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[In-depth analysis of BTC/ETH intraday market on April 9, 2024] Yesterday, Ethereum performed quite well, even overshadowing Bitcoin. Today, let's focus on this "popular young actor". At present, Ethereum has pulled back at the 1-hour level, but other time levels are bullish. Today, our eyes will be fixed on the key point of 3650. Once this position is broken, the 2-hour level may usher in a pullback. At this time, the three positions below 3620, 3600 and 2551 will become an important reference for us to observe the strength of support. Of course, if the Ethereum market continues to rise strongly, then the three positions above 3725, 3750 and 3800 will be the key to our attention. It seems that today's Ethereum market is destined to be ups and downs, full of challenges and opportunities. Let's talk about Bitcoin. In comparison, Bitcoin's performance is slightly inferior. It is currently showing a pullback trend at the 1-hour and 2-hour levels, but other time levels still maintain a bullish pattern. Today, if Bitcoin continues to fall back, the 70740 position below will be our focus. Once it falls below, the 4-hour level may usher in a callback. At this time, the two positions of 70000 and 69100 will become the key points for us to observe the support of Bitcoin. Of course, if Bitcoin can withstand the pressure and continue to rise strongly, then the three positions of 71700, 72300 and 72800 above will be important references for us to pay attention to the pressure level. In short, today's BTC and ETH markets will be full of variables. We need to remain vigilant, keep up with market trends, and respond flexibly to various possibilities. Remember, investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. I wish you all a smooth transaction! #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC、 #ETHE #大盘走势

[In-depth analysis of BTC/ETH intraday market on April 9, 2024]

Yesterday, Ethereum performed quite well, even overshadowing Bitcoin. Today, let's focus on this "popular young actor". At present, Ethereum has pulled back at the 1-hour level, but other time levels are bullish. Today, our eyes will be fixed on the key point of 3650. Once this position is broken, the 2-hour level may usher in a pullback. At this time, the three positions below 3620, 3600 and 2551 will become an important reference for us to observe the strength of support.

Of course, if the Ethereum market continues to rise strongly, then the three positions above 3725, 3750 and 3800 will be the key to our attention. It seems that today's Ethereum market is destined to be ups and downs, full of challenges and opportunities.

Let's talk about Bitcoin. In comparison, Bitcoin's performance is slightly inferior. It is currently showing a pullback trend at the 1-hour and 2-hour levels, but other time levels still maintain a bullish pattern. Today, if Bitcoin continues to fall back, the 70740 position below will be our focus. Once it falls below, the 4-hour level may usher in a callback. At this time, the two positions of 70000 and 69100 will become the key points for us to observe the support of Bitcoin.

Of course, if Bitcoin can withstand the pressure and continue to rise strongly, then the three positions of 71700, 72300 and 72800 above will be important references for us to pay attention to the pressure level.

In short, today's BTC and ETH markets will be full of variables. We need to remain vigilant, keep up with market trends, and respond flexibly to various possibilities. Remember, investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. I wish you all a smooth transaction!

#ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC、 #ETHE #大盘走势

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#ETH 市场解读:ETH币价深度分析 各位币圈同仁,此刻,我为大家带来ETH的当前走势深度分析。 首先,从1小时的时间窗口来看,ETH币价已明确展现出空头态势。但请注意,在2至4小时的时间跨度上,我们观察到了回调的趋势。这意味着市场短期内可能会有所波动,但整体趋势依然需要谨慎判断。 尤为关键的是,我们需密切关注2小时级别的多空临界点,即3116.311这一价位。若币价能够稳定在这一价位之上,那么回调或将告一段落,此时,我们在小级别上仍有机会捕捉到多单的入场机会。 然而,在进攻的同时,我们也要做好防守的准备。上方存在三重压力位,分别是3124.87、3134.20和3144.86。若ETH上行未能突破这些关键价位,特别是2小时多空临界点,那么市场可能会迎来新一轮的下行趋势。 在下行过程中,我们需要留意三个支撑位:3105.54、3088.55和3072.89。这些价位是我们判断市场底部的重要参考。在交易过程中,请各位务必牢记“保本为王”的原则,合约操作一定要先考虑防守,再图进取。 币圈风云变幻,唯有谨慎操作,才能在市场中立于不败之地。希望各位同仁在交易过程中保持清醒的头脑,合理布局,稳健获利。 孙宇晨团队地址将12 万枚 EETH 存入 Swell L2,价值3.76亿美金 据数据监测,孙宇晨团队地址0x7a9...3095在5月4日将12万枚 EETH (ETH 存入Ether.Fi后的存款凭证)存入Swell L2,价值3.76亿美金。当前据Swell 为期四周的pre-launch 存款仅剩4天(05.08结束),孙宇晨的质押资金占 Swell L2 总存款量的46.6%。此前该地址还在 Ether.Fi空投活动仅剩5天时将12 万枚 ETH 存入,获取了2.2万枚ETHFI,价值10.5万美元。#eth二饼 #ETH分析 #ETH(以太坊) #ETH🔥🔥🔥
#ETHFI🔥🔥🔥 今日现货做单思路 ETHFI给几个现货点位,手里空仓的可以轻仓进,挂1-2个点位即可,为什么选择ETHFI,天线级别启动,现货空仓的可建头仓,目前先看20% 比特币市场动态深度解析 比特币近期表现强劲,从56552点迅速攀升至62000点,这一上涨趋势无疑为市场带来了积极信号。这一波上涨背后的主要动力,源自非农数据低于预期,市场普遍预期美联储可能会提前降息放水,甚至有人预测7月份就会降息。这种降息预期直接推动了比特币价格的上涨。 然而,我们也必须注意到,比特币在73000点附近摸顶后,ETF(交易型开放式指数基金)的带动效应逐渐减弱。这意味着,一切上涨的前提,都来源于足够多的资金带动。在美元尚未真正放水之前,市场仍处于场内资金的博弈状态。 基于当前的市场情况,我预计比特币在短期内(即美元真正放水之前)大概率会在56000到64000的区间内来回震荡。这一预测并非空穴来风,而是基于对市场资金流动、政策预期以及历史走势的深入分析。 当然,一旦美元真正开始放水,比特币的价格将有可能迎来新一轮的上涨。届时,比特币的上涨动力将更为强劲,甚至有可能冲击13万点的高位。但这一切都需要时间来验证,投资者需要保持冷静,密切关注市场动态#ETHFI⁩ #ethfi #ETHFI, #ETHFI24小时交易策略 关注我,本周实盘直播,一对一指导,小白也能掌握财富密码,稳健玩法货币对冲月利润20-50%了解的找我看楼下评论找助理
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