I developed an automated GPT-4.0 presale bot that successfully earned $194,850 in $BEER and $WATER tokens. After trying 300 prompts, I finally made it the fastest presale bot on the market. Now, I will show you how to build it with three prompts, and provide full code and deployment guide.

A new narrative for the market

The buzz in the market right now is completely changing the way projects are released, with everything being done through pre-sales. The management of investment funds has become quite difficult, and this is where#ChatGPT4.0 and its bot creation skills come in handy.

Create your own pre-sale bot now before everyone else has one.

Presale: Current Memecoin Release Trends

Presales are a meta-trend in the current Memecoin launch, similar to IDOs (Initial Decentralized Offerings), where projects raise hard cap funds before launch. You only need to assess the risk and simply invest your funds.

Recent pre-sale cases

Here are some recent pre-sales that have generated significant profits:

BEER Token

This project started the current presale meta trend. Most people ignored it because they didn’t quite believe in its growth, but the token traded 32x after the presale. The market cap reached $500M, and new projects started doing presales afterwards.


The second contender was the $WATER token, which raised a hard cap of 255,706 $SOL. In the end, the market cap reached $1B, 7 times the pre-sale price, but on average everyone sold at 3 times the price.


Another hotly discussed presale was the $BORPA token in partnership with @Memeland. The presale was 340x oversubscribed and everyone earned +5% on their deposit. After the huge gains, investing in the presale became very difficult, so you need to create an AI bot to participate in the presale.

Building a Pre-sale Bot: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Withdrawal function: First of all, your robot should be able to withdraw funds from the exchange. I recommend using OKX. To do this, please contact ChatGPT and make a corresponding task request. Be sure to check the correctness of the code snippet.

2. Automated investment feature: The next step is to create a bot where you can just insert the presale link and it will automatically parse the wallet address and send $SOL there. The AI ​​can easily handle this task and you will be able to participate in all presales with ease. Please make sure to ask#ChatGPTto introduce a variable for inserting the presale link.

3. Investment Amount Setting: Also, ask the AI ​​to create a variable for entering the amount of $SOL you want to invest. The robot will easily automate your task. If you encounter any errors while running the code, this is a normal phenomenon in programming. Just ask the AI ​​to fix them and get a working code. The AI ​​will fix any problems in seconds.

Merge code snippets

Finally, ask the AI ​​to merge the two code snippets to get a complete bot. This way, you will get a bot that can easily invest your $SOL in pre-sales, thereby multiplying your profits.

in conclusion

With this bot, you will never miss any valuable pre-sale opportunities. Act now to create your automated GPT-4.0 pre-sale bot and maximize your profits!

#AI模型 #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 $SOL #chatgpt