In 2016, even if you had tens of millions of dollars in your bank account, no one would even bother to look at you. But in 2024, if you had 50U of black U in your wallet, once you entered the exchange, hey, it would be frozen into a popsicle! Not to mention bank cards, now you will have to make a phone call to visit you if you have 50,000 yuan in your bank account.

Let’s say you achieve a small goal, one hundred million!

You sell U every day, and the money keeps coming in, but you never withdraw it. Once it reaches 5 million, the bank will call you and visit you at home, just like an insurance salesman, to sell you financial management, trusts, and insurance, and even persuade you to get a VIP gold card.

If you sell U to the platform, hey, you will definitely encounter fraud. Level 3 fraud is okay, freezing you for three days, but with so much money in your card, it will probably be frozen for half a year! Level 2 fraud is even worse, freezing you for six months or even confiscating it! If the money is not much, it may be unfrozen after paying 10%, but if it is more, hey, you may have to go to jail and step on the sewing machine, and you can’t touch the network cable, open a card, or take out a loan within five years!

Buy U cheaply and sell U expensively? The market price is 7 yuan and you sell it for 7.5 yuan? Then you are knowingly committing a crime and are guilty! So, don't be greedy for cheap U, and don't think about selling U at a high price. It's better to be safe than sorry!

Received first-degree black money? Forget it. You will be sentenced to three years in prison starting immediately. The charge will definitely be the crime of concealing the proceeds of crime.

If you want to sell U, don't look for U merchants, let alone offline cash transactions, because there is a high possibility of black money, and it is also life-threatening! How to take out the money? Find an acquaintance. Generally, they will give you money first, and then you will give U. Remember to verify the capital. Don't accept funds that have not been deposited for more than three days, and don't accept funds that are too frequently traded. A normal daily card transaction will do.

Even if you make 100 million, don’t rush to sell it all. Slowly sell it out. For example, if you have 10 million, use Alipay to pay 200,000 a day. Take it easy. Being too anxious can easily lead to trouble. Don’t use bank cards if you can.

Some people say that you can sell it in Hong Kong dollars or something, but that is too troublesome to do, and you need a lot of qualifications and procedures. Don't listen to others' nonsense, and don't do it if you haven't tried it yourself.

If you sell less money, the bank will generally not care about you, but if you put in too much money, the card will probably be abandoned and you will have to go to the counter to withdraw money. There is no other way, this is to prevent telecommunications fraud and prevent you from lending your card to others.

If you have a clean background, are not involved in drugs or gangs, and earn money cleanly, the bank will not ask any more questions. You can rest assured! But if you have any historical problems, the bank will investigate them in detail!

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