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Let's talk about this topic again. Prerequisites: 1. You hold a large position in a coin 2. Take the long-term 3. You have held it for several months, and it has been pulled back and forth 4. Your long-term strategy is to double the capital 5. It has risen several times before and then fell back, and now it has risen by 30% again Under these premises, what is your strategy at this time? 1. Stick to the long-term strategy, double the capital and then take it out? Then can you hold it if it continues to fall back later? 2. Now you have a profit of 30% and you have taken out the principal? Then you did not stick to your initial long-term strategy and played it short-term? If you play like this, maybe your total position in this bull market will not be able to eat a few 30%? Or you will find that you are still losing money in the end? 3. Take profits in batches, how to take profits in batches? Long-term is really not that simple. It is not that you just buy a few coins and hold them. Some coins will be very lame throughout the bull market. Many people bought awesome coins, but didn't hold on to them and sold them for many times the price. Some sold them before they took off. The dealer has countless ways to wash you out. Have you thought about these issues carefully before you prepare to take a long-term position? If you don't think clearly, you will overturn your previous strategy countless times in the middle, and finally find that you didn't make much money. So what strategy is best for long-term investment? How to stick to this strategy without changing it? #大盘走势 #Meme $BTC $BNB

Let's talk about this topic again.


1. You hold a large position in a coin

2. Take the long-term

3. You have held it for several months, and it has been pulled back and forth

4. Your long-term strategy is to double the capital

5. It has risen several times before and then fell back, and now it has risen by 30% again

Under these premises, what is your strategy at this time?

1. Stick to the long-term strategy, double the capital and then take it out? Then can you hold it if it continues to fall back later?

2. Now you have a profit of 30% and you have taken out the principal? Then you did not stick to your initial long-term strategy and played it short-term?

If you play like this, maybe your total position in this bull market will not be able to eat a few 30%? Or you will find that you are still losing money in the end?

3. Take profits in batches, how to take profits in batches?

Long-term is really not that simple. It is not that you just buy a few coins and hold them. Some coins will be very lame throughout the bull market.

Many people bought awesome coins, but didn't hold on to them and sold them for many times the price. Some sold them before they took off. The dealer has countless ways to wash you out.

Have you thought about these issues carefully before you prepare to take a long-term position? If you don't think clearly, you will overturn your previous strategy countless times in the middle, and finally find that you didn't make much money.

So what strategy is best for long-term investment? How to stick to this strategy without changing it? #大盘走势 #Meme $BTC $BNB

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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4种热门山寨币,三个月内必翻五倍 Celestia (TIA) 价格趋势和预测 Celestia现在的价格在9.18美元到11.05美元之间晃悠。上周这代币小涨了一下,大概1.25%。但过去一个月,它跌了21.22%。不过别急,它六个月内可是涨了292.02%!价格现在稳定在9.53美元左右,离100日均线9.99美元还有点距离。从RSI和MACD指标看,它可能会继续修正一下。接下来,Celestia要挑战11.86美元的阻力位,要是跌了就在8.12美元找支撑。这代币目前看起来还不错,但投资还是要谨慎点哦。 木星 (JUP) 价格分析与预测 木星这代币在六个月里可是暴涨了3415.33%!上周还涨了14.48%,但过去一个月跌了24.42%。现在价格在0.91美元到1.16美元之间。从RSI指标看,它还没超买,看来是在修正阶段了。如果能突破1.26美元,那可能还会涨更多。但要是跌破0.75美元,那就得小心了,可能会继续跌。 FLOKI 价格分析:要飙升了吗? FLOKI过去一周可是大涨了8.59%,看起来投资者们都很看好它。但月线图上,它跌了17.38%。六个月里,它可是涨了459.53%!现在价格在0.0001529美元到0.0002131美元之间徘徊。这代币正在找下一个大方向,交易者们都在观望。虽然最近涨了,但RSI和MACD指标显示,市场还没决定它是继续涨还是回落,所以得小心点。 Sei 价格分析:要起飞还是调整? Sei (SEI) 的价格在0.49美元到0.64美元之间。最近它想往高处冲,但上周从高位回落,跌了2.60%。上个月,它更是跌了27.70%。但别灰心,它六个月内还是涨了330.05%!现在它的价格就在短期和长期均价之间晃悠,看不出明显的趋势。RSI和随机指标都在中间位置,所以Sei现在的走势既不是暴涨也不是大跌。接下来,它要挑战0.72美元的阻力位,跌了就找0.41美元的支撑。投资这东西,还是谨慎为妙啊! $BTC $BNB $SOL

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