Binance Square
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The 100x coin has appeared, and I have already bought the bottom! While you are still doubting the authenticity of the information, I have already entered the market. Although the villa is not yet close to the sea, I hope it will come true this time. You may think I am bragging, after all, you will think I am bragging even before the results come out. But looking at Binance’s most successful projects, AXS has increased by 1,646 times, MATIC has increased by 1,104 times, and at least CTSI has also increased by 116 times. Who could say at the beginning that AXS would become a 100x coin? You might think he's bragging, but the truth is it's increased a thousand times. So in this circle, don’t think with inherent thinking, as your cleverness will be misled by your cleverness. There is no guaranteed profit in investment. If you are right, there will be a villa close to the sea. If you are wrong, you will only lose a little. Here is a summary of some analysis about ACE, you may want to take a look: The total circulation is 147 million coins, with an initial circulation of approximately 22 million coins. Project popularity: 1.1 million followers on Telegram and 700,000 followers on Twitter. Token allocation: 15% for team, 21.6% for ecological funds, 22.5% for investment institutions, 31% for reward pool, 5.5% for cooperative marketing, 3.4% for airdrops, and 1% for OKX Jumpstart. Investment institutions: A US$6 million seed round of financing completed in June 2023, led by Binance Labs and FunPlusGames. Project introduction: Fusionist is a 3A-level GameFi metaverse game product, which is supported by financing from Web2 game manufacturers FunPlusGames and Binance. Endurance is a blockchain launched by Fusionist and is compatible with EVM wallets. By storing user achievements and actions (BOAT) on the chain and minting ACE tokens, it provides players with gold income, similar to the model of the ImmutableX game chain. Main highlights: Binance investment, simultaneous listing of Binance/OKX, the world's top two exchange IEOs, high social media attention, and the team has certain background and strength in the gaming industry. Comparison project: Bigtime Market price: 0.65U Listed on exchanges: OKX, Coinbase, Binance Contract Listed Highest increase: 68 times Total number of tokens: 5 billion Full circulation valuation: approximately US$3.31 billion Current circulation: 150 million, circulation market value: 1.01 100 million Comprehensive comparison: Both Bigtime and ACE are AAA-level masterpieces created by professional teams, and both have received financing support from top institutions. Binance financing projects are more popular in the market, but Bigtime’s financing amount is higher.Taken together, the backgrounds are not much different, they are all new coins in the 3A chain game sector. In terms of tokens: ACE has launched the IEOs of Binance and OKX at the same time, which is very popular and has obvious advantages. Bigtime has not yet listed Binance spot. Comparing the circulation market value/circulation ratio, Bigtime’s circulation volume is about 3% and its market value is US$100 million; ACE’s initial circulation is about 15%, which is 5 times that of Bigtime. The reasonable market value should be US$500 million. ACE estimated price is 22.7U. [Estimated price = estimated circulation market value/circulation volume] This is some professional analysis about ACE, I hope it will inspire you. Learn moreView pinned #IEO #BTC

The 100x coin has appeared, and I have already bought the bottom!

While you are still doubting the authenticity of the information, I have already entered the market. Although the villa is not yet close to the sea, I hope it will come true this time.

You may think I am bragging, after all, you will think I am bragging even before the results come out. But looking at Binance’s most successful projects, AXS has increased by 1,646 times, MATIC has increased by 1,104 times, and at least CTSI has also increased by 116 times. Who could say at the beginning that AXS would become a 100x coin? You might think he's bragging, but the truth is it's increased a thousand times. So in this circle, don’t think with inherent thinking, as your cleverness will be misled by your cleverness. There is no guaranteed profit in investment. If you are right, there will be a villa close to the sea. If you are wrong, you will only lose a little.

Here is a summary of some analysis about ACE, you may want to take a look:

The total circulation is 147 million coins, with an initial circulation of approximately 22 million coins. Project popularity: 1.1 million followers on Telegram and 700,000 followers on Twitter. Token allocation: 15% for team, 21.6% for ecological funds, 22.5% for investment institutions, 31% for reward pool, 5.5% for cooperative marketing, 3.4% for airdrops, and 1% for OKX Jumpstart. Investment institutions: A US$6 million seed round of financing completed in June 2023, led by Binance Labs and FunPlusGames. Project introduction: Fusionist is a 3A-level GameFi metaverse game product, which is supported by financing from Web2 game manufacturers FunPlusGames and Binance. Endurance is a blockchain launched by Fusionist and is compatible with EVM wallets. By storing user achievements and actions (BOAT) on the chain and minting ACE tokens, it provides players with gold income, similar to the model of the ImmutableX game chain. Main highlights: Binance investment, simultaneous listing of Binance/OKX, the world's top two exchange IEOs, high social media attention, and the team has certain background and strength in the gaming industry.

Comparison project: Bigtime

Market price: 0.65U Listed on exchanges: OKX, Coinbase, Binance Contract Listed Highest increase: 68 times Total number of tokens: 5 billion Full circulation valuation: approximately US$3.31 billion Current circulation: 150 million, circulation market value: 1.01 100 million

Comprehensive comparison: Both Bigtime and ACE are AAA-level masterpieces created by professional teams, and both have received financing support from top institutions. Binance financing projects are more popular in the market, but Bigtime’s financing amount is higher.Taken together, the backgrounds are not much different, they are all new coins in the 3A chain game sector.

In terms of tokens: ACE has launched the IEOs of Binance and OKX at the same time, which is very popular and has obvious advantages. Bigtime has not yet listed Binance spot. Comparing the circulation market value/circulation ratio, Bigtime’s circulation volume is about 3% and its market value is US$100 million; ACE’s initial circulation is about 15%, which is 5 times that of Bigtime. The reasonable market value should be US$500 million. ACE estimated price is 22.7U. [Estimated price = estimated circulation market value/circulation volume]

This is some professional analysis about ACE, I hope it will inspire you.

Learn moreView pinned


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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大饼以太蓄势待发!揭秘六月潜力币黑马,带你稳抓牛市黄金机会! BTC本轮回调已宣告结束,月线成功触及上升线支撑并企稳,预示着第二轮上攻的号角已经吹响。我们的目标直指历史新高,这一波,让我们共同见证比特币的辉煌! 以太坊站在以太坊的十字路口,我们看到了多重利好的曙光。ETF的推进、生态的繁荣、正向通缩的开启、质押工具与数据的丰富等,都预示着以太坊下半场的强势。此时,只需耐心等待,静待花开。 市场热点 AI、游戏、MEME、公链、质押、RWA等仍是本轮牛市的明星叙事。它们之间的轮动节奏依然活跃,掌握这一节奏,就能在市场中游刃有余。 大方向判断市场整体趋势向上,每一次大涨后的回调企稳,都是新的上车机会。牛市里的每一次下跌都是在送钱,当然它很反人性,因为下跌的时候大家大多都是在抱头鼠窜,急着下车,把割肉当止损,那么这里有一个诀窍,牛市再血腥的下跌都是暂时的,都会回来的,怎么跌回去就怎么涨回来,然后新高、回落、横盘、反弹、再新高这个顺序来几波,所以牛市躺平坐过山车对绝大部分小伙伴来说都是很好的事情。 不要错过这些黄金点位,它们将带你驶向财富的彼岸。策略建议: 切记不要频繁换仓。多年的牛市经验告诉我们,那些轻易丢掉底部筹码、盲目追涨的人,往往会在牛市中损失惨重。只有坚守初心,等待风来,我们才能在市场中收获满满! 最近,我正在关注一个备受多方机构青睐的币种,它拥有庞大的用户群体和市场关注度。我相信它有可能成为六月山寨币市场中的领军者,实现翻倍的预期。对于这个策略密码,我将在我的粉丝社中与大家分享。 如果你对这个策略感兴趣,欢迎点击我的头像关注我,留下999,你负责躺赢,剩下的交给我。 接下来我会在置顶公布下一个十倍币潜力币!瞎猜不如把握! #山寨季何时到来? #BNB走势 #BTC走势分析 $NOT $PEPE $BB
今日特朗普的“封口费”案再次牵动了全球的目光 出乎众人意料的是梅尔坎法官宣布陪审团将于美国东部时间下午4:30解散,既未作出裁决,也未留下任何陪审团记录。这一消息如同一颗重磅炸弹,瞬间引发了各方的热议与关注。 特朗普总是以他独特的魅力和坚定的意志屹立不倒。他执政四年间,美国经济迎来了罕见的高涨,失业率降至历史新低。他敢于挑战传统,反对严格的防疫政策,为民众带来了更多的自由与希望。 而更为关键的是,特朗普对于加密货币的支持,无疑为这一新兴领域注入了强大的动力。他看到了币圈的未来,也看到了它对于全球经济格局的潜在影响。因此他坚定地站在了加密货币的一方,为这一领域的发展提供了强大的支持。 但今日审判的未决结果,无疑给特朗普的支持者们带来了些许的忐忑与不安。在市场上,特朗普的关联代币TRUMP也经历了一场短暂的波动。凌晨时分受到未决判决的影响,TRUMP的价格一度下跌至9.28美元。但随后市场似乎又重新找回了对特朗普的信心,TRUMP价格迅速回升至14.12美元,24小时涨幅达到了0.75%。 尽管特朗普的审判结果尚未揭晓,但人们对于这位前总统的支持与信任并未因此而动摇。 欲想了解更多,关注置顶,牛市策略布局,分享各种潜力神币,只为涨粉,不做牛市的陪跑者,只做牛市的胜利者! #Trump #meme板块关注热点 #BTC走势分析 $NOT $ETH $SOL
币安璀璨的项目黑马MANTA ——牛市巨大潜力的神币   MANTA,这座在以太坊之上傲然崛起的L2生态系统,宛如一颗璀璨的星辰,为EVM原生的ZK应用照亮了一片新的天地。它以其卓越的可升级性和低廉的gas费用,为ZK应用的部署铺平了道路,同时也为开发者们带来了前所未有的便利与激情。 在波卡多的众多L1链中,Manta Network以其ZK序列的极致速度傲视群雄。它通过zkSBTs技术引入了可编程的标识和认证,为Web3世界注入了新的活力,引领着行业向前迈进。 Manta Network的创始团队,汇聚了哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、Algorand等顶尖学府的精英。他们凭借丰富的经验和深厚的专业知识,共同构建了这个充满潜力的项目。更令人瞩目的是,这个项目得到了币安实验室、Polychain Capital、DCG、Alameda等众多顶尖Web3投资机构的鼎力支持。这无疑是对Manta Network实力和前景的最好认可。 在此之前,MantaNetwork的幕后英雄——p0xlabs研发团队,已经凭借卓越的技术实力,成功获得了Polychain Capital的2500万美金融资。以其独特的魅力和无限的可能性,吸引着越来越多的关注与期待。 一、模块化数据可用性:Celestia的引领之力 Celestia作为MANTA的重要基石,负责高效处理每笔交易的呼叫数据。将海量数据精准传达至Manta Pacific,从而大大降低了在Manta Pacific上处理每笔交易的成本。 二、无权限智能合约:Solidity的智能之光 在Manta Pacific上,项目开发者可以充分利用与EVM环境完美兼容的Solidity智能合约进行部署。这一特性使得开发者能够轻松构建出功能丰富、安全可靠的智能合约,为各类项目提供强大的技术支持。 三、通用电路:ZK应用的创新之源 Manta Pacific的通用电路为开发人员提供了一片广阔的天地,使他们能够构建出支持零知识ZK的应用。提供了丰富的预编译ZK电路,适用于DeFi、GameFi、身份识别等多种使用场景。开发人员可以根据自身需求,轻松调用这些电路,构建出独具特色的ZK应用。 四、zkEVM证明:加密级别的安全守护 在Manta Pacific中,zkEVM证明技术,利用零知识证明对交易进行批量验证,达到了加密级别的安全性。这一技术的引入使得Manta Pacific在保障交易安全的同时,也大大提升了交易的效率。用户可以放心地在Manta Pacific上进行交易,享受安全、便捷的交易体验。 在未来,MANTA作为以太坊二层优质赛道的佼佼者,其市值增长空间依然巨大。在牛市后期,我们有理由相信MANTA能够增长到50亿市值。就目前的价格来看,MANTA无疑是一个值得长期关注的优质项目。  $MANTA #MantaRWA生态

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