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Every day I look at you, this is a hundred times as much, and that is a thousand times as much. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. She went to town every day to sell mats. Her mats were very exquisite and tasteful! Very easy to sell, always in short supply! But Jane can't weave mats, and neither can Jane's father. Neighbors say that Jane's mother can. There was an old man in the village who made a living by weaving baskets. Once he received a big order and had to work day and night without eating or sleeping. His son felt distressed when he saw it. Finally, the old man couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep. In order to relieve his father's pain, the son made a living. If you feel the burden, help compile it. The old man woke up and saw his son weaving baskets, and he was weaving a lot. He was immediately heartbroken because he had made all the mistakes, failed to deliver the goods, and wasted a lot of materials. He said sadly: My son, you can’t weave anything. Don't make it up. #BOME #sol #ETH #热门话题 #BNBChain

Every day I look at you, this is a hundred times as much, and that is a thousand times as much.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. She went to town every day to sell mats. Her mats were very exquisite and tasteful! Very easy to sell, always in short supply! But Jane can't weave mats, and neither can Jane's father. Neighbors say that Jane's mother can.

There was an old man in the village who made a living by weaving baskets. Once he received a big order and had to work day and night without eating or sleeping. His son felt distressed when he saw it. Finally, the old man couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep. In order to relieve his father's pain, the son made a living. If you feel the burden, help compile it. The old man woke up and saw his son weaving baskets, and he was weaving a lot. He was immediately heartbroken because he had made all the mistakes, failed to deliver the goods, and wasted a lot of materials. He said sadly: My son, you can’t weave anything. Don't make it up. #BOME #sol #ETH #热门话题 #BNBChain

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我有点怀疑我们现在的生活方式是比较反人类的。 远离大自然,远离小动物,阳光下运动很少,千军万马挤上华山一条道,就算不上大学也要义务教育至少九年。 不要小看九年这个数字,古人说寒窗苦读,其实也就是十年而已。而且古人学的就是语文历史政治,而现在的人如果只学语文历史政治,估计也还凑合,无奈数学物理化学地理就能搞死很多人。我没有让大家不要学数学物理化学地理等等学科,我只是说,很多人学这些很痛苦。 然后呢,古人一家孩子众多,除非是达官贵人,其他人家都是放养。不要说古人,就说我爸家,连我爸在内十个兄弟姐妹,夭折了两个,剩下八个的发展真是各自随缘。我爸一个考上大学到了大城市,其他干啥的都有。爷爷奶奶别说管学习,就是管吃喝都快管不过来。所有孩子都是漫山遍野的生长。这样做,成材率确实不高,好处是抑郁症确实少。 到了我们这一代,每家就一两个小孩,父母眼不错珠的盯着,不管是否适合读书,都去挤独木桥。孩子本来就是厨师美容师的料,硬是要考研究生,读书的时候苦,出来更苦,因为找不到工作。我毕业的时候,全国不到一百万毕业生,现在一千万,能找到合适工作的人其实也还是少数。大部分人高不成低不就,可不就抑郁吗?#BTC #ETH #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #Megadrop #BTC走势分析

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