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Contributed by a fan I lost everything because of the contract. After finishing my losses yesterday, I started a one-month cooling-off period to force myself to calm down. However, the sequelae of the contract still exist: insomnia and dreaminess, overeating, depression, headaches, brain swelling, listlessness, like a walking zombie. The contract ruined everything for me, made my health worse than before, reduced my savings to zero, and left me heavily in debt. You can't go back to your home, you can't get medical treatment, you can't buy a house, you can't get married. . . The outlook on life and values ​​are seriously distorted. My obviously good life was made a mess by myself. Many times I wanted to look back, but my inner desires kept me from turning back. I have never done anything harmful to nature in my life. I have always been conscientious, lawful, and down-to-earth in my life. Why did I end up in this situation? After working for so many years, I have no savings at all, my debts have not been reduced, but more and more, and my investment in the currency circle has basically returned to zero every now and then. I really wanted to quit, but in the end, I still gave away all the savings I had accumulated. No matter how good the sunshine is, it cannot shine into my heart now. #BTC #SHIB #WIF If you want to delve deeper into the currency circle but can’t find a clue and want to get started quickly, you can check out my homepage profile and communicate with each other. I hope our encounter will be friendly.

Contributed by a fan

I lost everything because of the contract. After finishing my losses yesterday, I started a one-month cooling-off period to force myself to calm down. However, the sequelae of the contract still exist: insomnia and dreaminess, overeating, depression, headaches, brain swelling, listlessness, like a walking zombie.

The contract ruined everything for me, made my health worse than before, reduced my savings to zero, and left me heavily in debt. You can't go back to your home, you can't get medical treatment, you can't buy a house, you can't get married. . . The outlook on life and values ​​are seriously distorted. My obviously good life was made a mess by myself. Many times I wanted to look back, but my inner desires kept me from turning back.

I have never done anything harmful to nature in my life. I have always been conscientious, lawful, and down-to-earth in my life. Why did I end up in this situation? After working for so many years, I have no savings at all, my debts have not been reduced, but more and more, and my investment in the currency circle has basically returned to zero every now and then. I really wanted to quit, but in the end, I still gave away all the savings I had accumulated.

No matter how good the sunshine is, it cannot shine into my heart now.


If you want to delve deeper into the currency circle but can’t find a clue and want to get started quickly, you can check out my homepage profile and communicate with each other. I hope our encounter will be friendly.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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你在币圈踩过最深的坑是什么? 肯定是不止损导致的爆仓 大部分人深有体会的 交易是一团欲望,进场没有赚到钱便痛苦,赚到钱清仓后又开始无聊,想赚更多的钱而再次进场,再次处于风险之中。 没仓位时,在下跌的时候,等反弹再开空,切记不要追;上涨的时候也-样,回调 入场,不要追。 这样可能错过某些强烈的趋势行情,但多数时候都保险一点, 不过很多人眼里只能看到利润,看不到风险,最后怪别人让自己踏空。 赌钱不赌命这里包括两方面含义: 第一、应该拿出你亏得起的钱到期货市场,而不是倾其所有孤注-掷像输红眼的赌 徒把身家性命都压上。 第二、你要做的每笔单子,在亏多少钱时出场认输,也就是赌输的话认赔多少钱应 该是很明确的,而且要坚决执行。你这样做的话我认为你是在赌钱。如果你没有这 种心理准备,亏损后按自己的意愿苦苦等待反转,只要没有让你被迫穿仓离场你就 会继续等下去,我就认为你是在赌命。因为每次的失败都有使你的这个账户死掉 的危险。 (1) 大势一定要让它走尽,决不中途跳车 -- 赚大钱的 "贪心"。 (2) 回调 20%马上出场,决不抱侥幸心理 -- 明确每次 "贪心 "最多能付出怎样的代 价。 (3) 永远不出在当时的最高点,即必须出现像样的回调才把获利仓单了结。为了 "贪 心 "大局,不为眼前的诱惑所左右。 (4) 永远是顺势而 "贪" ,势头逆转随时了结 -- 逆市不走纯粹是 "贪亏" ,这样的傻事 跟我无关。 世上从来没有活菩萨能带我赚钱。若是交易真有什么道路能直达成功,那看看那些曾名满天下的传奇交易员,他们的子女为何都在交易上碌碌无为?难道是他们不想教吗? 知道了想盈利只能靠自己,这才是迈向盈利关键的一步。否则致富密码给到你,没有足够的认知也赚不到。 对于普通人来讲,你没有超人的眼光、卓越的见识,那想在投资上赚钱最后其实都是心力、意志、格局、耐心的比拼,这样才能把好运带来的眷顾最大化。如果大家都把杠杆拉满点点多空就能赚钱,谁还给你打螺丝送外卖呢? 多数人想到的,基本都是错的;而多数人做到的,也基本都是错的。如果你思考问题的框架、观点、情绪,都来自于“多数人”,那么你觉得自己会有超过多数人的收益与回报吗? 做交易其实和打游戏同样的道理,有的人适合射手,有的人适合打野,在交易里有人适合短线,有人适合波段,在交易前我们一定要审视自己,发现自己的长处是什么,然后去专修即可,而不是东施效颦模仿各种操作手法,到最后什么都没学会 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过阿北主页来联系阿北,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC #ETH
如何从零开始构建交易能力? 认识行情的不确定性:市场走势往往充满变数,特别是在短期内。因此,对于初学者来说,应尽量避免过于频繁的短线交易。 理解交易的概率性:成功的交易并非确定无疑,长期来看,交易的成功率难以稳定超过50%。因此,设置合理的盈亏比至关重要,建议至少达到1比2,理想情况下1比3或更高,如能达到1比5以上则更为理想。 明确交易级别与市场状态:在进行交易前,需要明确自己的交易级别(如日内交易、波段交易等),并准确判断市场当前是处于上涨、下跌还是震荡状态。 做好资金与风险管理:在每次开仓前,都应先设定止损点,并根据个人的资金管理原则计算出最大可开仓位,以此确定该笔交易可能带来的最大损失。 遵循交易系统规则:制定并遵循自己的交易系统规则,尊重市场走势,仅在出现买入信号时买入,在卖出信号出现时卖出。 开仓后的管理:一旦开仓,就应将行情的控制权交给市场。在获利之前,止损点绝不可移动或更改。当获得一定利润后,可以通过逐步提高止损点来保护已有利润,或者通过减仓来锁定部分利润。 核心原则是:在明确的买入点买入,在明确的卖出点卖出,严格执行止损,不贪心止盈,并允许利润自然增长。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向,q内提前埋伏潜力币,点点头像介绍找到我,一起共赴牛市 #BTC #ETH

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