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I ask you a question, and you must give me an answer without hesitation. If you make 5 million in the cryptocurrency circle today, what will you do? If your answer is: I want to buy... This is why you didn't make any money. You haven't made 5 million because you have no concept of money. Let's do a test: What can you buy with 1 yuan? What can you buy with 10 yuan? What can you buy with 100 yuan? What can you buy with 1,000 yuan? What can you buy with 10,000 yuan? What can you buy with 100,000 yuan? What can you buy with 100,000 yuan? What can you buy with 1 million yuan? What can you buy with 10 million yuan? Answer from top to bottom, and you will be very smooth at the beginning. 1 yuan can buy an old popsicle. Those with children may say that they can sit in a rocking car at the entrance of the supermarket for a few minutes and buy a newspaper. 10 yuan can buy vegetables, and three bottles of Coke will have one yuan left. 100 yuan can eat 4 days of work meals, etc. The key to doing this test is that you have to give the answer immediately, and the more answers the better. The answers are all correct, there is no mistake. It is not important to answer what you can buy. What is important is that you can answer many things and where you get stuck? At which level can you not answer? The level you can not answer is basically your current income level. If you are asked what you can buy with 100,000 yuan, and you can not answer it immediately, then your monthly salary may be the level above, less than 10,000 yuan. If you can not answer what 1 million yuan can buy with 10 million yuan, then you can infer what money is equal to, which is the basic concept of money. This test is very accurate, because you have never owned this money, so you have no concept of what it can buy. If you have no concept of this money, it can prove that you have never owned this money. Your understanding of money determines the money you can make. The money you make will never be more than what you can understand, so the money you earn by luck will never stay in your pocket for long. #比特币减半 #etf #WIF #sui #SHIB More detailed bull market strategy analysis! Get real-time information in advance, click on my avatar, Follow me. My bull market strategy and internal information of the currency circle are shared with all fans for free!

I ask you a question, and you must give me an answer without hesitation.

If you make 5 million in the cryptocurrency circle today, what will you do? If your answer is: I want to buy... This is why you didn't make any money. You haven't made 5 million because you have no concept of money.

Let's do a test:

What can you buy with 1 yuan?

What can you buy with 10 yuan?

What can you buy with 100 yuan?

What can you buy with 1,000 yuan?

What can you buy with 10,000 yuan?

What can you buy with 100,000 yuan?

What can you buy with 100,000 yuan?

What can you buy with 1 million yuan?

What can you buy with 10 million yuan?

Answer from top to bottom, and you will be very smooth at the beginning. 1 yuan can buy an old popsicle. Those with children may say that they can sit in a rocking car at the entrance of the supermarket for a few minutes and buy a newspaper. 10 yuan can buy vegetables, and three bottles of Coke will have one yuan left. 100 yuan can eat 4 days of work meals, etc.

The key to doing this test is that you have to give the answer immediately, and the more answers the better. The answers are all correct, there is no mistake. It is not important to answer what you can buy. What is important is that you can answer many things and where you get stuck? At which level can you not answer? The level you can not answer is basically your current income level. If you are asked what you can buy with 100,000 yuan, and you can not answer it immediately, then your monthly salary may be the level above, less than 10,000 yuan. If you can not answer what 1 million yuan can buy with 10 million yuan, then you can infer what money is equal to, which is the basic concept of money. This test is very accurate, because you have never owned this money, so you have no concept of what it can buy. If you have no concept of this money, it can prove that you have never owned this money.

Your understanding of money determines the money you can make. The money you make will never be more than what you can understand, so the money you earn by luck will never stay in your pocket for long.

#比特币减半 #etf #WIF #sui #SHIB

More detailed bull market strategy analysis! Get real-time information in advance, click on my avatar,

Follow me.

My bull market strategy and internal information of the currency circle are shared with all fans for free!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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#比特币减半 之后,该怎么做才能适应接下来的市场 只要你这么做了,你就能在牛市中翻身 币圈的信仰在大饼上,大饼还会新高。。 在交易里有人适合短线人适合波段,在交易前我们一定要审视自己,发现自己的长处是什么,然后去专修即可,而东施效颦模仿各种操作手法,到最后什么都没学会 上涨中,你好怕跌,不敢买或者赶紧卖出等回调 下跌中,你好怕继续跌,不敢买继续等新低 每天都让自己活在交易的恐惧中 为什么不简单点?买入现货拿着就好,无视波动 很多人总以为在交易中越努力就赚的越多 实际上,对大多数人来说越努力亏的越多 庄家最怕什么人?怕拿着不动,怎么震荡都甩不掉的人 牛市里赚钱,不过是恰好在电梯里罢了,亮了是因为太阳升起,而不是公鸡打鸣;多数人爬得是因为电梯往上升,而不是因为你在电梯里努力做俯卧撑。市场赏饭的时候你只要把嘴长着就这能有多难? 难的就是克服贪欲,坚持交易纪律,坐怀不乱,守住道心。 资金管理多么重要,这才是交易最核心的东西,只有做好了资金管理,你才不会死。 定记得,一次开仓,只开 5%,最多10%,绝不加仓。 所有的大佬,都是倒在 亏损加仓摊平成本上。 比如今晚八点半这一波行情,假如你在63000多做多了,这没问题的,问题不是出在你看错了,你总会看错的,你不可能永远对, 问题出在看错了还不止损,还浮亏加仓,还打单,这才是根本啊,很多人都在反思,是我看错了所以我才亏的。反思的角度错了,在反思有啥用呢 定记得,对错不重要,关键是错了要认错,要止损,这才是最重要的, 我不会买什么就做短线,短线挣不到钱,所以说天天分析市场就是迎合散户的安慰剂。我持有至少要等翻倍,至于什么时候卖,至少翻倍才会瞅一下。 不做短线,这个应该很容易理解,一年只需要操作三次翻倍行情,就是 10倍,想想自己天天在市场里进进出出,赚了多少呢。操作的次数少一定比多要好 要轻操作,重准备,每一次做决定都要思考准备很久才能去下手,而不是随意买卖。频繁操作只不过是给平台送手续费。 大牛趋势不变,2024-2025年,如果你想上岸的话,跟上步伐。 在我这里,你跟上就一切都简单。  #OMNI 减半后我会公布新的鲜货米玛,预计6倍起步!#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 还是那句话,如果你来找我,我带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好, 评论区扣 8 的朋友进羊村!#Meme  #SHIB 老李不会让老李的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空!!
DOGE20 推出后飙升 100% ,将是这轮牛市的100倍币吗? 1、Dogecoin20价格飙升,引领Meme代币热潮 Dogecoin20于今日早些时候上市,价格随即飙升100%,投资者热情高涨,纷纷涌入这一新兴Meme代币市场。 2、Dogecoin20市场表现稳健,超越同类竞品 截至美国东部时间上午6:35,Dogecoin20价格虽有所回调,但仍维持在0.0001953美元,涨幅超过8%。在竞争激烈的迷因币市场中,其表现显著优于狗狗币(DOGE)、柴犬币(SHIB)等同类竞品。 3、长期投资者看好Dogecoin20未来走势 随着短期投资者的逐渐退出,具备长期投资价值的Dogecoin20吸引了更多价值投资者的关注。这些投资者认为,Dogecoin20的价格在未来几天内有望继续攀升。 4、买家抓住回调机会,期待价格反弹 在Dogecoin20价格回调的过程中,买家们纷纷将其视为入市的良机。加密货币图表上的绿色蜡烛显示,买盘力量正在逐步增强。随着上市初期的波动逐渐平息,Dogecoin20的价格将进入新的上升通道。 5、Dogecoin20上市时机理想,多头信心满满 鉴于4月20日国际狗狗日的临近,Dogecoin20的上市时机可谓恰到好处。投资者和分析师普遍认为,这一特殊日子将为Dogecoin20等狗狗币衍生品带来显著的上涨动力。 6、Dogecoin20面临较小抛售压力,价格上涨可期 由于Dogecoin20的大部分代币已被锁定11个月,因此该代币在未来几个月内将面临较小的抛售压力。这有助于Dogecoin20价格在未来几周内稳步上升,投资者在加密货币订单簿的买方积极建立流动性安全网。 7、Dogeverse等新模因币亦受关注,预售量飙升 除了Dogecoin20外,Dogeverse等多链狗狗币衍生品也受到了投资者的广泛关注。这些新模因币自推出以来预售量持续攀升,显示出强劲的市场需求。 8、Dogeverse力求成为链式旅行总督,提供跨链灵活性 Dogeverse旨在成为“世界上第一个链式旅行总督”,为投资者提供跨多个网络的灵活性。这一特点使得Dogeverse在模因币领域中脱颖而出,吸引了大量投资者的关注。 9、Dogeverse预售筹集巨额资金,路线图分五阶段推进 Dogeverse的预售已筹集超过680万美元,并有望在未来几天内突破700万美元大关。项目团队公布了分为五个阶段的路线图,目前正忙于第二阶段的工作,包括合同审核等。 10、Dogeverse上市计划备受期待,有望推动价格上涨 投资者对Dogeverse的未来上市计划充满期待,认为这将为加密货币价格带来积极影响。随着Dogeverse在多个去中心化交易所和中心化交易所的上市计划逐步推进,该代币有望吸引更多投资者关注,推动价格上涨。 大牛趋势不变,2024-2025年,如果你想上岸的话,跟上步伐。 在我这里,你跟上就一切都简单。  #比特币减半 减半后我会公布新的鲜货米玛,预计6倍起步!#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 还是那句话,如果你来找我,我带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好, 评论区扣 8 的朋友进羊村!#Meme  #SHIB 老李不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空!!#大盘走势
以太坊接下来会跌至2000美元吗? 根据数据显示,以太坊 [ETH]在过去 24 小时内跌破 3,000 美元,价格下跌 3.24% 。 由于多头努力克服大盘的下行波动,第二大加密货币本周已调整了 17%。 然而,市场参与者似乎对持续的下跌做出了不同的反应,一些人在投资中获利了结,而另一些人则以较低的价格积累 ETH。 买还是卖? 根据链上追踪数据平台Lookonchain的数据,以逢低买入闻名的鲸鱼周三购买了 3,279 枚 ETH,按现行价格计算价值 975 万美元。 这位颇具影响力的投资者最近将 ETH 投资增加了一倍,截至 4 月 17 日,其持有的 ETH 代币数量高达 86,457 个。 相反,Spot On Chain的数据显示,2015 年首次代币发行 (ICO) 的活跃参与者鲸鱼以 2,997 美元的售价出售了 2,000 个 ETH。 作为 ICO 的一部分,鲸鱼以 0.31 美元的价格收到了 33,213 ETH。因此,最新的销售使他们的回报增加了几个数量级。 大盘有何反应? 为了更好地了解市场对 ETH 暴跌的反应,AMBCrypto 检查了 Santiment 的鲸鱼指标。 值得注意的是,这两个鲸鱼群——1,000至10,000头和100,000至100万头——数量在一周内有所增加,表明它们正在积累。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #sui 喜欢现货,想一起滚资金,屯牛市现货的 点击头像,关注我,无偿分享,圈内等你! 在当前起伏的市场变化中,盲目单干永远不会带来机会!!!
比特币减半之前 OMNI 值得投资吗? 加密货币市场近期风起云涌,全球市场总市值达2.23万亿美元,然而过去24小时却经历了3.88%的下跌。在这样的背景下,OMNI Network (OMNI) 作为以太坊上崭露头角的新星,自然成为市场关注的焦点。 OMNI自空投以来价格跌幅约50%,其未来走势备受投资者关注。而即将到来的比特币第四次减半,预计于2024年4月20日发生,更是为市场增添了一层不确定性。在这样的背景下,OMNI是否值得投资成为了投资者热议的话题。 目前OMNI价格为24.16美元,一日内下跌41.61%,显示出市场波动的剧烈程度。CoinMarketCap数据显示,OMNI市值约为2.51亿美元,排名第231位,显示出其市场地位与潜力。24小时交易量达到约5.79亿美元,表明市场对其的关注度与交易活跃度。流通总量中约10.39%的OMNI已被交易,暗示市场仍有较大潜力等待释放。 Omni作为一种以太坊原生互操作性协议,通过低延迟通信连接所有以太坊汇总,解决了Rollup导致的碎片化问题。它利用重新抵押技术创造高性能区块链,将以太坊的安全性与速度优化相结合。这使得开发人员能够构建全球应用程序,并享受增加的流动性和集成机会。资产发行者和现有应用程序也能从中受益,实现全球利益与扩展。 交易量与用户基数:Omni Network已处理750万笔交易,拥有40万用户,显示出其强大的处理能力和广泛采用。生态系统项目:网络上有30多个生态系统项目,涵盖了区块链领域的各个方面,为OMNI提供了丰富的应用场景和发展潜力。社区影响力:OMNI在Discord和Twitter上拥有庞大的社区,分别拥有超过400,000名成员和350,000名关注者,这为其发展提供了强大的社区支持和市场影响力。 OMNI Network在Coinbase、KuCoin、Binance和Crypto.com等顶级加密货币交易所的上市,极大地提高了其市场曝光度和可信度,为投资者提供了更便捷的交易渠道,有助于推动网络增长和价格稳定。 面对加密货币市场的波动和比特币减半事件的不确定性,投资OMNI既存在风险也蕴含潜在回报。OMNI Network在交易处理、生态多样性和社区影响力等方面的优势为其未来发展提供了有力支撑。然而,投资者在决策时仍需谨慎考虑市场波动、技术风险以及个人投资目标等因素。 总结: OMNI作为以太坊上的新兴项目,虽然近期价格有所波动,但其技术优势、生态多样性和社区影响力等方面的表现令人瞩目。投资者在关注其投资潜力的同时,也需保持理性,谨慎决策。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #OMNI #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #WIF 喜欢现货,想一起滚资金,屯牛市现货的 点击头像,关注我,无偿分享,圈内等你! 在当前起伏的市场变化中,盲目单干永远不会带来机会!!!

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