đŸ€—Web1 🆚 Web2 🆚 Web3

Web1, Web2, and Web3 refer to different phases in the evolution of the World Wide Web.

1. **Web1 (Web 1.0):** This phase represents the early days of the internet, primarily focused on static content. Websites were mostly informational, and user interaction was limited. It was a read-only web where users consumed content but couldn't easily contribute or interact.

2. **Web2 (Web 2.0):** This phase marks a shift towards dynamic and interactive web experiences. Social media platforms, blogs, and collaborative websites emerged. Users could create and share content, leading to a more participatory and user-centric web. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia.

3. **Web3 (Web 3.0):** This is a concept that envisions the next stage of the internet. Web3 aims to provide a decentralized and more personalized web experience. It often involves technologies like blockchain and smart contracts, emphasizing user control over data, increased privacy, and improved interoperability between applications.

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Web1 🆚 Web2 🆚 Web3

Which one would you choose?