I got up early in the morning and received several messages that several people who went to play nada were cut off.

Last night, Zhima issued an announcement saying that it would compensate Nada for its abnormal losses, hoping that it would have a clear vision, give full compensation, and freeze the funds used in malicious market manipulation.

I guess the most likely scenario is that they will compensate a portion of the profits, each with a 50% penalty, and then remove Nada from the shelves as a warning to others. They will definitely be the ones who make the most money.

For more information about NADA, please refer to "How Sesame and NADA Harvest Arbitrageurs"

I just wrote about this trick yesterday, and there are still people going there. This is an obvious trap, I didn't expect there are still people who would play it.

They were unable to close their arbitrage positions yesterday. Why? Because there is no counterparty in the market. How can the exchange, which is your counterparty, close your position for you?

Finally, they said they pressed a button to force liquidation and withdrew with a 50% loss.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

When I stay in a hotel suitcase, I have to wear a fire mask and practice several times until I can run out the door with my eyes closed, for fear of being suffocated to death in a fire.

When I walk on the street, I try to walk inside the eaves. If I walk outside, I'm afraid of a kitchen knife flying down from above.

Today, there is a real avalanche of copycats. Unfortunately, I don’t have a USB anymore and I don’t have the money to buy one.

Last month, I sold out all my stocks of Mouse, CSAS, BTCS and the three treasures of Inscriptions and sold them at a loss. Now it seems that it was a very correct decision.

A few days ago, I cleared my positions in beamx and imx, reduced my positions in ordi by 3/4, and reduced my positions in sol by 1/2. I was lucky enough to escape the butcher's knife. All the money I earned went to Bitcoin. Bitcoin fell, but I was very confident that it could come back, but the others might not.

Therefore, my usual strategy is to make money from copycats and then exchange it for big business in time. I don’t have the ability to make hundreds or even dozens of times more money from copycats. Since I don’t recognize my own abilities, I don’t need to worry about other people’s abilities in this area.

I participated in An An's event, and my U that I borrowed with Pepe as collateral was liquidated. I was forced to pay back the money, and lost 278 million Pepe, which is worth about 1,600 U. It's heartbreaking.

Everyone who borrows money must reduce leverage. 40-50% is recommended.

It is not recommended to play any contracts at this time, because the market trend is unclear, so you can only kill the contract to replenish ammunition.

Uni's stock price skyrocketed to 17U after the dividend proposal was issued, then dropped to 7U, and I never moved. It was a roller coaster ride.

Newbies must have the wrong idea that why don’t you sell at a high price? Wouldn’t it be better to just sell and buy back?

Using short-term decision-making operations to understand long-term decisions is self-contradictory. It is okay to do this occasionally as a hobby, but it is not okay to use it as a strategy. Because this strategy is contradictory. Logically, it does not work.

I make long-term decisions, how can I sell? I have confidence in Uni. A Wells notice, something that already existed was published in the media and brought up again to scare the leeks.

As a result, uni was smashed by the dealer, which is really speechless. This is probably a trick to scare away the leeks so that the dealer can collect chips.

This is basically the last chance to collect uni chips. It will be very difficult for newcomers to grab uni chips.

Leeks have three skills: buy at high points, sell at low points, and recover and stop profit. As long as you don't do these operations, you are out of the range of leeks.

Making money is always a matter for a minority of people. I remember that many people said last year that Ethereum would surpass Bitcoin, but in the end, Ethereum did not rise at all in this bull market.

Why can’t it get up? Why is the Cancun upgrade so lame? Because there is no secret anymore. Everyone bought Ethereum early, and the market can’t move anymore. No one is willing to take over.

How can the banker manipulate the market to make everyone make money? This is extremely unreasonable. Why is Bitcoin soaring? Because not many people are buying it.

I asked around and found that very few people were buying it. As for why they didn't buy it, they all said it was too expensive and meaningless.

Configuration is still very important. I hope there will be some U in the event, so that I can make up for the lost pepe and buy back sol at the same time.

Please believe me, everything I said is wrong.

I have finished writing, keep it up. I am a masseur in Circle B, an old investor who sincerely wishes you to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle.