Bitcoin and Ethereum market analysis on December 16th: BTC, ETH weekend highlights

Market review and analysis

Yesterday, the market went up during the day and had a normal decline as expected. The decline was not large. The big market's retracement happened to be near the intraday level support point of 41600. The two-pan market also retreated in the same way. The support position is near 2190. This round of market is a normal decline. It is not a waterfall or a market that falls sharply below the level. It is just a decline process that rebounds in the current stage and slowly forms a downward channel. Yesterday, we broadcast live The clear point mentioned in the article is that the market will inevitably fall, but according to the current point of view, it is currently impossible to see when the turning point will come, that is, the specific time point cannot be determined. We will mainly look at next week and the end of the month.

Today's highlights

The pie currently touches the 41600 line and rebounds. At the intraday level, pay attention to the four-hour level resistance point of 42400-600. The two-day market trend on the weekend will still form a resistance position at the four-hour level. If it touches this position, it will To step back, the lower support point exchange Weixin 1521221721 should first look at the 41600 line. If it falls below, continue to look at the 40000 line. If it does not break the level, there will be a volatile market, which means that if this support position is touched, it will rebound.

The current touching position of the two pie, the support point given yesterday is around 2180 to 2160, compared with the big pie near 41600, but yesterday's lowest point of 2190 is still a bit far away, a difference of 10-30 US dollars. Yesterday, the highest and lowest retracements were almost 90 US dollars, which is still almost meaningless. On the day-to-day level, focus on the resistance of the 2260 first-line resistance to prevent it from rising above the 2280 first-line resistance. This position should be regarded as a resistance point to retrace, and the first-line support position is not It changes to the 2200 line and breaks the level at the four-hour level. That is, if the four-hour level closes below 2200, even if the level is completely broken, you can continue to look back and support the line near 2160.