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智能 策略库
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PDAs Common bullish signals with 98% accuracy First, if the three yins do not break the yang, you should be optimistic about the strong varieties. Second, one yang swallows three yin, the main force is how strong it is. Third, if it only rises but does not pull back, it is easy for the market outlook to show signs of evil. Fourth, long yin plus long yang, the main force washes the market. Fifth: With the long lower shadow, the probability of counter-drawing is strong. Sixth, two yangs sandwich one yin, and the market outlook is bullish. Learn to think reversely Contrary thinking is an important method in investment. When most people are optimistic, be cautious; when most people are panicked, be decisive. Reverse thinking can help spot anomalies in the market. #PDA.智能策略库🥇🥇 #PDA #WIF #sui #SHIB $PDA


Common bullish signals with 98% accuracy

First, if the three yins do not break the yang, you should be optimistic about the strong varieties.

Second, one yang swallows three yin, the main force is how strong it is.

Third, if it only rises but does not pull back, it is easy for the market outlook to show signs of evil.

Fourth, long yin plus long yang, the main force washes the market.

Fifth: With the long lower shadow, the probability of counter-drawing is strong.

Sixth, two yangs sandwich one yin, and the market outlook is bullish.

Learn to think reversely

Contrary thinking is an important method in investment. When most people are optimistic, be cautious; when most people are panicked, be decisive. Reverse thinking can help spot anomalies in the market.



智能 策略库
When a coin begins to break through upward, if the turnover rate of the positive line of the breakthrough is about 8%, this is a healthy attack volume. Such varieties tend to have good continuous pulls. If the turnover rate is too large, there will be a correction if there are too many retail investors chasing the trend. If the turnover rate is too small, the popularity will fade and it will be difficult to continue to rise.
Following the trend, you need to decisively open a position
When trading, you must remember to open a position decisively with the trend. The middle of the trend is the safest section. This is the essence of trading. Once the order is trapped, don't have any illusions. The only way to save yourself is to cut it off decisively. You can make money back after cutting it off. !

#PDA #热门话题 #BNBChain #BOME $PDA
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