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[回补缺口!]( Arrived as expected! The final blow to fill the gap! The pie fell more than 5% during the day and as of press time, the price fell below 6.50,000 to 6,000,000 US dollars. It can be said that the support at the hourly and four-hour levels has fallen through, and there is no sign of a rebound in volume. The articles we published within a week repeatedly mentioned the CME gap below BTC, which is located in the 65500-63600 area. When the futures market opens today, it will also appear at this price to complete this covering. Why is CME’s covering a very healthy correction? Because compared to BTC’s spot, the investment structure of futures is mainly composed of institutional investors and professional traders. They pay more attention to the medium and long-term trend of BTC rather than the short-term. Fluctuations will also lead to different market expectations between CME and spot, resulting in different price manifestations. #BTC However, if this gap is completely filled, it can be said that this hidden danger will be eliminated. In this wave of falling market, the best position for batch bargain hunting will be the low point of 63,000 US dollars until March 5th. 5w9 USD area. $BTC $ETH $BNB


Arrived as expected! The final blow to fill the gap!

The pie fell more than 5% during the day and as of press time, the price fell below 6.50,000 to 6,000,000 US dollars. It can be said that the support at the hourly and four-hour levels has fallen through, and there is no sign of a rebound in volume.

The articles we published within a week repeatedly mentioned the CME gap below BTC, which is located in the 65500-63600 area. When the futures market opens today, it will also appear at this price to complete this covering.

Why is CME’s covering a very healthy correction? Because compared to BTC’s spot, the investment structure of futures is mainly composed of institutional investors and professional traders. They pay more attention to the medium and long-term trend of BTC rather than the short-term. Fluctuations will also lead to different market expectations between CME and spot, resulting in different price manifestations. #BTC

However, if this gap is completely filled, it can be said that this hidden danger will be eliminated. In this wave of falling market, the best position for batch bargain hunting will be the low point of 63,000 US dollars until March 5th. 5w9 USD area. $BTC $ETH $BNB

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减半=起飞!解密比特币原生代币RUNES! 币圈的小伙伴们这两天可能都在关注BTC减半的动态,但可能很多人并不知道,随着BTC的减半,比特币原生生态中的新协议runes也在20号随即上线,让我们来用最简单的观点看下什么是RUNES,到底该怎么布局!? 首先,Runes是Ordi创始人Casey建立的新符文项目,简单说是在比特币的生态上发行自己新的协议,从而减少BRC20给BTC节点带来的负担,而使用这个协议发行的资产就称之为符文(和铭文挺像,但本质不同)。 像我们熟知在NFT市场很火的runestone石头,其实并不属于符文,而是为了给RUNES的上线做出更好的铺垫,肉眼可见的利用社区共识把热度也做高了上去,价格也一路水涨船高,所以20号RUNES的正式上线也让我们更加的看好。 在生态方面,Runes 协议基础设施 Rune Alpha 和 Rune Mania Miner 两大热点项目官宣合作,代表着 Runes 生态的基础设施开始串联生态!也就是说我们所提到的牛市下半场的MEME生态、BTClayer2生态,都将会和符文进行深度的绑定。 而其实,MEME赛道也正好欠缺一个长期而言有价值的项目和叙事来承接自己生态的价值。可以说互补的同时,让无预留无锁仓、先到先得、让大多数人公平参与 Token 初始发行的特质发挥到了极致。 此外,符文的创作也更具弹性。它们可以采用开放铸币、公平分配的方式,用户还可以选择将全部供应铸入到单一的地址(就像 ERC-20)。而他不会像铭文一样,有着被抢先打掉的困扰,Runes 尝试使用「先提交再揭露」的方案,减少了窗口期。 等到 Runes 正式上线后,怎么参与呢! 准备+几个方式可以参于Runes: 1)需要准备BTC以及UTXO,准备方式以及链接放在社群工具中了。 2)参与mint 由官方团队部署的第 0-9 号的前 10 个 token,名字暂定。系列的token我们会持续关注,工具放在社群啦!$BTC $STX $ORDI
最后三天!到底怎么走! 距离BTC减半仅剩三天,目前市场仍然处在一个低迷的情绪中。随着昨日晚间的消息面影响,比特币再次回落至6.2w美元,午间开始反弹,目前处在6.3w的位置,量能不强,可以说今晚大概率有继续下探的趋势。 而在昨天进行抄底操作的散户们,可能已经挂在了半山腰,再次挂了上去。这几天自413以来,加密货币市场在利用战事消息,极速下跌,从而到达洗盘以及反复爆多的目的。而山寨也被洗的不成样子,我们关注到了几个模型和指标,可能会对在座的大家有参考意义。 第一,散户购买力仍然存在。通过14日15日两日的数据可以看出,散户投资者仍然在购买山寨币的节奏中。即使情绪低迷,但是仍有很多鲸鱼在链上提取大额的山寨币。#比特币减半 第二,从大周期级别的顶底模型中,比特币仍存在下方空间。从市场占有率讲,比特币目前在53%左右,而以往几次较大的回调,这个数值都要回到60%以上。从山寨币的指数也能看出,投资者们的避险操作还在继续。 接下来怎么操作!减少短线!分批挂单!不频繁进行短线交易可能会直接让你超过70%以上的人,胡乱操作只会带来筹码的不断减少。而分批进场的点位无非是在比特币5.5-5.9w对应出来的山寨币价格(不看好比特币跌穿5.5w这个位置),下一篇将带来怎么挂单,挂了哪些!$BTC $ETH $BNB

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