Who can explain the logic that Shanzhai bull market will definitely explode in this bull market? Based on the experience of previous bull markets, Shanzhai bull market will have a bull market, but experience is not necessarily the truth. Just because it has been right in the past does not mean it will be right in the future. Of course, it may not be wrong. Who can explain the logic of Shanzhai bull market and whether there are Shanzhai bulls in this bull market? This is the most critical issue at present. A group of people shouted Shanzhai bulls and took the opportunity to buy at the bottom. Why don’t they talk about the logic of Shanzhai bulls? Study it yourself. I don’t want to listen to these people shouting without logic!

Maybe they really treat leeks as leeks. Leeks don’t need logic, they just need to rush without thinking! Maybe they themselves don’t understand the logic!

Study it yourself and be responsible for your own money!