Binance Square
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Today is Monday. Pay attention to the currency price fluctuations after 10 pm. There will definitely be a big market in April. The pie will be halved in the middle of the month and the cz will be pronounced at the end of the month. Institutions and project parties will inevitably take action in advance. After all, this thing is still controlled by capital. It has been fluctuating sideways for three weeks. Can you still hold on to it? Various types of cryptocurrencies have been lurking for a long time. Let’s look at the Hong Kong sector first, and then look at the three-coin integration of artificial intelligence. What should come will come, and they will definitely be able to surpass the fluctuations of the market. The follow-up is still waiting for the ether to exert its force. Spot players all need to be patient. If you want to make money steadily in the currency circle, please follow me.

Today is Monday. Pay attention to the currency price fluctuations after 10 pm. There will definitely be a big market in April. The pie will be halved in the middle of the month and the cz will be pronounced at the end of the month. Institutions and project parties will inevitably take action in advance. After all, this thing is still controlled by capital. It has been fluctuating sideways for three weeks. Can you still hold on to it? Various types of cryptocurrencies have been lurking for a long time. Let’s look at the Hong Kong sector first, and then look at the three-coin integration of artificial intelligence. What should come will come, and they will definitely be able to surpass the fluctuations of the market. The follow-up is still waiting for the ether to exert its force. Spot players all need to be patient. If you want to make money steadily in the currency circle, please follow me.

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$BTC $ETH $BNB 牛市结束啦,梦想破灭啦。我不知道这几天的行情有多少人害怕了,割肉了。市场的生音其实是无关紧要的,因为币圈是反人性的,牛总是在质疑中到来,疯狂中消失。大家都认为是狂暴大牛的时候,整个市场必然会进行疯狂的洗盘。还是那句话,庄家不会让散户这么轻易的赚到钱,必然疯狂洗盘让你乖乖交出筹码,然后再爆拉让你去追高,然后再把你洗下车,然后再去追。这就是为什么哪怕是牛市也是 90% 的人亏损。 就其实吧,这种行情,去年都来过好几次了,这种极端行情清光所有多单和韭菜们的胆子,你敢抄底?好,继续洗,洗到没人敢抄底了,突然一根太阳线直接上去。其实抄在最低的没有几个人,但是问问自己,牛市真的结束了吗?如果没有,你为什么非要等一个最低点,没有几个人能抄到最低点,因为你没有足够大的资金,做不了庄,只能说在相对低的价格逐步抄底。这样可以让你在大牛的时候多赚一些,也不会踏空。这就像在牛市快结束的时候逃顶一样。想吃最后一波的人。也要承受没有跑掉结果资产缩水 90% 的痛苦。 在这个圈子,控制住自己的贪念,管住自己的手比什么都重要,心态和认知比运气更加重要,再好的运气买到再低的筹码也会因为你自己不匹配这份财富的实力亏出去。希望大家共勉,我是一个现货玩家,关注我,一起度过这个散户最后的大牛!
$BTC $ETH $BNB 长期持有 bnb 的伙伴们有福了。不知道有没有小伙伴注意,本次挖矿 bnb 占比从原来的 80% 变成了 85% 了,而 fdusd 则变成了 15%。其实也不难想象因为随着牛市进程的推进,持有 bnb 的伙伴越来越多。查看历史挖矿可以看到参与挖矿的 bnb 从去年的 400 万到了上次的 1800 万枚。不管有多少是借贷参与挖矿的,但是用户持有 bnb 确实是实打实的在增加 bnb 价格也随着时间一路推高。导致有几次稳定币挖矿收益高一些,不过官方必然会调整的,其实挖矿对 bnb 才是最大的利好,甚至额度不用拉盘,只要一直开启挖矿,大牛市 bnb 会被推高到一个很夸张的底部。我先说一下预言,本轮牛市大饼会到 20-22 万 u。bnb 会到 3000-5000u,主要看大饼高度。 当然还是一点如果是挖矿了买 bnb,结束就打算卖的,那还是别买了,直接稳定币挖一下算了,不然可能还得亏。 很多人大盘一涨就喊牛来了,一跌就牛走了,这些人能赚什么钱,买彩票靠谱点。要知道牛市所有的利空都是庄家骗你卖出低价筹码然后去追高的手段。耐不住寂寞就拿不到结果。还有就是埋伏优质生态,你买的币不涨别的涨,很正常,机构不知道哪个好?那他肯定反向操作等你卖掉优质币种再拉盘,玩了这么多年了,就这一个手法,但是韭菜就是永远不长记性的。 如果你拿不住现货,那就关注我,一个现货玩家

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