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Today is April 6th, BTC price is 67723. Do you want to know when the continuous rise similar to the Spring Festival will come? When I was writing the article, a friend asked me what to do if the coin she held fell by more than 10 points? Let me tell you a story. Do you remember 3.12? When the epidemic just started, the US stock market was continuously circuit-broken. Bitcoin fell from $10,000 to $3,800 in three days, not to mention other coins. At that time, everyone was very panicked. Seeing that the price had fallen by 80%, I had to continue to sell. I thought for 15 minutes and notified the community to buy BTC after exchanging all the coins for U. The order was issued, but I guess not many people listened. That was the wave of BTC from 3,800 to 68,000 in one year. Why did you make this decision at that time? 1. It is obviously more impossible for you to cut out 20% of the money and return to zero in this industry. 2. If there is a rebound in this situation, it must be BTC that starts. I want to tell you that in the current market, when you feel that you are losing money, it is not your individual coin that is losing money, but ETH SOL, which has a loss of more than 10 points. If you are the only poor student in a class, your father will beat you, but if the class is full of poor students, your father will definitely not beat you. The principle is the same. At this time, you can choose to change positions. Changing positions at the bottom is equivalent to starting all over again. It is feasible to change to a better target from the same starting point, because there are rebounds. At this time, you can exchange the non-performing assets in your hands for the leaders of several tracks. For example, FET ONDO WIF and other leaders dare not say that they are running at the forefront when the market is good, but you will definitely make money. Don't be obsessed with the coins that may rise in your hands, and exchange them for coins that will definitely rise. Don't be lazy to move this time! Have you seen the richest tomato? When all coins fall to this extent, they actually return to the past, giving you the opportunity to choose again. Back to the market 1. The market has not changed much today during the Qingming Festival. As of the date of publication, the volatility of BTC is 1.16%. The BTC 4-hour price is still stuck between the standard pressure level of the neckline (68850) and the support level of the consolidation pattern (66620). If it breaks through either side, it will go in the opposite direction (the positive line will rise and fall, and the negative line will bottom out and rise). There is no trend in the short term. From the daily level of the indicator currency ETH/LINK, it will take at least until next week to end the adjustment trend 2. In the big picture, if you find that BTC has risen the least and the altcoins have risen the most, then the market is friendly to long positions and spot; when you find that BTC has fallen the least and most of them have fallen the most, it means that the market is falling and the market is friendly to short positions. Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 This sentence may seem like nonsense, but it can determine what you should do in a day. 3. Rise/fall, time/space have their own measurement and calculation methods. Many altcoins that have completed the daily decline pen, after a few days of long shadows on the daily line, it is impossible to continue to look bad. This is similar to the early February of the Spring Festival. The mid-line is nothing more than a matter of time. 4. In terms of operation, the mid-line is patient and waits for the bottom to fall and add positions. Understand the operation ideas and trade calmly #大盘走势 #新币挖矿

Today is April 6th, BTC price is 67723.

Do you want to know when the continuous rise similar to the Spring Festival will come?

When I was writing the article, a friend asked me what to do if the coin she held fell by more than 10 points? Let me tell you a story. Do you remember 3.12? When the epidemic just started, the US stock market was continuously circuit-broken. Bitcoin fell from $10,000 to $3,800 in three days, not to mention other coins. At that time, everyone was very panicked. Seeing that the price had fallen by 80%, I had to continue to sell. I thought for 15 minutes and notified the community to buy BTC after exchanging all the coins for U. The order was issued, but I guess not many people listened. That was the wave of BTC from 3,800 to 68,000 in one year. Why did you make this decision at that time?

1. It is obviously more impossible for you to cut out 20% of the money and return to zero in this industry.

2. If there is a rebound in this situation, it must be BTC that starts.

I want to tell you that in the current market, when you feel that you are losing money, it is not your individual coin that is losing money, but ETH SOL, which has a loss of more than 10 points. If you are the only poor student in a class, your father will beat you, but if the class is full of poor students, your father will definitely not beat you. The principle is the same. At this time, you can choose to change positions. Changing positions at the bottom is equivalent to starting all over again. It is feasible to change to a better target from the same starting point, because there are rebounds. At this time, you can exchange the non-performing assets in your hands for the leaders of several tracks. For example, FET ONDO WIF and other leaders dare not say that they are running at the forefront when the market is good, but you will definitely make money. Don't be obsessed with the coins that may rise in your hands, and exchange them for coins that will definitely rise. Don't be lazy to move this time! Have you seen the richest tomato? When all coins fall to this extent, they actually return to the past, giving you the opportunity to choose again.

Back to the market

1. The market has not changed much today during the Qingming Festival. As of the date of publication, the volatility of BTC is 1.16%. The BTC 4-hour price is still stuck between the standard pressure level of the neckline (68850) and the support level of the consolidation pattern (66620). If it breaks through either side, it will go in the opposite direction (the positive line will rise and fall, and the negative line will bottom out and rise). There is no trend in the short term. From the daily level of the indicator currency ETH/LINK, it will take at least until next week to end the adjustment trend

2. In the big picture, if you find that BTC has risen the least and the altcoins have risen the most, then the market is friendly to long positions and spot; when you find that BTC has fallen the least and most of them have fallen the most, it means that the market is falling and the market is friendly to short positions. Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 This sentence may seem like nonsense, but it can determine what you should do in a day.

3. Rise/fall, time/space have their own measurement and calculation methods. Many altcoins that have completed the daily decline pen, after a few days of long shadows on the daily line, it is impossible to continue to look bad. This is similar to the early February of the Spring Festival. The mid-line is nothing more than a matter of time.

4. In terms of operation, the mid-line is patient and waits for the bottom to fall and add positions. Understand the operation ideas and trade calmly #大盘走势 #新币挖矿

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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币圈泡沫,多大? 币圈啥时候崩盘? 答案:你崩盘了,币圈都还没崩。 今天聊聊币圈泡沫。 听到泡沫就怕,基本上属于经济学小白。 币圈泡沫,超越以往很多金融资产……韭菜,小白,新人,一听到泡沫就怕,尤其那堆盘圈刚被骗怕,转行过来的接盘的。 但事实上,稍微有点金融基础,都应该清楚,任何行业,都有泡沫,换句话说,泡沫是任何行业运行的基础跟前提。 实体经济有没泡沫?有 虚拟经济有没泡沫?有 金融资产有没泡沫?有 泡沫本身并不可怕,可怕的是,没有健康的机制,消除泡沫。这种商业模式,一定不长久,最后一定崩盘。 这点,资金盘,或者那堆号称只涨不跌的币等庞氏骗局,最能体现。泡沫越大,崩盘越快。 实体泡沫,消费者购买商品,得以消除。 币圈泡沫,接盘侠追涨杀跌,得以消除。 国家鼓励消费,也是为了消除泡沫。 回到币圈,泡沫多大?大到无数,传统资金盘大割,达成一致共识,发现了新大陆。 用他们话说,这就是网络印钞机啊。 世界上谁能印钞?只有主权国家能,所以发币在很多国家,都涉嫌违法。 想对于实体泡沫消化,资金盘消化的难度,虚拟货币一涨一跌,一键消除,且法律风险很低,无需担心,用户维权。 线上操作,亏了你找谁?项目方,庄家?还是谁?这种收割模式,酸爽的很。 交琉qun+V:2758624303别怕泡沫,你应该关注的是,别接盘。#美联储 #新币挖矿 #反诈小贴士
抄底计划:六大公链龙头MEME,合适抄底? 在这轮牛市当中,所谓的VC币的财富效应因为场内流动性不足的原因,很少有能跑赢对应的龙头meme,也就是说散户更愿意买一些meme币,也不愿意持续接盘等待大额解锁的VC高市值所谓的价值币。 本篇文章简单介绍的BTC、ETH、SOL生态龙头meme,这些热度非常高,大家也比较熟悉。主要介绍一些热门公链,大家不太熟悉的龙头meme,相对来说这些更具有潜在的财富效应。 标的1:ORDI 简介 Ordi不用过多介绍,相信大家都非常熟悉了,本轮牛市第一个财富效应就是Ordi带领的铭文赛道,当然绝大多数铭文都已经归零或者失去了流动性,但作为铭文龙头的Ordi仍具有抄底价值。 首先Ordi的概念需要明确,它属于BTC链的龙头meme,它的涨跌受到比特币价格涨跌的直接影响,它的涨跌不受基本面的影响,只受到情绪的影响。ORDI的市值预期在比特币市值的百分之一到百分之五,当且比特币市值在12500亿美元,也就是说Ordi的最高预期在125-725亿美元,而当且市值是在9亿左右,也就说有13-80倍预期,保守估计ORDI下一轮的预期在500U。 技术分析 ORDI高点回撤百分之50的回撤,目前在200日均线49以及主要支撑40之间震荡,下一个支撑线是27,27再往下是18,建仓主要时机在18-27之前。但是由于ORDI的回撤幅度相比于涨幅来说并不大,震荡时间不够,耐心等待时机即可。 策略: 30以下分批建仓,20以下重仓。 预期收益:20-50倍 标的2:PEPE 简介: PEPE作为这一轮以太坊链上的万倍meme,热度和涨幅已经远超DOGE,成为以太坊链新龙头meme。 PEPE当前市值为31亿美元,按照以太坊市值1%到5%来算,PEPE市值在38亿美元-190亿美元。PEPE作为这轮meme最强势的龙头,有望成为本轮首个百亿级meme,预期回报在3-10倍 技术分析: PEPE本轮牛市在极短的时间内拉高10倍,十倍后腰斩,目前处于高位反弹当中。短期来看,PEPE将持续高位震荡,中长期支撑线在30附近。 短期策略:45-80之间波段 长期策略:30附近开始建仓,20以下重仓。 标的3:WIF WIF帽子狗作为本轮Solana第二个上币安的meme,涨幅也是万倍级别,是百亿meme的有力竞争者。当前WIF的市值在30亿,距离百亿meme还有三倍空间,预期3-6倍。 技术分析: WIF上币安直接使WIF的价格从0.3涨到了4.8,涨幅高达16倍。高点回撤最大跌幅在61%,目前处于高位震荡。WIF本轮上涨过程中并没有经历过长时间的洗盘,交琉qun+V:2758624303所以预计在成为百亿meme之前还要进行深度洗盘。 策略: 中短线策略:1.8-3.5之前高抛低吸做震荡行情 长线策略:1.1开始建仓,0.8以下重仓。 标的4:Degen Degen最早是去中心化的社交应用Farcaster打赏代币,目前已经成长为Base生态的龙头meme,而Base生态没有发行公链代币,而其生态的资金更多地会流向龙头项目。目前Degen 完成了融资,并推出了基于Base生态的L3,已经不完全是Meme概念。 Degen目前的流通市值3.8亿美元,预期是二十亿级别,仍具有超高涨幅预期,且确定性较高,但目前处于高位回调,需耐心等待时机进场。 策略:0.017建仓,.001以下重仓 标的:ZORRO 简介: ZORRO是zkSync上的以搞怪紫猫为形象的龙头meme,根据Nansen的报告,ZORRO是zkSync上巨鲸钱包持有前十的代币。在猫概念的基础之上,再加上zkSync发币预期,预计ZORRO将会在近期迎来超额涨幅。 目前ZORRO的市值在800万美元,预期1-5亿美元,涨幅预期是12-60倍,值得埋伏。 技术分析: ZORRO在近期猫概念上涨过程中,并未有突出表现,中文社区热度较低,目前冲高回落。中线支撑在20,长期支撑在10。 策略:20以下开始建仓,10附近重仓 标的:FOXY Foxy是Linea推出的首个meme币,以小狐狸为形象,致力于建立以meme为基础的社区。Foxy首上OKX,是Linea与OXK联合坐庄的meme币,表现亮眼,目前市值为1.7亿,预期首先10亿,仍是百亿meme的强力竞争者。 技术分析: Foxy流通量极少,大部分会空投给社区活跃者,目前0.13为短线支撑点,0.1以下,即1亿美元市值重仓#Meme币你看好哪一个? #反诈小贴士

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