Ten Disciplines for Futures Trading

1. Set the stop loss point and amount of funds before entering the market.

2 Each transaction shall not exceed 30% of the total funds.

3. In principle, the loss of each fund shall not exceed 3% of the total funds.

4. After the market has moved sharply for two days, if it is not a stop-trading trend, you should reduce your position (it is not necessary to reduce the bald big sun or big Yin line that follows the trend)

5. When you are hesitant, you must close the position, and at least reduce the position by half.

6. When increasing positions, you must find effective resistance or support levels. When increasing positions, you must strictly set stop losses.

7. The position should not be so large that you are anxious. If it is already like this, you should reduce your position immediately.

8. Always be alert to the optimistic mood around you. It hides huge dangers. Don't let it become a reason to hold positions firmly.

9. Do not hold more than three varieties at the same time.

10. Have an overall consideration before entering the market: confirm the general trend, the first profit target that may be achieved, when to reduce or increase positions, and the ratio of reducing or increasing positions.

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