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On the eve of the release of CPI data, the cryptocurrency market plummeted! Billions of assets evaporated in an instant! Is it the mysterious driving force behind the plunge? Yesterday, the cryptocurrency market experienced a wave of declines, which attracted widespread attention from the market. According to data, the total market value of cryptocurrencies fell by 3.70% to $2.59 trillion on April 9, and the cryptocurrency derivatives market also suffered a heavy blow, with a liquidation amount of up to $250 million. This fluctuation not only made investors uneasy, but also reflected the market's sensitivity to the upcoming US Consumer Price Index (CPI) report. In this wave of declines, Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market value, led the decline, falling 4.12% in 24 hours to about $68,941. At the same time, Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, was not spared, falling 4.63% during the same period, and its price slipped to $3,508. Such price fluctuations have undoubtedly exacerbated market tensions. So, what exactly caused the decline in the cryptocurrency market? We can interpret it from multiple dimensions. First, the CPI data to be released in the United States has become the focus of the market. Before the data was released, investors generally expected the index to be higher than expected, which triggered market concerns about inflation. CPI is a key indicator for measuring price changes in a basket of goods and services, and is of great reference value for the Fed's monetary policy formulation. Therefore, changes in CPI data often directly affect investors' decisions, and then have an impact on financial markets. In this case, traders are anxiously waiting for the release of CPI data. They know that this data is not only related to the inflation level, but also likely to affect the Fed's interest rate adjustment decision. If the CPI data is higher than expected, it may mean rising inflationary pressure, which will increase the pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates, thereby putting pressure on risky assets. On the contrary, if the CPI data is lower than expected, it may ease the market's inflation concerns and provide some support for risky assets. In addition to CPI data, there are other macroeconomic events that are also affecting the cryptocurrency market. For example, the Producer Price Index (PPI), the number of initial jobless claims, and the ECB's interest rate decisions.Changes in these events may have a direct or indirect impact on the cryptocurrency market. Against this backdrop, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market is not difficult to understand. Investors tend to act cautiously when faced with uncertainty. This cautious sentiment led to risk aversion in the market before the release of the CPI data, which triggered the decline in the cryptocurrency market. In addition, liquidation in the futures market is also an important reason for the decline in the cryptocurrency market. When bullish traders are caught off guard by falling prices, long liquidations occur quickly. In the past 24 hours, more than $242.87 million of long positions in the entire cryptocurrency market have been liquidated. This large-scale liquidation not only exacerbated the market's downward trend, but also further hit investor confidence. It is worth mentioning that the outflow of spot Bitcoin ETFs has also turned negative. This shows that investors' risk appetite for the cryptocurrency market is declining. In uncertain or bearish market conditions, investors may prefer to hold cash or invest in more traditional and less volatile assets. This phenomenon of capital outflow has undoubtedly put further pressure on the cryptocurrency market. However, despite many unfavorable factors, the cryptocurrency market still has its unique charm. The approaching Bitcoin halving event has made market participants still optimistic about the upside potential of the crypto market. Bitcoin halving is a mechanism to reduce the supply of Bitcoin by reducing mining rewards, which is seen as a long-term support for Bitcoin prices. Therefore, although the market may fluctuate in the short term due to various factors, the cryptocurrency market still has broad room for development in the long run. In summary, the decline in the cryptocurrency market is the result of the combined effect of multiple factors. From the release of macroeconomic data to the liquidation of the futures market to the outflow of funds from the spot Bitcoin ETF, these factors are intertwined and jointly affect the market trend. #大盘走势 #BTC大饼减半,

On the eve of the release of CPI data, the cryptocurrency market plummeted! Billions of assets evaporated in an instant! Is it the mysterious driving force behind the plunge?

Yesterday, the cryptocurrency market experienced a wave of declines, which attracted widespread attention from the market. According to data, the total market value of cryptocurrencies fell by 3.70% to $2.59 trillion on April 9, and the cryptocurrency derivatives market also suffered a heavy blow, with a liquidation amount of up to $250 million. This fluctuation not only made investors uneasy, but also reflected the market's sensitivity to the upcoming US Consumer Price Index (CPI) report.

In this wave of declines, Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market value, led the decline, falling 4.12% in 24 hours to about $68,941. At the same time, Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, was not spared, falling 4.63% during the same period, and its price slipped to $3,508. Such price fluctuations have undoubtedly exacerbated market tensions.

So, what exactly caused the decline in the cryptocurrency market? We can interpret it from multiple dimensions.

First, the CPI data to be released in the United States has become the focus of the market. Before the data was released, investors generally expected the index to be higher than expected, which triggered market concerns about inflation. CPI is a key indicator for measuring price changes in a basket of goods and services, and is of great reference value for the Fed's monetary policy formulation. Therefore, changes in CPI data often directly affect investors' decisions, and then have an impact on financial markets.

In this case, traders are anxiously waiting for the release of CPI data. They know that this data is not only related to the inflation level, but also likely to affect the Fed's interest rate adjustment decision. If the CPI data is higher than expected, it may mean rising inflationary pressure, which will increase the pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates, thereby putting pressure on risky assets. On the contrary, if the CPI data is lower than expected, it may ease the market's inflation concerns and provide some support for risky assets.

In addition to CPI data, there are other macroeconomic events that are also affecting the cryptocurrency market. For example, the Producer Price Index (PPI), the number of initial jobless claims, and the ECB's interest rate decisions.Changes in these events may have a direct or indirect impact on the cryptocurrency market.

Against this backdrop, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market is not difficult to understand. Investors tend to act cautiously when faced with uncertainty. This cautious sentiment led to risk aversion in the market before the release of the CPI data, which triggered the decline in the cryptocurrency market.

In addition, liquidation in the futures market is also an important reason for the decline in the cryptocurrency market. When bullish traders are caught off guard by falling prices, long liquidations occur quickly. In the past 24 hours, more than $242.87 million of long positions in the entire cryptocurrency market have been liquidated. This large-scale liquidation not only exacerbated the market's downward trend, but also further hit investor confidence.

It is worth mentioning that the outflow of spot Bitcoin ETFs has also turned negative. This shows that investors' risk appetite for the cryptocurrency market is declining. In uncertain or bearish market conditions, investors may prefer to hold cash or invest in more traditional and less volatile assets. This phenomenon of capital outflow has undoubtedly put further pressure on the cryptocurrency market.

However, despite many unfavorable factors, the cryptocurrency market still has its unique charm. The approaching Bitcoin halving event has made market participants still optimistic about the upside potential of the crypto market. Bitcoin halving is a mechanism to reduce the supply of Bitcoin by reducing mining rewards, which is seen as a long-term support for Bitcoin prices. Therefore, although the market may fluctuate in the short term due to various factors, the cryptocurrency market still has broad room for development in the long run.

In summary, the decline in the cryptocurrency market is the result of the combined effect of multiple factors. From the release of macroeconomic data to the liquidation of the futures market to the outflow of funds from the spot Bitcoin ETF, these factors are intertwined and jointly affect the market trend. #大盘走势 #BTC大饼减半,

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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经济滞胀警报拉响!比特币会崩盘吗? 滞胀阴云下的比特币与加密货币:一场未知的风暴 近期,美国的经济数据显示出了让人不安的趋势——滞胀。这个陌生的经济学术语,突然间成为了人们热议的话题。你可能会问,这和我们这些普通人有什么关系?和我们钟爱的比特币及加密货币市场又有什么关系?别急,让我慢慢道来。 首先,滞胀可不是什么好东西。简单来说,它就是经济增长停滞,但物价却不断上涨。就像你工资没涨,但买东西却越来越贵。这种情况,谁遇到都会头疼。 现在,美国就面临着这样的问题。GDP数据不佳,显示出经济增长的疲软;同时,通胀却像脱缰的野马一样飙升。这让美联储陷入了两难的境地:降息刺激经济,怕通胀更厉害;加息抑制通胀,又怕经济受不了。这种微妙的平衡,真的让人捏把汗。 那么,这一切和比特币有什么关系呢?关系可大了! 比特币和其他加密货币,近年来成为了投资领域的新宠。但别忘了,它们也是资产的一种,也会受到宏观经济环境的影响。就像股市在滞胀时期会遭受重创一样,加密货币市场也可能面临巨大的抛售压力。 你可能会说:“比特币是全球性的,怎么会受到美国经济的影响呢?”这话没错,比特币确实是全球性的。但别忘了,美国经济是全球经济的领头羊,它的经济状况会直接影响到全球的投资环境和市场情绪。所以,当美国经济出现问题时,全球投资者都会变得谨慎起来,比特币市场也不例外。 更何况,即将召开的FOMC会议,就像是悬在投资者头上的一把剑。这次会议将决定美联储的货币政策方向,进而影响到全球金融市场和加密货币市场的走势。你说,这能不让人紧张吗? 所以说,滞胀就像是一场未知的风暴,它可能会给比特币和加密货币市场带来巨大的冲击。但这场风暴何时来临?威力会有多大?谁都说不清楚。 在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们需要保持冷静的头脑,学会从海量的信息中筛选出有价值的信息。只有这样,我们才能在这场未知的风暴中立于不败之地。
下一个 1000 倍加密货币会是什么? 随着加密货币市场再次爆发性突破,交易者面临着一个买入机会,可能会带来改变生活的收益。 本文着眼于即将到来的牛市反弹中拥有 1000 倍潜力的三个竞争者。我们考虑用例、跟踪记录、价格、代币经济学等因素。 根据这些标准,首选是 Slothana、Bittensor 和 Dogeverse。让我们更详细地探讨每一个。 Slothana Slothana是 Solana 网络上领先的预售模因币。在整个 ICO 活动中,该项目已筹集了超过 1500 万美元。这使得它成为预售巡回赛的领跑者,超越了早期引起轰动的 Book of Meme 和 Slerf。 在各自预售后,Book of Meme 的市值在短短两天内就飙升至 10 亿美元,而 Slerf 的链上交易量超过了以太坊。 Slothana 的早期势头表明,其 IEO 后的表现可能会超过这两家公司,但这并不是表明其潜力令人兴奋的唯一因素。 有传言称,Slothana 是由 Smog 的创建者推出的,Smog 是另一种爆炸性的 Solana meme 代币,市值飙升 100 倍,达到 2.7 亿美元。 交易员注意到,Smog在 Slothana 的第一个 X 帖子粉丝数不足 50 人的情况下对其进行了评论,这反映出两个团队至少在某种程度上是一致的。 然而,那些想要购买新的树懒主题模因币的人应该迅速行动,因为预售将在三天内结束,然后 $SLOTH 将在交易所推出。 Dogeverse Meme 币最近成为加密货币最热门的趋势之一,Pepe、Dogwifhat 和 Bonk 等项目取得了天文数字般的成功。然而,Dogeverse提高了标准并挑战了该行业的规范,跨六个不同的区块链推出。 这一创新举措意味着 Dogeverse 已经在以太坊、Based、BSC、Polygon 和 Avalanche 上可用,并且很快也将在 Solana 上上线。 过这一举措,Dogeverse 绕过了区块链碎片化,确保了广泛的可访问性,并使不同的社区能够在一个模因硬币下团结起来。 质押是 Dogeverse 的另一个有前途的功能。它的质押层激励用户锁定他们的代币以获得被动奖励。除了激励社区之外,这还通过鼓励长期持有来增强代币的供需动态。 目前,质押者可以获得 100% 的 APY,但随着质押更多代币,该比例将会下降。 该项目目前正在进行预售,迄今已筹集1100万美元。它的定价为 0.000302 美元,但这将在整个活动期间上涨,下一次上涨是在一天内或当筹集总额达到 1210 万美元时。过这一举措,Dogeverse 绕过了区块链碎片化,确保了广泛的可访问性,并使不同的社区能够在一个模因硬币下团结起来。 质押是 Dogeverse 的另一个有前途的功能。它的质押层激励用户锁定他们的代币以获得被动奖励。除了激励社区之外,这还通过鼓励长期持有来增强代币的供需动态。 目前,质押者可以获得 100% 的 APY,但随着质押更多代币,该比例将会下降。 该项目目前正在进行预售,迄今已筹集1100万美元。它的定价为 0.000302 美元,但这将在整个活动期间上涨,下一次上涨是在一天内或当筹集总额达到 1210 万美元时。 Bittensor Bittensor 被称为“人工智能的比特币”。如果这个类比成立,我们可以期待 TAO 在未来几年取得巨大的业绩。 它已经很成熟,交易价格为 452 美元,市值为 30 亿美元。其价格本周上涨5%,本月下跌21%,今年上涨827%。 鉴于其巨大的市值,1000 倍的涨幅可能需要多个 4 年的市场周期。也就是说,其较高的市值也降低了波动性,并且其作为加密人工智能创新市场领导者的地位增强了其长期成功的机会。 Bittensor 为分布式和激励计算能力提供了一个强大的框架,类似于比特币,只不过该能力用于人工智能。 它是机器学习和人工智能开发人员可以租用电源来训练模型的市场。  这同时解决了两个问题:  一方面,它消除了与开发人工智能模型相关的高成本。  另一方面,它防止了人工智能行业中普遍存在的知识碎片化,而是引入了共享和开源框架。

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