Each of you has your own inherent pattern, and the pattern can only be changed if you awaken yourself. Behind me are thousands of traders, whose consciousness together constitutes my collective consciousness, and I am also constantly patterned and reincarnated. What is my pattern? It is the center. It can be said that "I am the center and the center is me". Without the center, of course there is no oscillation, no oscillation deviation, and no end to the oscillation.

After the rebound, a new 5F center is formed. There are many ways to decompose the 5F center. You can start from 99 or 6. Here I will use a more comfortable way to divide it. The three-segment sub-level structure of the center: 6-15, 15-18 and 18-21. The first segment is an a+B+c structure as a whole. 14 can be seen as the three sells of the 1F center of 912. The second and third segments are both ABC consolidation divergence structures. These are relatively obvious operation opportunities and are typical interval sets. The interval of the center, that is, the two dotted lines, forms the real resistance and support positions.

After the center is formed, it is the oscillation of the center. The first oscillation segment is the line segment trend of 21-26. The position of 26 is also an opportunity for operation. Let me show you the operation of the oscillation segment starting from 21 and zoom in on this segment:

First of all, "there is no trend, no divergence". Trends are generated by divergence. When I reach A, you should know that the two trends before and after the 2425-type center diverge, that is, point A is the position to open a short position. After opening a short position, you should be very clear: the next trend is chaotic. The chaos here means: I may fall a little bit, or I can start a new oscillation segment and fall a lot. Although they are all going down, the amplitude is different, this is chaos. You can't know in advance how much I will fall next, and then put the stop profit position to the position you expect. "The future mind is unattainable", put down the "future mind", and pay attention to my current trend, which is the most vivid, and I will tell you how much I will fall at the moment.

As mentioned earlier, the position of the center is resistance and support. So coming down from point A, it is natural that the first support or resistance is the dotted line above, which is the position of 5FZG. First, it is blocked at B and bounces back. At this time, you have to be careful, I may not continue to fall, and then fall again, but still be blocked, and there is a consolidation divergence inside C, which is telling you "I won't go down", you have to close your position. I tell you twice that I can't go down, so don't wait for the third time.

Each of you has your own inherent pattern, and the pattern can only be changed if you awaken yourself. Behind me are thousands of traders, whose consciousness together constitutes my collective consciousness, and I am also constantly patterned and reincarnated. What is my pattern? It is the center. It can be said that "I am the center and the center is me". Without the center, of course there is no oscillation, no oscillation deviation, and no end to the oscillation.

The central axis oscillation should take the 5F center, 1F center and smaller level center as the real resistance and support position, and the safest position to open a position is of course the range trap, consolidation divergence or divergence position.

The central axis oscillation is the up and down oscillation around the center. If it can't swing down or rise up at the consolidation divergence or divergence position, it will continue to oscillate. The end point of the oscillation section is the opening position, and the subsequent resistance and support are used to measure the closing position.

I would like to emphasize again that I am in a chaotic state, that is, an unpredictable state. If you like to study the three-body problem, you will know that I am homogeneous with the three-body problem and are unpredictable. Only under special initial conditions does the three-body problem have some special solutions. The same is true for me. This is very important because in chaos, what you need to know is where there are special solutions. This position is where you open a position, and all other positions are gambling.

Maybe you don’t understand me at first and make wrong judgments, but as long as you are aware of your own beliefs, not bound by past experiences, and don’t expect me in the future, and only focus on the present, you will understand me more and more. Only when you understand me can you operate smoothly, otherwise you will fall into the pain of looking for indicators, and then try to use indicators to give yourself a sense of security, but that is the biggest danger.