I remember four years ago, the Bitcoin halving brought not only expectations, but also a sudden plunge, causing 90% of investors to suffer huge losses overnight. Looking back on March 8, 2020, Ethereum suddenly fell from $250 to $210, a drop of 17%; Bitcoin also fell from $9,200 to $8,300, a drop of 10%. The market, which originally seemed to be rebounding, suddenly changed its face, and everyone was panicked. The next day, the U.S. stock market announced a circuit breaker, and the market plummeted again. Ethereum and Bitcoin continue to slide, and panic spreads. After two days of continuous decline, although many people lost money, they were still optimistic that the worst was over, and some people even started to go long again. But on March 12, everything changed, especially Ethereum, which plummeted from a high of $1,500 to $150. I couldn't hold it back and invested all my money in trying to seize this opportunity. Almost everyone thinks it’s time to go long, and those of us in the short group are also starting to want to buy the bottom. Just that night, the panic caused by the epidemic caused the US stock market to melt down again, and the prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin plummeted. At that moment, I thought that the currency circle was going to end, and that the entire industry and the entire circle had no hope. Everyone suffered serious losses, and no amount of margin could stop the decline. But just when I thought it was all over, many people started buying the bottom again, and others were trying their best to continue struggling in this market. You thought this was the end? too naive. After a brief rebound, the prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin were hit harder, and the prices were directly hit even lower. The decline of altcoins is even more incredible, falling dozens of times. The needles and needles are endless and miserable. All this tells us that in the currency circle, the only thing that is certain is uncertainty.


If you want to delve deeper into the currency circle but can’t find a clue and want to get started quickly, you can check out my homepage profile and communicate with each other. I hope our encounter will be friendly.