Brother, there are still 3 hours before the critical moment. The possibility of a 50 basis point rate cut is relatively small. I personally think that the probability is 25 basis points, and the probability of no cut is also relatively small.

The best performer in the market is gold. The potential possibility is that the economy is in recession, otherwise the logic of gold rising so much is puzzling. So the possibility of a 25% cut and a 50% cut next time is relatively high. The reason why they have held on until now is actually partly because they want to blow us up. On the other hand, except for stocks and real estate, we are a little weak, and the rate is well maintained. So don't complain that the currency circle is not rising, it's useless. We have to stand in the overall situation and can't protect everything at the same time.

If the interest rate is cut by 50 basis points at a time, some people will think that there is something wrong with the US economy. Of course, for the world, everyone hopes that the interest rate gap will not be too large.

The Fed's three-year interest rate target should be 2.6%. So from the Fed's perspective, the interest rate cut window is currently open. He still hopes that the interest rate will be high for a period of time, and the extent of the interest rate cut should be delayed, the slower the better, rather than opening the mouth wide at the beginning. #美联储何时降息? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #BTC走势分析 #cpi $BTC $ETH