Now the only thing that can save the cryptocurrency market is that the cryptocurrency market itself takes the initiative to fall?

Expected a 25% interest rate cut, but it didn't, bad news📉

Expected a 50% interest rate cut, but it was 25%, which was not in line with expectations, bad news📉

Expected a 25% interest rate cut, but it was 25%, which was in line with expectations📉

Expected a 25% interest rate cut, but it was 50%, which exceeded expectations, and it opened high and closed low📉

In the long run, interest rate cuts are good news, but in the short term, if the interest rate cut is too large, it may cause panic in the market. Many institutions and individuals will speculate whether the United States is at risk of economic recession, whether the economy is not doing well, and trigger a series of chain reactions, that is, the stampede caused by the butterfly effect!

#币安上线NEIRO #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期