Binance Square
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1. If it keeps falling during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night. 2. If you don’t chase after the big rise in the morning, you will fool the Chinese people who got up to take over the market. 3. Buying the bottom when there is a big drop in the morning is to trick the Chinese people who wake up into panic and sell goods. 4. When inserting a very long needle, be sure to stick to the bottom. The purpose of injection is to treat diseases and facilitate growth. 5. There will be a rise before a major meeting, but a fall before the meeting. 6. Whenever there is discussion in the group about which position is the major resistance, then this position will definitely break through. 7. If you buy something recommended by a group of friends, you will definitely be fooled. 8. It is recommended by a group of friends. If you think about it and still don’t buy it, you will definitely fly all the way to the sky. 9. When you place a heavy position and carry orders, your position will definitely be liquidated. 10. When you hit the stop loss on a short position, it will definitely fall. 11. When you get close to getting your money back, the rebound stops abruptly. 12. When you make a profit and exit, a dark horse appears. 13. When you are complacent, the air raid will arrive as scheduled. 14. When you are broke, good coins are everywhere. It makes sense. If others share it, please reprint it for everyone! ! ! #BTC #sol #DOGE​ #SHIB #pepe

1. If it keeps falling during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night.

2. If you don’t chase after the big rise in the morning, you will fool the Chinese people who got up to take over the market.

3. Buying the bottom when there is a big drop in the morning is to trick the Chinese people who wake up into panic and sell goods.

4. When inserting a very long needle, be sure to stick to the bottom. The purpose of injection is to treat diseases and facilitate growth.

5. There will be a rise before a major meeting, but a fall before the meeting.

6. Whenever there is discussion in the group about which position is the major resistance, then this position will definitely break through.

7. If you buy something recommended by a group of friends, you will definitely be fooled.

8. It is recommended by a group of friends. If you think about it and still don’t buy it, you will definitely fly all the way to the sky.

9. When you place a heavy position and carry orders, your position will definitely be liquidated.

10. When you hit the stop loss on a short position, it will definitely fall.

11. When you get close to getting your money back, the rebound stops abruptly.

12. When you make a profit and exit, a dark horse appears.

13. When you are complacent, the air raid will arrive as scheduled.

14. When you are broke, good coins are everywhere.

It makes sense. If others share it, please reprint it for everyone! ! ! #BTC #sol #DOGE​ #SHIB #pepe

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