After the US data came out, I went all the way down to the 4-hour annual line. Observing this red line, I have been supported by the red annual line three times. So will I be supported again this time? If you don't look at my internal structure, but only look at the past trends, then the operator will draw a conclusion based on past experience or other data: I will continue to fall, or I will be supported again. But the basis of this conclusion is not based on my current structure, but factors outside of me. Even if the operator is right, it cannot prove that his reason is right. Here I will tell you why the 4-hour annual line supports me again and opens a new oscillation segment. Look at the internal structure of my decline from 72888 this time. This is the core, and the others are auxiliary.

Before reaching the position 92 in the above figure, I have gone through two consolidation breaks. The 5FZG and ZD in the above figure are the second 5F center. Then, after the shock deviation left the center last night, it entered the divergence stage. Of course, this divergence stage is just a consolidation divergence, and whether this consolidation divergence can have a decent strength depends on the subsequent evolution. These are all current observations and have nothing to do with other information.

First, let's look at this 5F consolidation divergence. As shown in the figure below, it is more obvious in 30 minutes. At this time, you can use MACD as an auxiliary (distinguish the primary and secondary, structure is the primary, MACD is the secondary). Whether it is MACD area or yellow and white lines, there is a divergence structure. This is consolidation divergence, plus other auxiliary, such as 4-hour annual line support, and huge trading volume (the trading volume in the divergence section is a trap, that is, it seems to continue to fall, but in fact it is the opposite demand or supply that is increasing. Of course, trading volume is also auxiliary). The rebound caused by this consolidation divergence is what follows.

If I want to rebound, I will face resistance to the rebound. The real support and resistance are formed by the center, which is the four positions of the center: ZG, ZD, GG, DD. Other points are not real resistance and support positions. Why? Because the center is the competition area between the long and short sides, and the four positions of the interval are the key positions for the two sides to attack and defend.

The 5FZD in front is the first resistance, the 5FZG in the back, and the higher 1FDD (i.e. the oscillation low point of the 1F center at point A in front). Well, these three resistance positions have already appeared in the front, and the subsequent trend is like me climbing a mountain. These three resistance positions are each hilltop. After each one stands firm, the resistance becomes support.

Look at these positions. First, it passes through the 5FZD position. When it reaches 93, the line segment divergence is blocked. Then it continues to attack at 94. Observe the relationship between the 96 and 98 positions and the 5FZG and 1FDD. This is me telling you my next move. Do you understand? 9596 and 9798 are both consolidation divergence structures. I think I just need a walkie-talkie to tell you in person, but I can't speak. I am speechless and use stupid birds to express my meaning. The trend behind is simple. It is a new 5F central oscillation, and it repeats the same pattern, oscillation, deviation and the end of oscillation. See you next time. I will tell you about the operation of central oscillation next time.