How popular is Base, the L2 solution supported by Coinbase?

According to Dune data, nearly 850,000 new users were added to the Base chain in the past week, setting a record high. L2Beat data shows that Base's TVL (total locked value) has increased by 45% in the past week, exceeding $2.2 billion, ranking fourth among Ethereum L2 projects, second only to Arbitrum, OP and Blast.

Base's ability to grow so rapidly is inseparable from the current Meme craze. Analysts believe that Meme coins have driven the growth of TVL on the Base chain and the next wave of adoption. After the Ethereum upgrade, Base recently set a record of 2 million transactions per day on March 16, and it is possible to take market share from Solana.

The largest Meme coin on Base is $Degen, whose market value has increased nearly 3 times in the past 7 days and has exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

Last week, Base had a brief meme craze, especially BACK and OVER, which experienced a roller coaster-like market, with a 30-fold increase at one point, but then suddenly plummeted 50%. For details, please refer to Followin's follow-up report at the time:
"The token price surged, and big Vs called for orders. Is the Base chain the birthplace of a new gold mine?" "The price surged nearly 30 times in 24 hours, and then plummeted 50%. What are the most severe back and over of the Base chain?"

Although this frenzy did not last long, funds and new users continued to flow into the Base chain, not only into the Meme project, but also into other projects in the ecosystem.

The following is an overview of the 12 Base ecosystem projects:

1)Aerodrome($AERO) @aerodromefi

Aerodrome is a central trading and liquidity marketplace. Its TVL has hit a new high, exceeding $3.6 billion.

Aerodrome Finance is a next-generation AMM designed to be the central liquidity center of Base, combining a powerful liquidity incentive engine, a voting lock governance model, and a friendly user experience. Aerodrome inherits the latest features of Velodrome V2. Aerodrome NFT voting allocates token emissions and receives incentives and fees generated by the protocol.

2) @friendtech is a SocialFi project on Base, a cryptocurrency-powered social network.

On March 23, posted on the X platform: "Investors agreed to give up their rights to sell (tokens) to users, thereby creating a currency that is truly controlled by users in the cryptocurrency field. This is one of the craziest experiments in the cryptocurrency field." At the same time, plans to distribute points from venture capital institutions such as Paradigm to users.

Su Zhu, founder of Sanjian, said in a post on the X platform: “I think VC’s abandonment of’s (points) distribution in favor of 100% community distribution heralds a paradigm shift toward superior token economics. The equity layer can extract transaction fees, while tokens are not hindered by vesting schedules and put unlocking.”

This new approach of is expected to attract a lot of attention and is worth looking forward to.

3)DackieSwap (DACKIE) @DackieSwap

DackieSwap is the first native DEX on Base, providing users with the most optimized trading path. The project covers a comprehensive ecosystem including NFT, tokens, and Launchpad.

4)Alien Base(ALB) @alienbasedex

Alien Base is a Base native DEX specifically for the Degen crowd, focusing on promoting emerging and experimental projects on Base.

5)Base Name Service @basensdomains

Each chain has a domain name project, @basensdomains is the ENS of the Base ecosystem. This domain name service uses the OmniChain technology of @LayerZero_Labs

6)Volmex @volmexfinance

Volmex, creator of the Volmex Implied Volatility Index, the BVIV Index (Bitcoin Volmex Implied Volatility), and the EVIV Index (Ethereum Volmex Implied Volatility), is the first and leading cryptocurrency volatility index.

7)Perennial @perenniallabs

Perennial is a DeFi-native derivatives primitive that allows for the creation of two-sided markets to trade exposure to underlying price feeds in a capital efficient manner.

8) Horiza @horizaio

Horiza is a DEX powered by the Base blockchain that combines the advantages of Uniswap v3's centralized liquidity algorithm with active position management and the ve(3,3) design proposed by Solidity to coordinate the interests of participants.

9)Backed @BackedFi

Backed aims to provide fully backed, tokenized real-world assets, and with $45 million in assets under management, you can now purchase real-world assets on-chain and put your stablecoins to work.

10)BaseSwap(BSX) @BaseSwapDex

BaseSwap is a completely independent decentralized exchange (DEX) on Base, introducing a groundbreaking concept.

11)Parallel @ParallelTCG

Parallel is a sci-fi franchise and trading card game (TCG) that allows collectors to truly own their own cards and other game items. These cards can be used to build decks and play in an online PC game currently in beta.

12)WAGMI Games @WagmiGameCo

Striving for widespread recognition at the forefront of the Web3 cross-media entertainment industry, WAGMI Games aims to fuse mobile gaming, rich storytelling, and deep lore to deliver a seamless and engaging experience.

#base #meme #热门话题 #L2项目