Today, Bitcoin stood above 69,000 and Ethereum stood above 3,400.

After a long drought, the cryptocurrency market, which has been withered and declining for a long time, has begun to show a little vitality again, but the current market situation is still very unstable.

Previously we focused on the 68,200 level, and now we have to pay attention to whether Bitcoin can stand firmly above 70,000.

Judging from the technical chart, Bitcoin has not yet moved out of the range of fluctuations. It is unknown whether it will rise or fall. The entire market is waiting for Bitcoin to choose a direction.

In fact, Bitcoin has not pulled back much, but its market share has been rising. With this wave of pullback, altcoins can be said to have returned to the pre-liberation era.

Next, you can still adopt the strategy of opening long at a low position and short at a high position.

However, Shisan suggests that in the current market, try to open long positions at low levels and avoid short positions at high levels.

Because the probability of the market breaking through upward is higher than the probability of breaking through downward.

In the short term, we can open a long position at 64,000 and take profit at 68,000-69,000; if it falls below 62,000, we will stop loss and wait for a lower position to continue opening a long position.

Thirteen, the long position here refers to spot rather than contract, everyone must be clear about this.


This wave of decline in Bitcoin did not actually fall that much, but this wave of decline in Ethereum can be said to have no bottom line.

So much so that many people believe that Ethereum's position as the second largest cryptocurrency is in jeopardy, and some have even started to sell it at a loss.

While everyone was cutting their losses, Thirteen was always buying at the bottom.

Generally speaking, the price of Bitcoin should be 1/10 of that of Bitcoin, but Ethereum is obviously undervalued now. Whether you buy it at 2000 or 4000, compared to the last price of Ethereum in the bull market, it is actually similar.

If Bitcoin rises to 120,000, then Ethereum should be above 10,000. So the current price of more than 3,000 is actually a good time to enter the market.

The worse your performance is, the more others will think you are trash and want to cut off your flesh. As a friend of the Thirteenth Circle, you should do the opposite and embrace it when others despise it.

There is also Op. Now when transferring money, Thirteen basically uses Op because the handling fee is cheaper and the speed is faster.

But the price of Op disappointed many people.

However, those wildly rising junk projects are regarded as gods by many friends.

We use Op but still dislike it. Do you find it weird? Op is easy to use, many people use it, and its TVL is high, which means its value is very real. Now it is obviously oversold.

Again, please let the bullets fly for a while.

Thirteen embraces Ethereum and there is another reference indicator:

According to historical rules, once ETH/BTC falls below 0.5, Ethereum will see a rebound.

Now that it has reached 0.49, will Ethereum rise again? Not necessarily. History cannot be repeated, but we can refer to it.

The Cancun upgrade pullback has reached the bottom. I never believe that Ethereum can fall below 3. If this is true, I think it is time to start adding leverage.

Please be patient.


Regarding the next market situation, there is a general expectation among friends that this pullback will be superimposed on the pullback after the Bitcoin halving.

The market will be in an irretrievable situation, and even many communities have begun to liquidate their positions, preparing to take them back in June.

Many friends in the Thirteen Circle have consulted Thirteen about such issues.

Thirteen strongly disapproves of this gambling-style investment method. Is it possible that Bitcoin will continue to fall to a price starting with 5?

Of course it is possible, but the probability is relatively small.

This method of operation is to use fans' money to create a famous scene for oneself, which is extremely unrecommended.

If you bet right, you will become a god and can brag about it for the rest of your life. If you bet wrong, you can at least say that you have preserved your principal and did not lose money, and you can buy it back at a high price when the trend is confirmed.

There is an explanation for both rises and falls.

This investment method is very unfeasible in a bull market. Most positions in a bull market should be long-term positions, at least until the end of the year.

Instead of making predictions in advance based on an unknown market situation.

I suggest all my friends in the Thirteen Circles not to operate in this way, otherwise you may miss out on the entire bull market.

Thirteen has been in the circle for so long and has never seen any investor who makes a fortune by short-term trading. All of them are long-term holders.

Those Thirteen fans who entered the market at 15,000 to 20,000 are the ones who really make money.

If you can break even by crazy short-term operations, you are already a master.


The halving of Bitcoin is a huge positive, not a negative. I found that many friends have gone too far and even regarded the halving of Bitcoin as negative news.

After each Bitcoin halving, Bitcoin will usher in a wave of increases of several times or even dozens of times.

This is good news, huge good news, how can it be seen as bad news?

Many people in the market predict that Bitcoin will experience a 20-point retracement in June before it starts to rise.

These are all predictions based on historical news, not something that will definitely happen. Even if it does happen, what will happen? If you don't look at the market for half a month, this thing will never happen to you.

History will not simply repeat itself. Especially after Wall Street capital entered the market, the market has become different and the trading techniques have become obviously more sophisticated.

Both rises and falls are unexpected and cannot be predicted by anyone.

The only thing we can do is to control our positions, enhance our ability to bear risks, adjust our mindset, and strengthen our confidence. We must make money in this bull market.

In this way, you will definitely become the biggest beneficiary of this bull market.


Today, Google accused two Chinese software developers of using cryptocurrency apps to commit fraud in the cryptocurrency circle.

One is from Qiqun and the other is from Hong Kong. They have developed various fake wallets and fake exchanges such as TionRT, Skype wallet, etc., with more than 100,000 download users.

This kind of fake exchange is like a cancer in the cryptocurrency world.

Yesterday, under the temptation of U-Shang, the friend transferred money from Ouyi to this type of exchange, but in the end he could not get back a single cent of the principal.

I naively thought that U-Shang might just want to take advantage of the customers’ losses and that my account was really liquidated.

Once your money arrives at these fake exchanges, it has already entered someone else's wallet. In fact, all kinds of data of the exchange can be modified for you in the background.

What you see is just a string of numbers, not the real world, everything is fake.

Every time I see a fan being cheated, I feel really sad. Since you are following Thirteen, you should at least consult Thirteen before making a large investment, so that you won’t be cheated.

In a bull market, you can't actually lose much money, but if you are cheated, it will uproot you.

Please be vigilant, fans of Thirteen.

Try not to participate in the first level of the community, don't go to small exchanges, don't give your money to others, and don't authorize your wallet to a third-party dapp...

The tricks in the cryptocurrency world are hard to guard against. As long as you are not greedy and don’t believe in free lunches, you won’t be cheated.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the world of cryptocurrency. ​