Have you ever bought BTC at over 3,000 yuan or ETH at over 100 yuan? I have. But I cleared my positions at 32,000 yuan and 1,200 yuan. I bought spot again after the 5.19 slash in the following year. I basically didn't play before 3.12 because of the bear market in 2018-2019. At that time, I opened a store in China to make braised rice. I was busy like a dog every day purchasing vegetables and various seasonings to make braised food. It was that day when the capital market plummeted across the board that I started to enter the market.

I buy spot with only one rule, I don't buy during the daily correction, I only wait for the weekly adjustment. Basically, I only buy spot twice in a big cycle of 4 years, one is the lowest point of the bear market (one month before the last 75 basis point interest rate hike), and the other is the low point of the weekly adjustment in the bull market cycle. The rest of the time is basically all contracts.

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