🧙 What are the technical advantages of TVL’s unrivaled Merlin Chain?

🟪 This article is very detailed. Let me summarize it for you:

1/ High-performance consensus mechanism:

Merlin Chain proposed a solution based on Taproot's aggregated zero-knowledge proof and Rollup data writing to the Bitcoin main network, realizing a highly scalable ZK-Rollup. The network aggregates and compresses transaction data into batches, and then passes zero-knowledge proof Submit to Bitcoin mainnet.

2/ Secure data structure:

Use efficient data structures to ensure data security and integrity.

3/ Optimized network layer:

Celestia is used as the DA layer. This technical architecture gives Merlin Chain powerful performance while providing enhanced support for the Bitcoin network.

4/ Flexible smart contract platform:

EVM is compatible and supports a variety of smart contracts to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

5/ Cross-chain interoperability:

It achieves interoperability with other blockchains and promotes collaborative work between different blockchains.

These technical features constitute Merlin Chain’s strong core competitiveness.

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