I bought a new computer and I will make up for yesterday's trend story. This article is very important. If you understand it, you can open a position in advance at the end of the shock. The shock deviation is the intermediate state between maintaining the shock and ending the shock. The movement of a center, after it is formed, begins to enter the process of maintaining the shock, shock deviation, and shock end. What is shock deviation? Draw a schematic diagram:

The three red lines, ZD and ZG, are the intervals of the central oscillation, the low point and the high point. The center position ZM of the two lines is the middle value of the oscillation. After the central axis is formed, there are 5 oscillation segments, AB, BC, CD, DE and EF. Each oscillation segment also has a center position (circle position). Then compare the distance (offset) between the center position of each segment and MD. The farther the distance from ZM is, the greater the possibility of the end of the oscillation. Of course, the real end depends on the third type of buying and selling point of the central axis, but more often, the position can be opened at the farthest section of the oscillation offset. This is the oscillation offset, the key indicator of the end of the central oscillation. Now let's go back to yesterday's technical analysis. Let me explain that the following analysis is told in the first person of "I". This "I" is not the "trend" itself, because the trend is alive and has language. It tells the operator "what I am doing now" all the time.

How the news outside the market is reflected in the trend in advance and how it is digested in advance, this is the story I want to tell you today. Yesterday, a certain data in the United States was slightly higher than expected, and then the expectation of interest rate hike was lowered, so there is today's story. This data was reflected in the trend before it officially entered the public's eyes, and before the big drop last night, I also told you in advance where to get on the train.

Please pay attention to the three white dotted lines marked on my body. These lines are the key positions of the center. The top one is the DD position of the 1F center in front (this picture does not show the 1F center), and the two lines below are the interval of the 5F center starting from 70, the ZG and ZD positions. Why do I draw these lines? Because these lines are the key positions of my resistance and support. To what extent they are critical, you will see it in the following interpretation. According to the concept of oscillation deviation given above, can you see which oscillation segment is the position where you want to intervene? Of course, it is the 8889 segment in the figure. I will enlarge each segment (the level may not be the same) and draw it out, and you will understand it. Please see the figure below:

The three oscillation segments are the 1F level trend divergence, the 1F level consolidation divergence, and the line segment level trend divergence. These are the positions of oscillation operations. Of course, today's story does not talk about oscillation operations, but about oscillation deviations. In these three oscillation segments, the position of the circle gradually moves down, and the highest point of the third segment does not touch the position of 5FZG. 89 is to open a position according to the oscillation operation, and then in the process of holding the position, the position of the small box fluctuates violently. That fluctuation is the third type of selling point of the small center inside the line segment. This small center is the second line segment center of the 8889 segment, which gives you a second opportunity to intervene, and then the market reacts to the data. You see, last night's US data was already reacting to the 8889 oscillation deviation, and then the small box is the second digestion of the data, and then the data is fully reflected. This is why the operator does not need to explain the news outside the market at all, just need to understand me.

What mistakes will the operator make unconsciously? It is to summarize my past history and then make some indicators. Little do they know that "with the present way, to control the present", I am a living being, you can't use a rigid indicator to trap me, thinking that you can understand me in this way, that is the greatest disrespect to me. I am chaotic, my evolution has an internal central structure, but the appearance is indeed very different, and those hundreds of indicators are just a statistics of the appearance. As for the accuracy rate? To be honest, it is the same as the probability of flipping a coin. The final outcome of all indicators will be attributed to the tie value of the accuracy rate, which is 50%. Let me give you a suggestion, let go of the pursuit of indicators, no matter what indicators are useless, return to my current evolution itself, this is the way out. Trying to use past information to frame the present me is unrealistic, seek truth from facts, don't focus on past experience, nor on the fear of the future, return to the trend itself, I will tell you all the information you need, that is the safest basis for your operation.