverse NFT 社区进行空投;参加个公募还这么麻烦哎,一言难尽; 8.WSJ:Sam Altman 将加入美国人工智能安全委员会;$wld 甚至拉了一下; 9.PENDLE 持仓第二鲸鱼向 Binance 转入超 120.6 万枚 PENDLE,约 674 万美元;@pendle_fi似乎从积分子弹打不出去后,开始回调; 10.Yuga Labs 重组公司,裁员以专注于较小加密团队; 11.@BitlayerLabs5000 万美金开发者空投活动已吸引超 500 个生态项目报名; 12.Ripple 将其美国 ODL 服务从 XRP 转向 USDT 以应对监管压力; 13.FTX 的更多 Solana 已经在拍卖中流向 Pantera Capital;这部分应该是锁仓的; 14.Scroll主网将于4月29日10时进行Bernoulli升级 15.ARK Invest 清仓 BITO 股票; 16. #SolanaMemeCoins 项目 $SLERF 快还完款了,但是价格也开始下跌中;利好落地价格下跌? 17.Telegram 创始人:本月 Telegram 新增了 17 项功能,新功能拓展了用户使用 Telegram 的方式; 18.@ParallelFi和bridgeM 一起举办的空投活动官宣; 19.加密律师 John Deaton 在 SEC 挑战中为 Coinbase 辩护; 20. 富兰克林以太坊现货ETF代码EZET已在DTCC网站列出 💥如果你识别不了盘面,那么再好的机会都将与你无关。动动您的发财小手指,点赞关注,每日分享涨跌起因资讯,财富密码到你家!
🔥2024.4.26.兔斯基.加密晨报: 1. 昨日美国现货比特币ETF净流出1.97亿美元,大盘上涨无力。 2. #W 拉升触及0.66美元后回落,24小时涨超14%,同时MEME板块涨势喜人 3. #Runes 符文石空投的 $DOG ,夜间最高达到了58.有望成为龙头。 4.昨日消息:美司法部律师寻求对 #CZ 判处36个月的监禁并罚款5000万美元, 律师反驳:CZ应被判缓刑而非监禁. CZ向法官提交致歉信,另有161封各行业人员求情信 #cz判罚 5.Consensys起诉美SEC,MetaMask各项服务不违法 6.马斯克AI公司 #xAI 正进行60亿美元融资,红杉资本等参投 7.ViaBTC 的第四次比特币减半区块的 “史诗级 sat” 售价为 33.3 BTC(213 万美元); 8.#solana 上大池子的 #memecoin 真的就一直拉盘一直爽; 9.NEAR 基金会宣布与 Lulo X 和 Peersyst Technology 达成合作; 10.Wormhole:W 成为原生多链代币,完成路线图第二阶段,将推出 MultiGov 和 W 质押; 11.Magic Eden现已扩展至Base网络 12.Consensys 就美国证券交易委员会对以太坊的 “非法扣押权力” 提起诉讼; 13.以太坊蓝筹NFT行情回暖,BAYC 7日涨近40% 14.a16z Crypto 总法律顾问 发布代币发行的 5 条规则,包含切勿以筹款目的在美国公开出售代币等; 15.@AethirCloud宣布启动 Aethir Cloud Drop 活动,将持续至 5 月 12 日; 16.@AvailProject即将推出主网并与 Arbitrum、Optimism、Polygon、StarkWare 和 zkSync 集成; 17.Stripe 通过 USDC 稳定币恢复加密货币支付; 18.@ImmutablezkEVM 为以太坊玩家提供高达 5000 万美元的代币奖励; 19.美国通胀报告令人失望,降息希望减弱 ; 20.昨日 9 只 ETF 共减持 1104 枚 BTC,约合 7010 万美元; 💥如果你识别不了盘面,那么再好的机会都将与你无关。动动您的发财小手指,点赞关注,每日分享涨跌起因资讯,财富密码到你家!

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