Market analysis on April 16

1. Analysis of the market trend of Auntie

1. Analysis of Auntie's intraday trend

Let's take a look at Auntie's intraday trend; the market realized a round of oversold rebound at the previous position of 2800. The market reached the high point of the rebound at 3277 yesterday. The upper pressure continued to fall. This morning, the market came to the lower position of 3000 and started a round of early rebound. Then it continued to fall at 3120. From the previous trend, the market experienced the adjustment stage of 4 waves. The callback area of ​​4 waves is in the 3100-2980 area. As long as the market stabilizes at 3000 again, the market will continue to rise. From the trend, the 3rd wave does not have an extended wave trend. Auntie is likely to come out of the 5th wave to extend the trend. If it falls back and stabilizes, the market will continue to rise. The space will come to the upper 3500 position. If it cannot stabilize at the lower 3000 position, the market will continue to fall. Pay attention to the 3000 position below during the day today to see if the market can support it and rebound

2. Analysis of the intraday trend of Big Cake

From the perspective of the intraday trend of the big cake: the market touched the 60,000 position below and started a round of rebound trend again. After touching the 66,800 position above yesterday, the market fell to the lowest point of 62,300 yesterday, with a drop of about 4,000 points. Yesterday, we also touched the top near the 66,800 position and made a short order. The market continued to rebound near the 62,300 position in the morning today, and resisted the pressure near the 64,000 position above. Then the market started a round of horizontal adjustment. From the perspective of the front structure, the market is also doing a round of 2-wave callback trend. As long as the 62,400 position can be successfully established, the market will start a new round of rise. Look at the 68,000 position area above. Pay attention to the 62,400 position below today to stabilize and broadcast a rebound operation.

2. News situation

From the market news: the market will not have too high sentiment for Hong Kong ETFs, and the capital volume will not be large. In addition, the net outflow of ETFs yesterday accelerated the flight of funds. The market may continue to fall in the future trend. $BTC $ETH $SOL