What humble things have you done because you were poor?

When I was 20 years old, I had a conflict with my family and decided to move out alone. My mother promised me one night and gave me 2,000 yuan.

Although the money was not enough to pay for rent, I found an abandoned shipping container that became my temporary home. Life was hard and I used torn magazine paper to keep warm.

Solving the problems of eating and going to the toilet became my next challenge.

Finding a small restaurant solved the problem of eating, but going to the toilet became a problem for me. Eventually I discovered that the owner of a small restaurant lived in the hotel and had a simple room on the second floor, so I asked him if he could provide me with two meals a day and use of the bathing facilities upstairs.

The boss readily agreed, and I became his helper from then on.

While working in the restaurant, I looked for other opportunities to make money. I got to know some people in the cryptocurrency community and got into the cryptocurrency community by advising them. At the same time, I helped the elderly in the surrounding residential areas, chatted with them about housing issues, and gradually established a network of contacts. I also helped retrieve a big boss’s lost dog and received a generous thank you fee.

Half a year later, my mother found me and I made up some unfortunate circumstances. After learning about my determination to live independently, my father gave me 100,000 yuan. This money became my capital to embark on the journey to the cryptocurrency industry. I found my own way of survival, and through hard work and unremitting exploration, I successfully made it to where I am today.

Now, looking back on the hardships of those years, it has become a joke in my life.