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April 1 Crypto Option Volatility Research Report There are still 19 days until Bitcoin halving? Will there be a big wave this week? Key project tips: A recent in-depth study of an on-chain option Dex @Synquote , invested by Coinbase, is expected to issue coins in August, suitable for option players to take advantage of airdrops. There will be a 500 USDC event this week. You need to use my invitation code: I. Core Views: 1-The ETH call option strategy that was deployed in advance this Friday ushered in a 70% increase. We continue to be optimistic about the ETF speculation expectations and actively deploy option strategies 2-The overall structure of the implied volatility of options#BTCis smooth and mildly bullish;#ETHstill has good layout opportunities before the end of April 3-The deep-rooted cottage option targets#Dogeand#Tonhave continued to rise recently, and the volatility has remained high. It is highly likely that it cannot be maintained for a long time, and the profits are appropriately pocketed II. BTC \ ETH \ Sol ①Spot Sol rose 4% in 24 hours and broke through 200 US dollars again; and its ecological tokens saw a general rise; JITO rose 28% in 24 hours. As mentioned in the live broadcast on Thursday, the ecological heat has become stronger after experiencing the "Lindy effect". BTC spot price did not change much over the weekend, while ETH saw a slight increase, and was around $3,620 as of writing. ② The implied volatility of options BTC and ETH as a whole is still around MAX from the perspective of the volatility cone; it is highly likely that the halving will be approaching, and the implied volatility of ATM at the end of the month is 70%, which is unlikely to fall sharply. If there is an unexpected event, the probability of continued rise is not low. ETH implied volatility has changed significantly compared with the previous week, and the near-end bullish trend has increased significantly; the market is generally optimistic about ETH in June. Although the spot price of Sol has climbed above 200, the near- and far-end implied volatility have remained around 100, indicating that the market does not expect a large increase in the near term, and it is not too late to deploy some long gamma strategies. There are no particularly noteworthy large transactions over the weekend 3. Other altcoins #TonImplied volatility has been at 150% recently. We still arrange a strategy based on shorting volatility in the team group. Betting on high IV cannot be sustained. We will be more cautious on the Call side #DogeImplied volatility has not risen further after reaching a high level. The short-term long gamma strategy needs to be adjusted in time; the strategy at the end of April will not change #KaspaThe spot price has corrected recently, and the implied volatility has dropped by about 30-40 Vol. This is another opportunity to go long on volatility. 4. Macro market A shares: The market continued to rebound last Friday. The good thing about the market is that everyone currently agrees that the decline will not be deep. What is hesitant is what is the new engine or narrative clue? There are several major events over the weekend: ① The giant Syngenta took the initiative to withdraw from the listing, and its IPO was relatively resolute in significantly reducing the number of IPOs. It is still necessary to protect the market where confidence is not strong; ② Wanda has received new investment, and the funds come from the Middle East. Real estate is also the most important trend this year. Basically, except for a few central enterprises, the real estate industry is struggling to survive. ③ The key event mentioned last week was that the manufacturing PMI March data exceeded expectations, with the 50.8-point data improving significantly from the previous month. It is very important to make decisions based on data. There are already some clues. Although it is not easy to be overly optimistic, we do need to pay attention and think about whether this is an inflection point? To sum up, all the key issues above are most relevant to the broad-based index, so I say the focus this year is 300 options. Finally, if you want to learn more about 3 market option strategies, please join "Sober Chat Options Planet"

April 1 Crypto Option Volatility Research Report

There are still 19 days until Bitcoin halving? Will there be a big wave this week?

Key project tips: A recent in-depth study of an on-chain option Dex @Synquote

, invested by Coinbase, is expected to issue coins in August, suitable for option players to take advantage of airdrops. There will be a 500 USDC event this week. You need to use my invitation code:

I. Core Views:

1-The ETH call option strategy that was deployed in advance this Friday ushered in a 70% increase. We continue to be optimistic about the ETF speculation expectations and actively deploy option strategies

2-The overall structure of the implied volatility of options#BTCis smooth and mildly bullish;#ETHstill has good layout opportunities before the end of April

3-The deep-rooted cottage option targets#Dogeand#Tonhave continued to rise recently, and the volatility has remained high. It is highly likely that it cannot be maintained for a long time, and the profits are appropriately pocketed

II. BTC \ ETH \ Sol

①Spot Sol rose 4% in 24 hours and broke through 200 US dollars again; and its ecological tokens saw a general rise; JITO rose 28% in 24 hours. As mentioned in the live broadcast on Thursday, the ecological heat has become stronger after experiencing the "Lindy effect". BTC spot price did not change much over the weekend, while ETH saw a slight increase, and was around $3,620 as of writing.

② The implied volatility of options BTC and ETH as a whole is still around MAX from the perspective of the volatility cone; it is highly likely that the halving will be approaching, and the implied volatility of ATM at the end of the month is 70%, which is unlikely to fall sharply. If there is an unexpected event, the probability of continued rise is not low. ETH implied volatility has changed significantly compared with the previous week, and the near-end bullish trend has increased significantly; the market is generally optimistic about ETH in June. Although the spot price of Sol has climbed above 200, the near- and far-end implied volatility have remained around 100, indicating that the market does not expect a large increase in the near term, and it is not too late to deploy some long gamma strategies.

There are no particularly noteworthy large transactions over the weekend

3. Other altcoins

#TonImplied volatility has been at 150% recently. We still arrange a strategy based on shorting volatility in the team group. Betting on high IV cannot be sustained. We will be more cautious on the Call side

#DogeImplied volatility has not risen further after reaching a high level. The short-term long gamma strategy needs to be adjusted in time; the strategy at the end of April will not change

#KaspaThe spot price has corrected recently, and the implied volatility has dropped by about 30-40 Vol. This is another opportunity to go long on volatility.

4. Macro market

A shares: The market continued to rebound last Friday. The good thing about the market is that everyone currently agrees that the decline will not be deep. What is hesitant is what is the new engine or narrative clue? There are several major events over the weekend:

① The giant Syngenta took the initiative to withdraw from the listing, and its IPO was relatively resolute in significantly reducing the number of IPOs. It is still necessary to protect the market where confidence is not strong;

② Wanda has received new investment, and the funds come from the Middle East. Real estate is also the most important trend this year. Basically, except for a few central enterprises, the real estate industry is struggling to survive.

③ The key event mentioned last week was that the manufacturing PMI March data exceeded expectations, with the 50.8-point data improving significantly from the previous month. It is very important to make decisions based on data. There are already some clues. Although it is not easy to be overly optimistic, we do need to pay attention and think about whether this is an inflection point? To sum up, all the key issues above are most relevant to the broad-based index, so I say the focus this year is 300 options.

Finally, if you want to learn more about 3 market option strategies, please join "Sober Chat Options Planet"

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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4月29日 加密期权研报 ETH 情绪大反转,从普遍 Fud 到大 V 看好 BIT 链接(专属 VIP 5手续费) 一、核心观点: 1-我一直明牌看好 ETH 会补涨,最近有一波情绪助推 2-Dvol 数据略有上涨,隐含波动率 Call 端反转 3-ETH 的远端看涨期权隐波并未大涨,不建议星友们做Call 端的备兑 -山寨期权标的 #Sol 等虽然也处于降波中,目前约 60 分位,但相较于 BTC 和 ETH 仍有明显做空波动率的优势 二、期权大宗交易 BTC 有2个牛市价差策略(整体看涨,均 100 个以上当量) buy BTC-3MAY24-63500-C + sell BTC-3MAY24-65000-C buy BTC-31MAY24-66000-C + sell BTC-31MAY24-71000-C ETH 有一笔大宗做了熊市价差策略(看跌,1500个,量不算很大) sell ETH-28JUN24-2600-P + buy ETH-28JUN24-3100-P Sol 的大宗星球内提示 三、其他山寨 最近除了 Sol 主要就是做 TON,目前 TON 整体赔率和较高值回调都已经不错,做sell put或者ratio spread都相对舒适。 Doge、Kas 等持续关注,等待技术反转位置 四、宏观资本市场 上周五上证50指数实现了这一轮的收盘新高,实现了突破。 北水疯狂流入,周五当日225亿的流入是创了有记录以来的最大值,这代表的是外资急切涌入的态度。 结合目前外围股指在高位有陷入技术性熊市的风险,同时美元还继续陷入通胀压力vs经济低迷的滞涨博弈,美联储刀尖跳舞的情况下,非美货币的波动可能引发全球资本配置重构的需求。 (如图1) 再联系不久前开始出现的外资唱多A股,唱多中国资产的声音,我们有理由期待北水会出现一轮持续的流入。 仔细观察近些年外资会发现这些大的基金很少做短期博弈,大多基于头寸配置逻辑,基本确定了一个逻辑之后就会在一个阶段持续输出。 比如:北水,比如 BTC 的etf,都是这样。 最后,如果想要提问或者深度学习,欢迎来到“Sober聊期权星球”
4月26日 加密期权研报 Dvol 坍塌,短期隐波看空,做多波动率未到时候 期权大赛: Coincall 专属期权大赛对新玩家很友好;可以几乎 0 成本白嫖 500 个 #Call 代币 一、核心观点: 1-BTC 和 ETH 隐波继续塌陷,通过波动率锥可以看出接近 75 分位; 2-短期下跌风险进一步加大,Put 端隐波持续升温,做简单保险策略玩家可以适度止盈;做“黑天鹅”策略玩家按兵不动; 3-主流山寨币噤若寒蝉,若 BTC 突然下跌扎针,则山寨不保,推荐有现货玩家全额备兑,趁着山寨 Call 端隐波尚可,没必要太大格局 二、期权大宗交易数据 BTC 的大宗变脸很快,昨日几个最大头寸都是买入短期保险策略(分别 800 个和 400个 BTC ) buy BTC-3MAY24-59000-P buy BTC-31MAY24-62000-P ETH 的大宗则是布局做空波动率策略: sell ETH-26APR24-3150-P + sell ETH-26APR24-3200-C buy ETH-26APR24-3100-P + sell ETH-26APR24-3150-P Sol 这笔大宗很值得注意(昨天群内提示了,策略不谋而合) 三、其他山寨 会继续做几个山寨标的滚仓: #Ton #Doge #Kaspa 其他不熟悉基本面山寨标的不碰 四、宏观经济 昨天北水没有大规模的波动,其流入流出的节奏基本和指数波动吻合。 随着最近唱多A股的外资开始增多,同时美元也已经再次唱完鹰派的戏。 个人主观判断后续外资对大A逻辑上应该是流入多于流出的。(如图1) 指数已经酝酿了很久新行情了,大概率就在等下周会议。

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