There are always some conspiracies in the world, but open conspiracies are more interesting, aren’t they?

For example, after reading the rgb++ white paper, I roughly deduced the possible scenarios that followed, and then decided to build a position in CKB.

At that time, the price of CKB was 0.01, and I built a position of 1% of the circulation, and directly synchronized the operation on Twitter. And I have been popularizing rgb++ in the future, and listed it as a t0-level opportunity that must be seized.

In some small groups, I and many friends have pre-empted the valuation. Due to fair launch, the market value of the paper hand will be as low as 30m, which is the golden pit. In fact, this market value lasted for about two days.

Even if everyone knows that a certain new IPO qun +v:BYLK688 is false propaganda and may have problems, it still can't stop the enthusiasm and is ready to rush. What will happen if the real new IPO comes out?

All these logics started from reading the rgb++ white paper, repeatedly saying, open conspiracy, pre-emptive.

In this way, you can still make money, which is interesting.

#Meme #CKB是最好的BTCL2