How to view the bull market

In a bull market, there is usually a phased rotation, with Bitcoin usually rising first, followed by other mainstream cryptocurrencies, and finally altcoins.

Bitcoin's recent one-day increase is 7-10%, which is quite rare in the market, because Bitcoin's market capitalization is very large, and such a large increase in one day requires considerable capital inflows.

This can indeed be seen as a sign of the early stages of a bull market, indicating that the first half of the bull market is about to begin.

The typical flow of the first half of a bull market is usually that Bitcoin leads the rally, followed by mainstream cryptocurrencies, and finally altcoins start to rise independently.

Currently, we are in the first stage of the first half of the bull market, with Bitcoin leading the rise. Ethereum, as the leader of the mainstream currencies, is expected to catch up with the gains in the future.

If you currently hold Bitcoin, you may consider continuing to purchase the Ethereum/Bitcoin trading pair, or firmly hold your existing position.

Bitcoin’s independent rise is a sign of market health. It means the market has increased confidence in Bitcoin and is usually accompanied by incremental capital inflows.

The rise of Bitcoin requires a large amount of funds, while other currencies, except for mainstream currencies such as Ethereum, are mostly competing with existing funds.

As the big pie (Bitcoin) stabilizes, other mainstream currencies will catch up, which will be the beginning of sector rotation. Through this sector rotation, you can earn additional currency-based returns.

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