Now many people may be confused in the market again. They are confused by the market crash at night and the market pull during the day.

At present, the main focus is on the trend of BTC. If BTC breaks through the 61,500 position, it will continue to rise. This is a very critical position in the bottom area. Those who want to buy the bottom should wait and don’t do it. Because I can’t see an upward trend at present.

The bottom is not so easy to copy, but you can find some obvious funds involved, enter the market with a small position, and make a test order. For example, AAVE EIGEN and other tests

Follow me and click on the avatar to read the introduction. The timing and strategy of buying the bottom will be announced in the small circle

#加密市场急跌 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 $AAVE $EIGEN $BTC