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K2 community daily inscription section daily update (March 1, 2024) A new exchange sector has been added to the table for better horizontal comparison. There are still many directions to explore for various types of inscriptions. If inscriptions are compared to a new type of Bitcoin, then various protocols are equivalent to different chains, and the first project of each chain is the key goal of the chain. The issuance of new assets is closely tied to the value of each protocol, which is an interesting trend that we need to pay close attention to. Yesterday, #SRC20’s $stamp was launched on KuCoin, becoming the leader of the pack. One of the reasons is that it is supported on okx web3. What makes me think deeply is that as Bitcoin gradually becomes compliant, will Web3 wallets become a new type of exchange in the future? Everyone is trying their best to get a piece of the cake. As Bitcoin compliance progresses, many on-chain giants may be reluctant to get involved, preferring on-chain transactions. This is a period of chaos in the industry, but also a time of opportunity. Inscription may go through the early development process of Bitcoin again and become the lucky one who seizes the opportunity again. Even Doge coins can cause a market craze, why not inscriptions? Next, the emergence of #ierc's decentralized index will inject new energy into this track, and inscriptions will become the blockchain within the blockchain! Hahaha, it’s really a bit imaginative, don’t comment if you don’t like it! Your likes, follows and reposts are the motivation for me to update. Follow bro to not get lost. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to continue the interaction and discuss together #BTC #热门话题 #WIF #BONK #sol $BTC $DOGE $BNB#Ordinals#Inscription #Binance $RATS $AINN $BDIN $MMSS $BIDP $COM $ORNJ $NEWU $MUBI $INDS $DEPD $ROUP $ITNP $ETHS $SOLS $AVAS $COOK $ATOM#ORC#NOSTR#PIPE#DOGI#ETHI#SYNC#BNBS#POLS#TRAC#FANS#AVAV#iercm4

K2 community daily inscription section daily update (March 1, 2024)

A new exchange sector has been added to the table for better horizontal comparison.

There are still many directions to explore for various types of inscriptions. If inscriptions are compared to a new type of Bitcoin, then various protocols are equivalent to different chains, and the first project of each chain is the key goal of the chain. The issuance of new assets is closely tied to the value of each protocol, which is an interesting trend that we need to pay close attention to.

Yesterday, #SRC20’s $stamp was launched on KuCoin, becoming the leader of the pack. One of the reasons is that it is supported on okx web3. What makes me think deeply is that as Bitcoin gradually becomes compliant, will Web3 wallets become a new type of exchange in the future? Everyone is trying their best to get a piece of the cake. As Bitcoin compliance progresses, many on-chain giants may be reluctant to get involved, preferring on-chain transactions. This is a period of chaos in the industry, but also a time of opportunity. Inscription may go through the early development process of Bitcoin again and become the lucky one who seizes the opportunity again. Even Doge coins can cause a market craze, why not inscriptions?

Next, the emergence of #ierc's decentralized index will inject new energy into this track, and inscriptions will become the blockchain within the blockchain! Hahaha, it’s really a bit imaginative, don’t comment if you don’t like it!

Your likes, follows and reposts are the motivation for me to update. Follow bro to not get lost. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to continue the interaction and discuss together #BTC #热门话题

#WIF #BONK #sol $BTC $DOGE $BNB#Ordinals#Inscription #Binance


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K2社区每日铭文板块日报更新(2024年2月29日) 昨天比特币价格飙升,突破了6万美元,对应汇率已经创下历史新高,比特币实至名归!随着市场行情的上涨,新型比特币 $ordi 昨日也一度涨至82美元,势头惊人。关于铭文板块,不多说了,回升的第五天,远未达到炒作高峰,仍有很大的上升空间。很多交易所还未上线这几个月的新型资产,我们作为早期用户,应该感谢生活赋予我们这样的时代,要有对这一切的认知! 我们铭文板块推荐的资产都是相当不错的,希望大家能找到自己钟爱的数字资产。很多人询问如何购买,那么我分享一下我在图中最看好的项目,也是最适合小资金追求高收益的项目 $avas ,雪崩链的首个铭文。按市值公式估算,它的市值应该与 $dogi 相当,但目前 $avas 仅为0.1美元,而 $dogi 已经达到3.2美元!考虑到风险收益比,站在散户的角度上,现在真的是个不错的入场时机。同为首个铭文,而 avas市场交易量甚至超过了 $dogi ,为何市值却低这么多呢?我相信后续会被市场认可,有眼光的可以考虑买入一些,未来或将高价售给机构!这是个绝佳的投资机会。 未来这些首个铭文肯定会得到更多交易所的支持,我们要做的就是耐心等待,抓住在无人关注的时候入场。我敢说,现在已经没有人敢谈论 $avas ,正是入场的好时机! 您的喜欢关注与转发是我更新的动力,关注bro不迷路。欢迎在评论区留言继续互动,一起讨论 #BTC #Ordinals #铭文 #Binance $RATS $AINN $BDIN $MMSS $BIDP $COM $ORNJ $NEWU $MUBI $INDS $DEPD $ROUP $ITNP $ETHS $SOLS $AVAS $COOK $ATOM #ORC #NOSTR #PIPE #DOGI #ETHI #SYNC #BNBS #POLS #TRAC #FANS #AVAV #热门话题 #BTC #arweave #WIF
k2社区每日铭文板块日报更新(2024年2月28日) 突如其来的春风,仿佛一夜之间,千树万树梨花婀娜绽放。市场的神奇之处在于,当铭文板块众人对其失望至极之时,市场却在不经意间迎来了回暖。经历百日的跌宕,却只需一天的涨势,资金正处于涌入的初期阶段。然而,价格已经无法再被抑制,因为普遍而言,铭文地板价已显得极为薄弱。在这样的市场环境中,我们应该如何合理布局铭文呢?我认为,现在仍旧是个不错的时机。铭文不仅仅是追求翻倍的工具,更是为了在市场中重新崛起的利器。它犹如新兴的比特币,而我们选择的原则是专注于每一个协议的第一个。这是因为第一个协议具有稀缺性和共识性,若某个链的第一个协议无法成功,其他新资产也难以有突破。 $SOLS $ETHS $DOGI $AVAS $POLS $FANS $ETHI 等等 $SOLS 和 $ETHS 在短暂的休整后,正准备迎来新一轮的冲锋! $DOGI 由于即将上线OKWeb3,其涨幅也相当可观。同样属于第一个协议的 $Bord $Pipe 和 双T,都展现出不俗的涨势!在币安Web3的第一批铭文中,大部分都经历了不错的涨幅,另外 $Nat 这个铭文表现得也非常出色! 您的喜欢关注与转发是我更新的动力,关注bro不迷路。欢迎在评论区留言继续互动,一起讨论 #Ordinals #铭文 #Binance $RATS $AINN $BDIN $MMSS $BIDP $COM $ORNJ $NEWU $MUBI $INDS $DEPD $ROUP $ITNP $ETHS $SOLS $AVAS $COOK $ATOM #ORC #NOSTR #PIPE #DOGI #ETHI #SYNC #BNBS #POLS #TRAC #FANS #热门话题 #BTC #pepe #Portal #铭文市场 $BTC $ETH $ORDI
k2社区每日铭文板块日报更新(2024年2月27日) 当大饼在半夜突破年内新高时, $ordi 也随之冲锋,这正是铭文牛市回升的第三天,一片繁荣的景象。与此同时,山寨币也开始蠢蠢欲动,仿佛春天的气息已经来临。EVM的铭文( $sols $eths $ethi 等)为代表昨日已经迎来了一波飙升,那么比特币生态何时会迎来飞速发展呢?我将时刻保持关注,随时为您提供最新的行情和动态。 1、有传言称 #Coinbase 即将上线铭文,我将密切关注并提供最新消息。 2、#Bybit 平台与 #UniSat 战略合作,共同打造统一铭文平台。 3、#IERC(分布式索引范式)有望解决"所有铭文赛道"中心化索引的问题,这将有助于逐步规范铭文行业,减少中心化索引平台的不当行为,推动各链上的首个铭文价值得到更为突出的体现! 4、Vitalik公开表达了对L2代码负担过重的担忧,因此基于链上Calldata和分布式索引的 $ETHI 提出的L1.5,以及铭文层L2 $ETHS 有望成为备受关注的交易范式 5、@avascriptions 最新推出的雪崩DeFi铭文 $STRC 在该平台上交易量遥遥领先,并且价格也实现了翻倍。 6、雪崩铭文 $AVAV 将在今晚八点,在 @avascriptions 平台的技术支持下,推出图币协议 ERC404,进军以太坊市场。据悉,AVAV大户和avascriptions平台将共同添加30万美元的流动性! 您的喜欢关注与转发是我更新的动力,关注bro不迷路。欢迎在评论区留言继续互动,一起讨论 $BTC $BNB #热门话题 #UNI #ACE #BTC #ETH $RATS $AINN $BDIN $MMSS $BIDP $COM $ORNJ $NEWU $MUBI $INDS $DEPD $ROUP $ITNP $ETHS $SOLS $AVAS $COOK $ATOM #ORC #NOSTR #PIPE #DOGI #ETHI #SYNC #BNBS #POLS #TRAC #FANS #AVAV #iercm4
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