If you don’t run now, wait until later. It is said that the reverse day and night in foreign countries also has the advantage of staying up late. Last night at 3:30 in the morning, I looked dizzy in bed, and there was a signal that the risk of a rapid breakout was coming, so I cleared all my spot positions and left the market without leaving a penny. This upward trend has come to an end for the time being. I don’t know whether the bull market is over, but the belated correction of 3.15 has finally come. I decisively took profit on long orders. Although I didn't sell at the highest point, I sold at around the average price of 6.9w. I will escape from the top first. My strategy is to wait until it falls to the bottom and then reverse, then take the chips back. You ask me, am I not afraid of missing something? I'm not afraid. I am only afraid of being trapped, I am only afraid of unexpected losses. Even if I lose a lot of profits today, I don't care. At the high point of the bull market, what I value more is risk aversion. At present, it seems that 74,000 US dollars is indeed a heavy pressure level. Wall Street's trading methods are indeed similar to one of the versions I expected. They fake break through the previous high, and break through not too much or too little. They have just the right amount, and just when the leeks are rushing The fantasy of $100,000 from above is not a dream, and a basin of cold water is poured down to make retail investors calm down.

Next, the contract idea is mainly to short on rallies, but what is high? If you want to know, just join my single group, it is very cheap and the monthly service fee is only 100 oil. It's better than you having another liquidation today. You have to pay the tuition fees, either leave it to me to help you earn it back instantly, or leave it to the cruel market and be cut off by dog ​​dealers. Either come to study and listen to my teachings, or you can operate blindly like a headless fly and have no idea. The tuition is cheaper at only 399. If you don’t believe it, look at it at the end of the month. Time will prove my judgment as to whether I left the market at a relatively high point. I never comment after the fact, and my diaries follow market trends. Readers who have not joined the 399 private board of directors insist on following me. It is only one day later than my position synchronization.

I am playing a big game, and I will give you a spoiler in advance. My trading concept and strategy have been programmed as a foreign exchange EA robot, and the results are being tested. The profit situation is good at present. After stabilization, it will be a blow to the quantitative dimensionality reduction of foreign exchange. After all, there is no need to brag about the Ai artificial intelligence software that came from my mind. When the time comes, let’s talk about the results and make a fortune silently. When the time comes, the foreign exchange friends who want to follow orders will have to queue up and go from Urumqi to Hong Kong.

I’m still a little used to the local rice in Southeast Asia. Yesterday I had a plate of Thai rice noodles with raw vegetables. Why don’t I just poke them with water? The vegetable leaves are all raw. I’m not a little white rabbit. It’s hard to swallow as shown in the picture. pharynx. But the rice noodles taste great! Although there are many motorcycles here, people are very polite. When crossing the intersection, cars will let people pass, unlike in China where people give way to cars. After writing the diary, I will change to a hotel to stay, and I will have a Thai massage first. There are massage parlors everywhere in Thailand. How to distinguish between regular and irregular ones? In fact, it is very simple. If you want to find a regular store, the technicians will be like old ladies. The uglier they look, the more regular they are. If you find a shop full of beautiful women, she will probably take off your clothes with just a few clicks. You may be lucky enough to meet a shemale technician. The shemale's massage techniques are good for being strong and suitable for those with heavy tastes.

I'm so confused that I can't read what I wrote. It's so annoying. It's just money and sex. I'm a serious teacher. Forget it, I can’t teach you everything, lest I teach you bad things. There are too many Bengali girls serving Indian guys next to the hotel. The air here smells weird. Is it a mixture of beer aromatherapy and essential oils? Indian brothers really stick together, and the girls they pick up are also in groups. Do they like to put on a lot of shows? As for what kind of shows are put on at Pattaya Walking Street every night, I can make up my own mind about the popular science Crazy Horse Show. Musk said: Artificial intelligence may be smarter than any individual human next year. The Dogecoin I bought before has been rising well recently, and it has not embarrassed me. Now it has come to an end for the time being. However, sol bucked the trend and held strong. It seems that Korean leeks are indeed strong. Without Luna, you will use Solona instead. It's a pity that I just saw an outing project summit in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Because I booked my air ticket back to China at the end of the month in advance, it was not cost-effective to change the ticket and I almost deducted all the handling fees. I will show you the customs and customs of Vietnam in the future. After all, in Vietnam, I still have friends developing there. We talked a lot today. There won’t be any good market conditions in late March, so everyone should be aware of the risks. Don't get ahead at any time, trade like a sniper, don't take action at any time. Sometimes, the team leader has no tricks to win, and everyone in the web3 world is dissatisfied. . . . . .