Today’s article begins by talking about the members of Thirteen Circles.

Because Shisan has to serve the Shisan Circle members every day, and he also has to study the market, collect information, look at data, etc., and occasionally play a few games of LOLm.

So time is very tight. Many new fans come to consult Thirteen and hope to get some free time. I have agreed to a few of them.

What I didn't expect was that these friends who proposed the experience were actually scammers. After entering the thirteenth round, they added people crazily and specifically targeted newbies.

As a result, some people were deceived.

Even though I have emphasized countless times within the Thirteen Circles that everyone should not trust anyone to help them make money, many of my friends still could not resist the temptation of financial freedom and chose high-risk investments.

Even give your money to others to manage.

In the cryptocurrency world, if you give money to someone else, you will basically never get it back.

Therefore, Shisan now rejects anyone's so-called experience. Shisan is updating articles every day, and the styles are actually very clear. If you are willing to enter, enter. If you are not willing, wait and see. After this round of market picks up, Shisan will increase the price again.

Some people say that thirteen people are cutting leeks, but what have I cut from you with dozens of Us? Some friends should use their brains to think when they speak. If I really want to cut leeks, I will definitely make a free community and uproot you.

Now Thirteen Circles is mainly focusing on traffic, and the IP of Minus Thirteen Degrees is to be operated in a long-term and stable manner.

Previously, several friends joined other circles, but they stopped updating after these waves of big drops. Because the market was not good, there was no new traffic joining. The fees of these circles are often thousands of U, and you can be full by joining one.

Now there are no new fans joining, which means the cash flow is cut off, so the updates are stopped. This is a very normal thing.

There are very few people who can do what Thirteen does and insist on producing high-quality original hand-typed works every day.

And there was almost no income in the previous few years.

Recently, many people have copied and plagiarized Thirteen's content, and Thirteen has almost turned a blind eye. I know it is unavoidable in this circle, but some big KOLs also plagiarize. How do you explain it to your fans? Don't you feel a little embarrassed after being discovered?

Next time when you consult Thirteen, don’t talk about cutting leeks.

For the price of a few dozen U, I really can't take anything from you. This is just the normal compensation for Thirteen's hard work.

I still say that, if I really want to make money, I will do it for free, that is the real path to financial freedom.


The market has been continuously correcting, and Shisan also pointed out the risk of a correction in his article yesterday.

Frankly speaking, Shisan has become numb to the ups and downs of the market.

After experiencing a brief climax, the market quickly calmed down, and it is expected that this trend will continue for a long time.

Originally, Shisan believed that with the positive factors such as Ethereum ETF, expectation of interest rate cut, CZ, and re-inflow of ETF funds, the market would explode this month.

Unexpectedly, Grayscale suddenly withdrew its Ethereum ETF application, which cast a shadow on the market, and everyone was guessing what had happened?

Coupled with the ongoing conflict in Israel, the SEC is now sending out wells notices everywhere, and the chairman has even come out to say that all cryptocurrencies are securities.

This is the reason why the current market continues to be sluggish.

But will the market see a major drop?

No one can tell for sure at the moment. After all, the dealer’s trading methods have changed and his style is too sophisticated.

If you want to bet on a one-sided market, you will definitely be ripped off.

Keep inserting the needle up and down and it will make you collapse.

I still say the same thing, my friends in the Thirteen Circles, we don’t make choices, we only do risk control, we make money when the market goes up, and we buy at the bottom when the market goes down.

Wander in the cryptocurrency world in the safest way, survive for a long time, and enjoy this bull market.


Is now the best time to get on board?

For those who have just entered the market, now is indeed a good time to enter the market, just boldly buy at the bottom.

Most investors have positions in their cars, so position control becomes very important.

The specific method of position control has been described in detail in the article before. Friends who are interested can turn left when they go out.

However, you can slowly buy dips in the range of 59,000 to 62,500, and the key is to control the rhythm.

Keep enough cash to deal with extreme situations.

Especially for those of you who have leveraged your positions, you should be more cautious now as you were happy during the previous rise. Cash is a life-saving elixir, so don't be foolish and fill your position with cash.

Our main task now is to fight, no matter how hard or difficult it is, we must get through this period of time.

The current market situation is actually not considered an extreme market in the history of the currency circle. Thirteen is calm and composed. Even if Bitcoin is cut in half again, I can accept it.

Of course, the possibility of this happening is very low. After all, the cryptocurrency circle has been connected with the traditional financial circle, and it is unlikely that the market will be cut in half at any time.

Overall, the volatility of cryptocurrencies is definitely less than before the ETF was passed.

We must remain confident about future market conditions.


The reason why we should maintain confidence in the future market is not just empty talk.

Recent rumors suggest that China may lift its cryptocurrency ban within the next three months following the approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs in Hong Kong.

Of course, don’t take this news seriously, just treat it as a topic of conversation after dinner.

After experiencing multiple rounds of suppression and completely driving out cryptocurrencies, to engage with them now would mean a complete negation of previous policies, which is very difficult to do.

Assuming it passes, Hong Kong ETFs can be on the same level as US ETFs.

The cryptocurrency market needs to add at least hundreds of millions of new users. Once confirmed, cryptocurrency may usher in an unprecedented bull market.

These are low-probability events, just like if Bitcoin falls back to 52,000, they are all low-probability events...

But we have to be prepared for it.

Don't let the time come when wealth showers upon you and you are unable to catch it, which would be embarrassing.

However, let's understand the following set of data:

In terms of the number of bitcoins currently held by any country, the United States ranks first, holding 210,000 bitcoins, most of which are confiscated illegal gains.

The second is us, holding 190,000 coins, which came from the plus token pyramid scheme in 2020. Although there are rumors that they have been sold, as long as these bitcoins are not sent to a black hole address, it indirectly recognizes the value of Bitcoin.

The future is really worth looking forward to.


Will Trump’s election be good for the cryptocurrency world?

We all know that Trump is a fundamentalist of the US dollar. In his past history, he has been very unfriendly to cryptocurrencies. Even though he has made profits for himself through cryptocurrencies, it does not mean that he will support the development of cryptocurrencies.

Although he now shows great enthusiasm for cryptocurrency, everyone knows that his purpose is nothing more than votes.

Once you actually take office, that’s another matter.

However, today's analysis report from Standard Chartered Bank gave the opposite opinion. The report believes that the United States is now experiencing a dollar credit crisis, which may cause investors to look for safe-haven assets other than the dollar.

Cryptocurrency may become one of the investment options.

Once investors choose cryptocurrency as a safe haven, it will greatly boost the rise of cryptocurrency.

Trump may therefore give up his crackdown on cryptocurrencies.

Standard Chartered Bank predicts that Bitcoin will reach $150,000 by the end of the year.

So, what are you still worried about?

Take a long-term view, the future belongs to you, don't fall before dawn.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the mundane affairs of the cryptocurrency world.