In the field of digital currency, there are three stages that you need to go through to achieve profitability:

1. Early stage: This stage is usually the novice stage. Many people cannot make much money and may face losses.

At this time, investors have just begun to contact the market and often lose money through experience and trial and error.

2. Mid-term stage: At this time, investors begin to stabilize their investment beliefs. Although the returns may still be small, they gradually form their own trading rhythm and strategy by summing up experience and lessons.

3. Mature stage: At this stage, investors have certain strategies, timing and discipline, and luck will also have an impact on the results. At this time, it is possible to achieve significant wealth growth.

There are very few people who can really achieve huge returns in the first cycle, and most people may not be able to stick to the end after experiencing a loss of principal.

While in an up cycle everything looks favorable, during a down cycle many investors feel confused and frustrated.

Therefore, when the market is flooded with information, the most important thing is to stay calm and not be affected by short-term fluctuations.

You should focus on developing a good mindset, discernment, and focus to be successful in the long run.

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