I know that many people in the cryptocurrency circle trade cryptocurrencies based on news. If there is good news, they buy, and if there is bad news, they short.

But in fact this is just a superficial phenomenon. The truth is that news follows the price of the currency.

As long as the currency price goes up, good news will come out, one after another.

Is this the kind of good news that comes with the final frenzy phase of the bull market?

In this atmosphere, you must be judging that the price of this currency will continue to rise.

This is why we cannot see the true face of Mount Lu because we are already in it.

You cannot see clearly that you are in a bull market during a bull market. It is only when prices fall and are cut in half that you realize that it was a bull market before and now it is over.

Don't be stubborn and say that you know when the bull market will peak. You can't know.

The reason is simple, if you know it, you can escape the top, you can also short, and then you will get rich.

Where does the news come from? It must be thought out, said, and spread by people. News is a combination of people's thoughts and actions.

The price of a currency is a fact, not an opinion.

For example, if you go out with a pretty girl today, there might be news that you are awesome and have found a pretty girlfriend. The dog licker finally succeeded. The goddess actually likes you, you are so lucky. Based on the fact of this date, there might be a lot of news.

Then many people will think so, I heard the news, sure enough, you are an ordinary person, you must be good at picking up girls, so you found a beautiful girlfriend. In my opinion, it seems that the news affected this fact. In fact, the fact came first and then the news.

If you don't believe me, let me give you an example. Suppose there is a coin that is not popular now. The whole world is talking about it. For example, EOS is good. Now many people say that this coin will kill Ethereum. Buy it. Then will you buy it? You will definitely feel that you are being ripped off again.

Media traffic is also a resource. Will they concentrate on using this limited resource for a coin that is not increasing in value? How much profit can they get from using it? These are all issues that media resource owners need to consider.

If Ordi's market value rises to 5 billion at this moment, then there will definitely be various news about the Bitcoin ecosystem, saying that this is the fuse for the second round of bull market.

Inscriptions will occupy a market value of hundreds of billions and become an important asset of the Bitcoin ecosystem. At this time, there must be all kinds of unexpected good news.

The project party can write their own vision at will and then get PTT financing.

If there is news in the market that a certain coin is good, but the price of the coin does not rise, then it is useless.

If the price of the currency has already risen, there will definitely be people who will promote it and continue to push up the price to cash out.

Because no one noticed this coin in the early stage, retail investors would not buy it and it would not rise in price for no reason.

Only when the big market makers buy it first and then send a message saying that this coin is good, can people in the market form this awareness.

Buy, buy, buy.

It is important to remember that facts determine news, not news that determines facts.

The price of the currency soared after the news came out, but that was just the inertia after the price of the currency soared.

For example, when the news about the Federal Reserve came out that day, the price of the currency soared. You would definitely think that the news determines the price of the currency.

In fact, it was just the opposite. The price of the coin fell too much to 66,000, and then people bought a lot of it. The price went up, and then there was news.

It is impossible that the news was released first and the price of the currency started to rise 10 minutes later. Then all of you have room for arbitrage.

Then it rose to 70,000. In the early morning, Lao Bao made some hawkish remarks again, causing the price of the currency to fall rapidly.

Why did Bao say this? This is to accumulate energy for interest rate cuts so that those unsteady bubbles can be completely squeezed out, and only those who are determined to hold on will remain.

Someone asked me, isn’t it that the price goes up after the news is released? If BTC is already 200,000 dollars, can it still go up after the market releases this news?

On the contrary, BTC is now 20,000 dollars. With Bao's hawkish remarks, can it still plummet?

People just follow the rules and speak according to the rules. But their words are not the rules. It is impossible for them to follow the rules.

They can only speak based on objective data. So the facts have come out, and they can only speak based on the facts.

Facts cannot be allowed to develop according to the content of their words.

This is what I understand as price affecting news. It is not the news that affects the price.

All prices have already been marked by secret facts, not by news spread by someone.

We can review 9.4,312 5.19. If it falls too much, it will rise. If it rises too much, it is ready to fall.

It's just that it's difficult for us to know this dark fact.