The daily status of Super Trend is worth looking forward to! Historically, the number of times this indicator has worn out rarely exceeds 6 times in a row. Now it is about to appear for the 7th time. As the number of times the trend wears out increases, the probability of a strong trend will become higher and higher!

Today's daily line can close above 61800, which is a key signal!

If it stands up, you can expect a new round of bullish trend. If it can't stand up, it is entirely possible to turn to a bearish trend.

Small-level structures can be ignored. Just keep an eye on the daily line to find a breakthrough or reversal structure and prepare to lay out a trend order.

Explain the principle of continuous wear of trend indicators. If you have done transactions related to trend tracking strategies, you will find that when the trend strategy starts to stop losses for many times in a row, strong trend markets and large profits will come more easily!

This is essentially derived from the accumulation of momentum after the market range oscillation. The saying "the longer the horizontal, the longer the vertical" means this.

My idea is to keep an eye on the closing price performance of the daily line near 61800. If the price breaks through significantly, then turn to the long side and make a trend long order. If the price retreats significantly away from 61800, then turn to the short side and make a trend short order.

If the daily closing price is stuck in a small range around 61800, stay alert and make a slippery move. The next wave of trend will not be small.

#币安上线NEIRO #加密市场反弹 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期