-hello blackrock? I have an analysis here at 64000$ la🧐
-Good heavens, did someone find the last part of our project 😨 !!!
- the project to bring it down to 0 to bring it to 1 million in 3 seconds?
-Okay listen guys, target 226k, after a super-mega-hypra-giga uncertain market between 63-67k ok?
- ok and we're going to take advantage of Trump 🦆
- Exactly, FOMO to death until 226k, then
total panic, we're finally going to give them their btc80k, btc64k, even btc 0.7$ , until they liquidate everything at a loss.
-not a single person will have btc at 500k anymore, they will all be bought back massively in stages of descent while investors will sell in panic or by margin call 😅
- Exactly 😈👹 hahahaha (evil laugh)
- 🥵 it's starting to get hot the btc.
seriously, if btc = 60k then it will start a descent because 108k will become a peak of manipulation in a bearish trend, which is one of the concepts of the smm.
👉 btc has a colossal capitalization as explained in the article but also subject to colossal volatility
👉 it would be surprising if it went down that low, but in recent weeks the volatility has increased a lot, varying by 4000 euros in a single day I think, which is mind-blowing for an asset
👉 no one can predict the FUTURE with certainty, and even less the indicators.
👉 Be careful, and do not trade without applying the principles of market manipulation.