Ordinary people should think carefully about buying a car, because from an economic perspective, it really isn't worth it.

Imagine a 150,000 yuan sedan, used for 15 years, with an annual cost of 10,000 yuan, averaging over 800 yuan per month.

Insurance for a year costs about 3,000 yuan, averaging 250 yuan per month. Adding fuel costs, assuming 800 yuan per month.

Excluding tolls and parking fees for now, just these three items alone cost about 2,000 yuan per month, which amounts to 24,000 yuan a year.

If we deposit that 150,000 yuan in a bank, calculating with a 2% annual interest rate, the annual interest income would be 3,000 yuan.

Calculating this way, buying a car results in a net loss of 27,000 yuan in one year.

An ordinary family can earn about 100,000 yuan in a year. If they spend over 20,000 yuan on a car, it really doesn't seem worth it. Just think about it, once you buy a car, you have to maintain it, buy fuel, pay for insurance; it all costs money, real cash!

Moreover, nowadays there are buses, subways, and taxis available, which are very convenient! Waiting for a bus or transferring is just a matter of moments. Cars, while convenient, can also add to traffic congestion.

Of course, if there are special circumstances at home, like needing to travel long distances frequently or having a large family, then buying a car can be quite beneficial. But overall, ordinary families need to consider carefully before purchasing a car.

So I believe that ordinary families really don't need to buy a car. I hope everyone can think rationally and make careful decisions. What do you think?