The turning point of the cryptocurrency world has come! Three important data of Bitcoin have been released. This indicator is on the verge of its limit. What happened?

Sui and DYDX epic updates are coming, what kind of surprises will there be this time?

When will the next wave of good news for People and Fet come? Let’s follow Shuqin to find out~

The first thing is the bull market issue that everyone is most concerned about, and the following indicator is the basis for all bull markets, which is the US dollar money supply M2.

As long as there is enough money in the market, pigs can fly to the sky, so in 2020 and 2021, Bitcoin soared from 4,000 to 69,000. During the bull market in 2017, the US dollar M2 also skyrocketed.

Coincidentally, the big bear market in the cryptocurrency world in 2018 and 2022 was also related to the sharp drop in M2, so the money supply can really invisibly affect the general direction of Bitcoin.

Back to this cycle, M2 has seen a turning point since 2023, and the US dollar in the market has continued to rise. Hey, did Bitcoin just start to rise from this time? It rose from 18,000 at the beginning of last year to 73,000 this year.

So to know whether Bitcoin will continue to rise in the future, you only need to understand the future supply of M2.

Now that inflation is falling and unemployment is rising, the Federal Reserve also cut interest rates by 50 basis points early this morning, which was more than expected. At the same time, the balance sheet reduction will end this year and will gradually move towards quantitative easing. Coupled with the various economic stimulus policies of the new leader after the election, there is no doubt that 2025 will be a big bull market.

Therefore, short-term uncertainties will not affect the subsequent bull market in the cryptocurrency market, and smart money tends to make low-price investments before the bull market starts, rather than taking over after the market takes off next year.

For example, the Bitcoin ETF has seen a long-awaited sustained inflow of funds, and demand has increased significantly.

Currently, a total of 57 billion US dollars of Bitcoin has been purchased. You should know that there are only 21 million Bitcoins in total. Wall Street will buy them all and they will become increasingly scarce, so there is really not much time left for retail investors.

Another powerful explosion point in the cryptocurrency circle recently is the S&P 500.

If you look at the trends of Bitcoin and S&P, you can’t say they are completely consistent, they are exactly the same, so the future trend of S&P will have a huge impact on the currency circle.

Did you see that? The S&P is now hitting its historical high for the third time, and it is still bottoming out, so a breakthrough is only a matter of time, and then it will start a new round of major upward trend.

Therefore, once the S&P breaks through, Bitcoin will also rise and usher in a huge market trend, so the start of a bull market may be just around the corner.

Okay, after talking about the overall market, let’s take a look at the situation of each small currency.

First of all, Sui ushered in another huge benefit.

That is, it has reached a cooperation with USDC and became the first Move-based public chain to issue native USDC. This will bring huge funds and transaction volume to Sui.

As we reported last Friday, Sui was included in the Grayscale Trust Fund, allowing Wall Street funds to enter the market, so it seems that American capital is very interested in Sui. That is true. The current market value of the new generation of public chains Solana and Ton is already very large, so Sui, which has a smaller market value and faster speed, has become the second choice for many investors.

However, this coin still has the old problem. Only 26% of its tokens have been unlocked, and three-quarters of the coins are still being unlocked and sold, so you have to pay attention to this. Anyway, I don’t like this type of unlocking.

In addition, DYDX, which has been silent for a long time, is also about to undergo a qualitative change.

It will launch a prediction market based on the original perpetual contract, which is a bet on real events such as election results or football match goals. This is a very popular track.

Therefore, if DYDX launches a prediction market, it may have a second spring. Those who are interested can pay attention to it.

Then some people asked me when the two coins People and Fet will become popular again after all the good news has been released and they have been in a correction for so long.

Well... there is no rush. The general election will be held on November 5th, so People will start to run wild in mid-to-early October, and then will completely lose its heat by early November. By then, you must sell all your stocks and never touch them again, because the election will be over by then, and there will be no political topics to hype, right?

The next wave of positive news for Fet, or the AI ​​sector, will be Nvidia’s financial report on November 26th. Everyone should pay attention to this time point.

As for the short positions of People and Fet, I had already asked everyone to take profits before the sharp rise on Tuesday. The profits happened to be taken at a relatively low level, and I was very happy.

At the same time, our long Bitcoin orders opened at 58,000 performed well, rising all the way to more than 60,000. I even emphasized the support of 57,500 on Monday's show. As long as it is not broken, it will continue to rise. And Pepe, which we have arranged in the past few days, also soared 10% today. I am really happy.

So we don't rely on luck when trading cryptocurrencies, but use professional data and layout hot spots in advance. Those who are interested in daily operations can take a look.

OK, let's get back to the topic. Now there is another very important data, I wonder if you have paid attention to it.

The difficulty of Bitcoin mining has broken its historical high again, reaching a terrifying 398 Z, or 92T, and the computing power has been increasing.

The mining cost has reached nearly 60,000 US dollars due to the halving of output, which has also provided invisible support for the currency price. Since Bitcoin is not created out of nothing, there is a cost for mining each one, which is about 58,000 US dollars.

In addition, there has been a significant reversal in the flow of Bitcoin within major exchanges.

The previous green selling pressure of 70,000 gradually turned into a hoarding mode, making Bitcoin in the exchange increasingly scarce.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, the S&P 500, which is closely related to the cryptocurrency world, is about to break through, so now the cryptocurrency world is really ready for everything, except for a ray of east wind!