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Don’t you even read the recommended 100x coins? The pattern is bigger and I will show you 100 times more MEME!!! JUP JUP - Jupiter sets LFG launch pad vote for March 4 Coupled with the explosion of the sol ecosystem, Jup's popular currency in the sol ecosystem has not seen much market growth since its launch. The trend has bottomed out and is taking off! Ready for layout! Bonk (Bonk) Powered by the Solana blockchain, Bonk is currently riding the positive wave that meme coins are experiencing. BONK surged 56% in the past session, trading at $0.000021. This surge has pushed its market capitalization to over $1.4 billion, making it the 62nd largest cryptocurrency and, likewise, the third largest currency in the memecoin world. AR Arweave is a decentralized storage platform that has celebrated 3 billion transactions and is preparing to launch a hyper-parallel computer. The platform provides permanent and sustainable storage for a variety of file types with a single upfront payment and can store over 76.15PB of data. Arweave is a blockchain technology designed to provide sustainable on-chain data storage. AR tokens have experienced significant price increases, including a 40% surge in February 2024. This is due to the launch of Arweave AO, a project designed to enhance the scalability and computing power of the protocol. AR prices are expected to continue to rise. #MTC #PEPE #JUP For more free information in Lao Li's circle, click on the avatar and follow Lao Li in Finance. Lao Li releases many bull market strategies every day. Be a free blogger, just to increase your followers! ! !

Don’t you even read the recommended 100x coins? The pattern is bigger and I will show you 100 times more MEME!!!


JUP - Jupiter sets LFG launch pad vote for March 4

Coupled with the explosion of the sol ecosystem, Jup's popular currency in the sol ecosystem has not seen much market growth since its launch. The trend has bottomed out and is taking off! Ready for layout!

Bonk (Bonk)

Powered by the Solana blockchain, Bonk is currently riding the positive wave that meme coins are experiencing. BONK surged 56% in the past session, trading at $0.000021. This surge has pushed its market capitalization to over $1.4 billion, making it the 62nd largest cryptocurrency and, likewise, the third largest currency in the memecoin world.


Arweave is a decentralized storage platform that has celebrated 3 billion transactions and is preparing to launch a hyper-parallel computer. The platform provides permanent and sustainable storage for a variety of file types with a single upfront payment and can store over 76.15PB of data.

Arweave is a blockchain technology designed to provide sustainable on-chain data storage. AR tokens have experienced significant price increases, including a 40% surge in February 2024. This is due to the launch of Arweave AO, a project designed to enhance the scalability and computing power of the protocol. AR prices are expected to continue to rise.


For more free information in Lao Li's circle, click on the avatar and follow Lao Li in Finance. Lao Li releases many bull market strategies every day. Be a free blogger, just to increase your followers! ! !

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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如果你这样子当散户,不出两个月,不翻身你来找我 只需要注意以下几点: 1.四个少玩:少玩短线,少玩合约,少玩土狗,少玩NFT--(不玩最好) 2.四个要:要知道自己在周期的位置,要忽略短期涨跌,要自己学习分析项目基本面,要坚持中长线价值投资。 3.进场时机:尽量参与早期,市值低,无人问津,流动性差,没有上大所的币。卖出时机:大v都在喊单,群里都在讨论,推特都在分析,周线是大阳线并且涨幅过大。总结就是买在无人问津时,卖在人声鼎沸时。 4.玩波段要注意:只玩大波段,小波段忽略掉。举例市值在5百万以下的,周线涨幅超过10倍就要慢慢清仓。市值在5百-5千万,周线涨幅300%以上的也要大量卖出。市值在5千万以上的,周线涨幅200%以上的也要大量卖出,择时低位接回来。 5.关于付费,如果你碰到特别适合自己的博主,可以考虑付菲,专业的人带你玩好很多,只要踏实学习,1-2年后就不用付菲了。有时候抓住一个币就积累了原始本金,改变人生轨迹,免菲的有时候也是最贵的。不要被毒鸡汤害了:只要是收费就是割韭菜。 6.买入一个币之前,一定要问自己一个问题,1年后他还在不在,估计价格会到哪里?如果你没有想清楚这些,不建议参与。 有人欢喜有人忧,还是那句话,如果你来找我,我可以带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好,评论区扣 8 的粉丝,我带你上岸!!! #香港加密货币ETF #Megadrop #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #REZ
5月有很多项目方要嗷嗷发币,使市场原本就脆弱的流动性雪上加霜 1. 昨晚的 REZ 虽然不是第一个发币的质押项目,但好歹在eigenlayer之前发了,还有一点空间,但市值还是会受限于ethfi,ethfi目前fdv40亿左右, $REZ 预期也不会太高,开盘0.3-0.4刀左右 2. IO 原本定于5月初发币,但因为数据被黑客攻击且无法复原,直接开启第二赛季 3. ZKS 四大天王中最后一个,无论是arb、strk等原生L2拉跨的表现,还是zkf、merl等一键发链生成的流水线L2,都让我们明白L2只是资本吹出来的泡泡而已,L2市值高不高不重要,能让资本赚钱才重要 4. ZRO 如果布莱恩没有瞎说的话,L0应该就是5月或6月快照,快照后马上宣布已快照,然后6月出查询 之前3月底如果加了彩票号并且刷了交易额,后面还是要把月活做到底,就算 ZRO 最终空投是坨屎,也要尝尝这个屎是什么味道的,尽人事听天命 5. BLAST BLAST这条链获得了泼天的富贵和流量,但生态还是拉跨,再加上拼多多打法积分被无限稀释,我已经不抱太大期待了,爱给多少给多少 总结:现在的情况是地上的面包屑也要捡起来吃,熬到大牛市。 要让自己活下来。 同时胆子也要大一点。 逐步恢复实时点发放。 现货,五一后有一波机会。 当然,无论现货,还是合约蜜马,点开我头像关注关注,你知道怎么看。(不知道的就评论留言8) 全网真无偿分享策略博主#REZ #香港加密货币ETF #ENA将解锁走势如何 #ETH #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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