How can ordinary people change their fate?

Let me tell you a secret: some truths in this world are the opposite.

So if we want to change our destiny, we must first change our habits. The so-called one is fate, two is luck, three is feng shui, four is accumulating merit, five is reading, six is ​​reputation, seven is appearance, eight is respecting gods, nine is making friends with noble people, and ten is maintaining health. These are exactly our habits.

I believe many people have heard the above sentence, but do you understand its true meaning?

So how can we "change our destiny"?

Reverse means to look at it the other way around. We must first "cultivate the body through ten aspects of health preservation". The so-called health preservation is to cultivate oneself. You must first be healthy, energetic, and have good habits.

Only in this way can you have the good luck to meet noble people.

Then we came to the “Eight Respect Gods”, and the nobleman told us to “respect heaven and love people”, and to be in awe of all things in heaven and earth. Have a reverent and kind heart, be low-key, and if you show off, you will suffer!

When we reach the "Seventh Phase", our "appearance" begins to change, which means that appearance is created by the mind, circumstances are changed by the mind, and the mind creates all things.

Next comes the “sixth name”. When the appearance changes, the fame will naturally grow.

Then it was time for the "Five Readings". "After you become famous, you must study and learn, so that your talent will match your fame. Because only a person with great virtue can carry the world, and if virtue does not match the position, there will be disaster.

Then, after achieving success, one reaches the stage of "Four Merits", and understands how to accumulate more blessings for oneself and future generations. One begins to donate money and materials, and do good deeds.

Then comes the "Three Feng Shui", which refers to your flow of luck and magnetic field. You will begin to understand how to tune yourself to a high-energy magnetic field.

Then comes the "second luck" and your luck changes quietly.

In the last "life", good luck comes, and naturally your life will change. This is the reverse law, as the saying goes, "following the rules will make you a good person, and going against the rules will make you an immortal." The mystery lies only in the reversal.

When you look at the world upside down, you can see the truth of the world...

As the saying goes: Health is the capital of revolution! This is a famous saying from Chairman Mao, which means that the prerequisite for action is to have a good physique.

If a person wants to accomplish something, he must have many qualities, but all of these must be based on one prerequisite - a healthy body.

We know that the first step to changing your destiny is to have a healthy body, so how can we maintain our health? The author starts from personal experience and explains it in several small chapters, hoping to help you!

1. Sports

When the body is inactive for a long time, the mood tends to become depressed, anxious, sensitive, and not easy to feel happy. The skin will also become dull, yellow, loose, and the body is prone to gaining weight. So how can we exercise reasonably?

Complete at least 150 to 300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, including jogging, swimming, climbing stairs, cycling, etc., and also combine it with some strength training, such as dumbbells and some fitness equipment.

When you get enough exercise, your mood will become more optimistic, your spirit will become more resilient, and your skin will become better. Exercise not only changes the outside, but also greatly changes the inside.

As long as your body masters the points I mentioned, your body will reach a perfect state. If your body is healthy, everything will be good.

2. Diet

5 habits for healthy eating

1. Eat small and frequent meals. Eating without restraint, eating one meal and skipping the next, can easily damage the body. Finally, each meal should be separated by at least 3 hours, which can not only avoid obesity caused by excess calories, but also relieve gastrointestinal pressure and help nourish the stomach.

Being able to eat is a blessing, eating well is wisdom, and eating small meals frequently is the secret to staying away from diseases.

2. One of the most important principles of a balanced diet is not to be picky about food and try to have a balanced diet. If you are not nutritious, it is easy to harm your health and cause various diseases.

Only balanced nutrition can ensure normal physiological activities of the body, enhance immunity, and play an important role in anti-aging and prolonging life.

3. Drink soup before meals. Drinking some soup before meals can moisturize the stomach and intestines, reduce food irritation, and protect the digestive tract. It is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of food by the stomach and intestines. It can also enhance the sense of fullness, reduce food intake, and help control weight.

But don't drink it too hot or too fast to avoid damaging your esophagus.

4. Chew slowly and eat slowly to relieve gastrointestinal pressure and promote nutrient absorption. Chewing food thoroughly can also exercise the jaw strength and protect the gums and gums.

What is more noteworthy is that chewing slowly can relieve tension and make people feel happy.

5. Eat three meals regularly and not too full. Eat regularly and regularly. If you don't eat regularly, or are too hungry or too full, it is easy to cause metabolic disorders and damage the spleen and stomach. Eat three meals regularly and regularly to help the stomach develop a regular pattern, promote the secretion of the digestive glands, and help digestion.

Recommended by medical experts

Breakfast time is 6:30-8:30,

Lunch time is 11:30-13:30,

Dinner time is 18:00-20:00.

3. Foot Soaking

In the early Song Dynasty, canal transport workers worked in water for a long time. Over time, the dampness accumulated in their bodies became heavier, which led to poor sleep quality at night and made them extremely susceptible to typhoid and colds.

By chance, some of them discovered that soaking feet in hot water for a period of time can remove moisture and coldness from the body, strengthen the body and make people less susceptible to illness.

Gradually, this simple and easy health care method of "foot soaking" or "foot bath" has been accepted by the general public, and to this day, it is still a good way for people to maintain health.

Soaking your feet can stimulate the function of the bladder meridian and induce sweating. When sweat is discharged, it can take away the waste produced by the body's metabolism.

This is why many people feel relaxed after soaking their feet and sweating. Although soaking your feet has many benefits,

But there are a few points to note: How to control the water temperature for foot bathing?

The water temperature for foot soaking only needs to be slightly higher than the body temperature. The water does not need to be too hot. Too hot is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to the body. How hot should the feet be soaked?

How long should you soak your feet? If you don't sweat after soaking your feet, it basically means that there is no effect. However, you should not soak your feet until you sweat profusely, which is another extreme. You only need to soak your feet until you sweat slightly.

How long should you soak your feet? As for how long you should soak your feet, it depends on your own feeling.

Generally speaking, adults should not soak their feet for more than 30 minutes, and the soaking time in winter should be longer than in summer.

What is the best time or time to soak your feet? It should not be too late to soak your feet, it is best to finish before 9 pm.

Night is the time when Yang energy is restrained, and the human body and the environment remain in a quiet state. If you soak your feet too late, the blood circulation in the body will speed up, and you will become excited, which may affect your sleep.

Can you soak your feet when you have a cold? Yes, but not all colds can be treated with soaking your feet.

Soaking your feet can induce sweating and expel cold and dampness. It is very suitable for treating colds caused by wind and cold.

However, for febrile colds, foot soaking is not only ineffective, but also has a counterproductive effect. That is to say, if you have symptoms of insufficient body fluid such as yellow nasal discharge, sore throat, and dry cough, you should not soak your feet. Precautions before and after foot soaking: Before soaking your feet, you should eat something in moderation. Do not soak your feet on an empty stomach, but don't overeat.

After soaking your feet, don't go out in the wind or rain, because soaking your feet will cause sweating and the pores of your body will open. In this case, it is easy for external pathogens to invade. So try not to go out after soaking your feet. If there are special circumstances, you must go out, but you should wait until the sweat stops. As the saying goes, "Cold starts from the feet." To effectively remove dampness, we should first avoid getting our feet cold.

You can take half an hour every night to soak your feet in slightly warm water. This can not only relax your body and mind, but also stimulate the blood circulation and meridians in the feet, help improve the body's immunity and drive away moisture.

4. Work and rest

Nowadays, people generally have difficulty falling asleep. Irregular work and rest often lead to physical and mental problems. Why do you have difficulty falling asleep?

In fact, a big reason is that you confuse the concept of bed. Because as long as you do some of your daily things on the bed, such as eating, playing games, and browsing your phone, your brain will easily form a conditioned reflex.

What you need to do is to establish a connection with the bed, so that the bed equals sleep. Don't play with your phone while telling yourself how long it will take to fall asleep. Don't touch your phone 20 minutes before bed.

Playing games and watching videos are addictive. They can make your brain excited, and the light of the phone can also make you awake. You can listen to some music before going to bed, and you must set the timer. Playing it all night will make you sleep poorly.

As long as you maintain regular sleep for a long time, your work and rest schedule will be healthy. If you maintain a good work and rest schedule, you have won half the battle.

Staying up late will make people think too much, and thinking too much will easily lead to depression, because staying up late will damage the liver, and thinking too much will damage the spleen and stomach. Without a good mental state, how can you have the spirit to face the world game?

Maintaining a good work and rest schedule is not easy for most people, especially after going to college and working, there are very few people who can be self-disciplined. Start from now on, stay up late less, improve your luck by staying up late less! #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据 #Meme