【Algorand Decopher 2024: A quick overview of conference highlights】

👉🏻 I took some time to watch the video of the Algorand Foundation Decopher 2024 conference over the weekend. I feel that in just a few years, $ALGO has made quite a lot of progress. It is the type of low-key Build.

🔍 Brief summary

1️⃣ On January 1, 2024, the daily transaction volume reached 43 million transactions

2️⃣ On May 17, 2024, the TPS set a record of 5,716, ranking among the top three fastest blockchains, second only to Solana

3️⃣ Since 2022, the number of wallets has increased by 3 times, the transaction volume has increased by 2 times, the number of main network applications has increased by 17 times, and the number of developers has increased by 2.6 times

💡More bright evolution

ALGO is about to evolve from the traditional model of consensus node-relay network to a P2P topology network, achieving more thorough decentralization and stronger scalability.

The P2P topology network makes LiquidAuth's peer-to-peer authentication possible, allowing users to interact directly and securely without going through an intermediate server or service. This not only speeds up transactions, but also further protects user privacy.

👇🏻For more information, please see the picture below